Top Natural Remedies For Folliculitis


One of the most uncomfortable, embarrassing and stressful aesthetic problems you may ever come across is folliculitis.

Medical specialists define folliculitis as the inflammation or infection of the hair follicles that are present everywhere in the human body. This means that you can develop folliculitis on your scalp, genital/pubic area (penis, scrotum or groin for men, vagina or vaginal area for women) leg or legs, armpit, buttocks, nasal area or face. It is quite a common condition and even dogs can develop it (known as dog or canine folliculitis).


Some of the symptoms of folliculitis you could experience are- a mild itch, burning sensation and, of course, the characteristic little red pimple-like bumps. The causes can be: shaving, profuse sweating, wearing tight-fitting clothing, Demodex mite infection, going into a swimming pool or hot tub that has not received proper chlorine treatment, having HIV or diabetes, having a wounded area infected, or wearing makeup, to name a few of the factors that cause folliculitis.

If you have acquired this condition by any means, you are probably asking yourself “Is folliculitis contagious”? Most of the time folliculitis is not contagious, but the infection might be spread by sharing a hot tub or a razor with an infected person.

There are cures and forms of prevention available for this condition. Below are the natural remedies for folliculitis as highlighted by Doctor Health Press:

Avoid Untreated Hot Tubs / Swimming Pools

As swimming pools, hot tubs or whirlpools that have not been adequately treated with chlorine are one of the main causes for folliculitis, it is natural that one of the most relevant tips for preventing and treating this condition is avoiding them. Make sure that if you have to get into a hot tub or swimming pool that it is professionally treated with chlorine. Nevertheless, if you have the possibility, stay away from them altogether.

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Coconut Oil

Like in many other situations, coconut oil is simply delightful as a home remedy. In the case of folliculitis, virgin coconut oil is praised as being one of the best natural solutions available. Virgin coconut oil usually comes in a solid form, so you will need to heat it up so it can melt. After allowing it to cool down a bit, directly apply the liquid coconut oil to the problem area with folliculitis and let it set. Repeat this remedy daily for the best results.


One of the oldest and most inexpensive solutions for skin conditions is represented by neem leaves. You can either boil a handful of neem leaves and use the water to rub on the infected area or use the juice extracted from them to do the same thing. If you want fast results, try to apply the neem leaves treatment two to three times a day.


As one of the best natural antibacterial agents in nature, garlic is definitely a solution for getting rid of folliculitis. In addition to this, it also has anti-inflammatory benefits that work great for this condition. It is encouraged that you incorporate more garlic into your diet so you can benefit from all of its healing properties. In order for this remedy to work, you should eat about three or four cloves of garlic every day. It might not offer the most romantic aroma, but it will help you fix the problem.

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Loose Clothing

Because tight clothing is a leading cause for irritating the skin and resulting in folliculitis, it is obvious that you should try to avoid it as much as possible. Instead of wearing leggings, tight jeans, lacey undergarments or any other kind of material that could irritate your skin, opt for loose pieces of clothing that will not suffocate your body. You will feel infinitely more comfortable and your skin will be clean and folliculitis free.

Antibacterial Soap

Maintaining excellent hygiene is a must if you want to stay far away from folliculitis. Make sure that you wash your body and specifically the affected areas as often as possible, using a potent antibacterial soap. Make sure that you do not heavily scrub the infected skin to cause more irritation, and use warm water.


Many anti-folliculitis products contain oatmeal, so it is understandable why this ingredient would act as a great home remedy for this disease as well. Instead of purchasing a cream with the oatmeal extract from the drugstore, prepare an oatmeal bath that you can soak in to benefit from its properties. Not only will it be heavenly relaxing to enjoy, but it will also naturally cure your folliculitis.


One of the most well-known and popular home remedies for folliculitis (and a wide range of other diseases, for that matter) is turmeric. To get this home remedy right, add one teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of water and allow it to dissolve. Alternatively, you can dissolve the turmeric in milk. Repeat two times a day for quick and pleasing results.


Of course, vinegar was on our list, it is almost impossible for it not to be. Both the superhero apple cider vinegar and white vinegar are constantly praised for helping out individuals suffering from folliculitis. One of the best ways you can apply vinegar as a folliculitis solution is by mixing one part of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with two parts of lukewarm water. Take a clean cloth and soak it in the solution, afterward using it as a compress to apply to the irritated skin. Gently press the cloth for five to ten minutes on your skin. This solution is also known to help eliminate scars.

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Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is the mother of home remedies and it is a wonderful home solution for folliculitis, owing to its powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It will help you out with the itching and burning symptoms of folliculitis and it also promotes the natural healing of your skin. You should extract the gel from a leaf of aloe vera and apply it lightly on your infected skin for around a quarter of an hour. When treating folliculitis, it is encouraged to repeat the solution three times daily.

Change Bed sheets often

Remember what we said about personal hygiene being imperative for folliculitis healing? One of the best ways to achieve flawless hygiene is to change your bed sheets as often as you can. By often, we mean that even daily if possible. It might seem like a drastic measure but just think about all of the sweat, dust and dirty particles trapped in your sheets every night and your skin constantly rubbing against it for hours on end. Think twice and take this remedy into consideration.



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