13th Law: Failure And Success Are Predictable


Unbreakable Laws of Sales

It’s not hard to make a decision when you know what your values are. – Roy Disney

People court failure when they fail to plan

The age-long saying, ‘‘He who fails to plan, plans to fail’’ comes to mind when I talk about the 13th unbreakable law of sales. Success takes a sequence, so is failure. Success does not just happen; it takes a deliberate process to succeed. Failure takes its own sequence too. It sets in gradually, until momentum for failure is gathered. Failure happens when the wrong choices are consistently implemented without a change.

Success often comes with a price

Salesmen who fail are the folks who do not follow the precepts that lead to accomplishment. Success comes with a great price but most people want to be successful without paying the price. The path to success follows defined principles. Once success principles are ignored, then failure sets in.

The choice is yours!

Confucius rightly stated, ‘‘The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.’’ The path you decide to follow in life is your choice. It’s up to you. It’s your call to decide your fate. You are in charge of your life’s journey. You must be prepared to follow the path that leads to success because no one succeeds by just wishing for success; you succeed by taking actions. And you don’t just take actions; you take the right actions at the right time.

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Your choices determine your results

The choices you make in the journey of life are very important to the journey. They determine what happens in your life. They determine the direction and destination you will embark on.

Your business life is directed by the decisions you make. Your personal life is controlled by the choices you approve of. The choices you make in life determine the real you more than your abilities. Expression of your ability starts from the choices you make. Your actions and inactions are as a result of the choices you made. Our choices inspire our ambitions. They energise the ability to pursue our dreams. Once you are passionate about your choices, the motivation and strength to achieve great things will increase. You must be guided properly because success and failure are predictable.

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You determine your destination before setting out

Successful people define their destinations at the beginning point. They define their vision and mission at the beginning of the journey. The path to success requires concerted efforts. Those who make this effort usually succeed.

It is also true that we all owe ourselves the responsibility to make choices – the choices that lead to success or the ones that lead the opposite way. The wrong decisions will likely lead to the wrong actions and the wrong actions will definitely end in the wrong results. This is a natural sequence.

The right choice propels ability

J.K. Rowling says, ‘‘It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.’’ This is true because when you make choices, they ignite the zeal to pursue the things you want to achieve. Your abilities do not stand alone. You are required to support your abilities with the right choices.

Right or wrong choices affect your final result. It does not matter the level of your strength or ability. Successful people achieve more by taking the right decisions. Average people might have enormous strength but fail in the area of ability to make the right choices.

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Successful people are guided by two things: goals and principles. Goals define their drive; principles determine their values and serve as guide.  Defined goals give successful people direction, while principles tell them how to go about what they want. Live a life of goals and principles.

The salesman needs to develop the capacity to think on his feet. He should have the capacity to think on the go; thinking smartly without prior notice. The salesman who has the ability to make the right choices efficiently is the ideal salesman. He arrives at the best decision within the shortest possible time. He saves his employers and customers enormous resources by taking the best decisions at the most suitable time. It is your duty to design the way that will lead you to success and the best time to start is now!


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