25th Law: Happy Salesman…Happy Customer…Happy Company


Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. – Henry Ford

Happiness is the real deal

The last chapter of the book, ‘‘The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales’’, talks about happiness. Life’s real purpose is to be happy. Everyone wants happiness. The businessman wants to be happy. The buyer and the seller want to be happy. The lecturer and his students want to be happy. Shareholders of every company want a good business environment in order to be happy.

Brian Tracy- endorsed speaker and training consultant
George O. Emetuche

A responsible government works hard to satisfy citizens so that all the stakeholders will be happy. Happiness is the real deal. I am yet to see someone who sets out to bargain for himself the things that will lead to unhappiness, except in an abnormal situation.

Purpose defines direction

Everyone gathers for a purpose. The salesman has a purpose for working in the first place. He wants to take care of his personal and professional needs; maybe work in a competitive environment that will help him build a successful career in order to meet up with his aspirations.

The company has set goals. The company wants to attain its vision and mission. This is the reason organisations gather the best workforce to help them achieve these goals. The customer’s dream is to be happy. He wants to do business with the company that will guarantee peace of mind. He also wants to get the best deal whenever he buys from the company. The customer wants to buy the best product at the best possible offer from the company that gives him the best deal.  Everyone has a defined purpose and these purposes give direction in business and in personal life.

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Accomplishment begets happiness

Humans are rational and emotional beings. Folks act for a reason. Individuals seek to protect themselves wherever they find themselves.  Every man is looking for the best deal that gives a sense of security.

Abraham Maslow’s 1943 Theory of Human Motivation (Hierarchy of Needs) enumerates what motivates a man at different levels of his life and status. Maslow enumerated a five-stage model:

First stage: Biological and physiological needs. These are basic life needs – air, food, clothing and shelter. They are needs for human survival. They are thought to be the most important. They should be met first before any other.

Second stage: Safety needs. They include protection (personal and financial security), health and well-being, order, law, etc.

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Third stage: Belongingness and love needs. These are needs for interpersonal relationship. They are: family, affection and relationship.

Fourth stage: Esteem needs. These are needs to feel respected. They includes the need to have self-esteem and self-respect. They are: achievement, status, responsibility, competence, self-confidence, independence and reputation.

Fifth stage: Self-actualisation. This refers to a person’s full potential and the actualisation of that potential. It comprises personal growth and fulfillment.

Maslow believes that when a lower need is satisfied, the next higher stage becomes the new need. Conversely, if the things that satisfy the lower needs are swept away, we are no longer concerned about the maintenance of our higher needs.

This theory is ideal for the thoughts I want to explore here. Everyone has a need to satisfy as I explained earlier. The company has a need. Salesmen have their needs too, same with the customer. The coming together of the stakeholders in any business is to ensure that various needs are attended to.

Successful companies perceive their workforce and customers as assets that are needed if they must get to their destinations. Success in this context is a collective responsibility. The salesman contributes to the success of the company; the business cannot grow without customers and efforts of the salesman. The company also has it as a duty to ensure that all the stakeholders are delighted. This is how everyone becomes happy.

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Create an ambience of happiness

No matter the side of the divide you belong, your duty is to ensure that you make other parties happy. Create a happy environment wherever you find yourself. Make this a way of life. Happiness is infectious. Ensure that you carry the aura of happiness everywhere you go. Happiness attracts goodness. People flock around happy people. The happier you are, the more you attract good things around you. Successful people create a happy environment.

Please get the books by George O. Emetuche: The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales, The Selling Champion, The Art of Sales, The 11 Irrefutable Principles of Success and Everything is Possible, from: Pharmanews Vendors, Laterna Bookshop, Oko Awo Street, Victoria Island, Unilag Bookshop, Jumia, Vog & Word, Osata Supermarket, Opebi, Ikeja, CSS Bookshop, Broad Street, Lagos, Victory Drugs, Festac, Terra Kulture Bookshop, Tiamu Salvage Crescent, Victoria Island, Bible Wonderland, Alaka, Surulere, Glendora Bookshop, Ikeja Shopping Mall, CIBN Bookshop, Banker’s House, Adeola Hopewell, Victoria Island, Jed Mega Stores, De Palms, Lekki, Hub Mart Outlets, etc.


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