What do you know about Long-acting Depot Injection?


Which of the following products are presented as a long-acting depot
1 ❏ risperidone
2 ❏ prochlorperazine
3 ❏ quetiapine

ONE or MORE of the responses above is (are) correct. Decide which of the responses is (are) correct. Then choose:
A if 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B if 1 and 2 only are correct
C if 2 and 3 only are correct
D if 1 only is correct
E if 3 only is correct


  1. The answer is D, and the winners are:o’can and 8th Avenue.
    The three products listed are all examples of antipsychotics, with risperidone
    and quetiapine representing atypical antipsychotics. Long-acting depot injec￾tions of antipsychotics are particularly useful where compliance with oral treat￾ment presents a problem and the patient is not stable. Risperidone is available
    as a depot injection. Quetiapine is available only as tablets, whereas pro￾chlorperazine is available as an injection but is not a long-acting depot

    Feldene Melt tablets can be administered by asking the patient to either place
    The three products listed are all examples of antipsychotics, with risperidone
    and quetiapine representing atypical antipsychotics. Long-acting depot injec￾tions of antipsychotics are particularly useful where compliance with oral treat￾ment presents a problem and the patient is not stable. Risperidone is available
    as a depot injection. Quetiapine is available only as tablets, whereas pro￾chlorperazine is available as an injection but is not a long-acting depot


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