AHAPN tasks members on compliance with PCN standard on compounding


The Association of Hospital and Administrative Pharmacists of Nigeria (AHAPN) national has urged every hospital pharmacist to conform to the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria’s minimum standards for drug compounding.

The national body of the hospital pharmacists, which disclosed its resolution from the 18th annual scientific conference in a communiqué signed by the National Chairman, Pharm. Martin Oyewole and the National Secretary Pharm. Jelili Kilani, insisted that all pharmacists in the hospital must return to compounding of pharmaceutical products considering its advantages of access, affordability and cost effectiveness.

The document reads in part: “All compounding shall be carried out using documented standard operating procedures (SOP) and under the direct supervision of the pharmacist”.

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It further stated that hospital and administrative pharmacists should embrace continuous education and learning to meet global changes and emerging challenges.


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