BNSc may become operating licence for nurses by 2015 – NMCN


 (By Temitope Obayendo)

Do you know that the nursing profession in Nigeria seems set for a major transformation, as its governing body, the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN), has called on all nurses who are yet to obtain their Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNSc) degree to get enrolled for the programme? This is because BNSc may become the operating licence for nursing practice from 2015

Dr. (Mrs) M. D. Ekiran, a lecturer at the Department of Nursing Science, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, made this disclosure at the scientific workshop of West African College of Nursing (WACN), Lagos/Ogun branch, held at the Conference Hall, Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba, Lagos, from September 24 to 27, 2013.

Delivering the keynote address of the 4-Day workshop, titled, “Sustaining the Pride of Nursing in Nigeria: The Way Forward”, Ekiran highlighted some cogent steps to be taken in order to enhance the pride of nursing as a profession, among which upgrading of educational standard of nurses comes first.

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While acknowledging that Nigerian nurses are faced with lots of professional challenges, she urged them to make extra efforts in pursing higher degrees in the profession, stating that there are many advantages in pursing nursing continuous education and obtaining their BNSc and even masters in nursing.

Other steps in advancing the pride of nursing, according to her, include performing nursing researches to improve the practice, involving in evidence-based practice, embracing computer literacy, improving the care delivery system, projecting the nursing image within the public and mentoring colleagues in the profession.

Justifying the essence of pursuing higher degrees in the profession, the nursing lecturer noted that there are several opportunities for nurses who would be determined to study wide. Some of the benefits include: acquisition of more knowledge, being placed at par with other medical professionals, getting job opportunities even outside the country, and having no reason to worry, should BNSc become the required licence to operate in the nearest future.

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In his own contribution, medical director, Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba, Dr. Raman Lawal, expressed his delight with the founding fellows of the WACN, who made the scientific conference a reality, saying that gone were the days when nurses were only seen at patients’ bedside, without opportunities for making significant contributions.

The MD, who described nurses as the windows of the medical practice, charged younger nurses to emulate the good examples of their leaders, by advancing their knowledge in the practice as well as making scientific contributions where necessary.

Speaking with Pharmanews at the conference, Mrs F.F. Salami, chairman, Local Organising Committee, said the essence of the conference was for nurses to improve their image, stressing that nursing is a recognised profession worldwide, and nurses have been globally acclaimed to be empathetic educators, counsellors and confidants, adding that WACN desires the same reputation to be reproduced in Nigerian nurses.

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“We have heard a lot of complaints about our nurses, and the only way we can bring about this attitudinal change is through such forum like this,” she stated.

She therefore advised nurses across the country to improve upon the quality of care they render to their patients, as this would boost the recovery of patients, as well as create cordial relationship between nurses and patients for future interactions.




  1. is it possible for nurse to have initials e.gNr Clara or Nr Bose before their names at least for those who have completed their university education

  2. You accepted some candidates with social sciences results and they have successfully graduated from school of Nursing, now, for them to further their studies, you compelled them to provide their sciences, don’t you think this is demoralizing?
    Secondly, why is it difficult for you to upgrade our certificate?. Why does it take years for some schools to release their certificates?, why are some candidates compelled to go to Abuja and pursue their certificates and Licenses?

  3. Top of the day to you all. How do i get enrolled fir the BNSc. This is a well channeled avenue for me and for great Nurse who had not had their degree. I really appreciate you all. Thanks

  4. Thanks for enlightenment. If BNSc is becoming that, how come some of us are not allowed into d conventional uni? Open uni is giving us 5yrs to topup our carrier even after we have spent 4yrs to obtain RN/RM. Is it fair? Does it mean our Nursing cert doesn’t carry any weight at all?

  5. It is a good advice to give to nurses iro furthering their education so as to remain relevant in the profession. however, I must say that that advice is not achievable nor attainable if conditions surrounding it are unfavourable. for that goal of higher education to be achieved,
    1. Nursing schools should be upgraded to colleges and be registered with the University Commission.
    2. the course modules of these schools should then be tailored in such a way to offer top-up courses to attain BSN degree with a maximum period of 2 years.
    3. if school of nursing is three years, then all schools should comply and not keep students beyond 3 years.
    4. All post-Basic courses should be converted to Masters Degree courses because they are specializations.
    5. there should be lesser time frame (6 months maximum depending on the country) for adaptation nurses trained abroad and payment should be made to them for their services at least before they are fully absorbed.
    6. Nurses who obtained their BSN or other certificates overseas should be accepted into the system. it is the duty of the NMCN to verify their certificates ensuring that they got it from a school accredited by the country they studied in.
    7. if truly healthcare is patients centered, then health policies, facilities, infrastructures and caregivers should be developed towards such.
    8. Nigerian Nurses in diaspora who find it worthy to return to Nigeria and establish great goals in nursing should be encouraged if not, we’ll keep having brain drains and keep complaining that there is no growth in the Nigerian Nursing.
    9. males as much as females should be accepted into courses of the choice. e.g. allowing males who so desire, to do midwifery. this profession should no longer be one gender-based. encourage males to enrol in nursing programs.

    I should stop here for now but I do hope that this message gets to who it should get to.
    make changes, stop waiting for changes.

  6. is a good idear, but why will a nurse spend 4years to obtain a BNS after spending 3-4yrs in d basic programe? does it mean all dis years is equevalent to jamb? d only reason why nurses fail to further their education is becos of d period u spend after obtaining ur bas
    ic cert. u mst fight for that first if nurses are to further their knwledge.

  7. your suggestions are very nice,what are the faith of people who have undergone schools of nursing and midwifery or other post-basic school.why making live difficult for your professional colleagues.please you officials of nursing council should look into this matter.please look in to the challenges of being a Nigeria nurse


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