CPFN unveils kingdom secrets forenlargement to Christian pharmacists


For Christian pharmacists across the country to enjoy the fulfilment of the prophetic declaration for 2013, as “the year of enlargement”, the Christian Pharmacists Fellowship of Nigeria (CPFN) has said discovering the secrets for enlargement, and abiding by them is key.

Speaking at the February breakfast meeting held in Lagos, Pharm. Umanze Cornelius, who spoke on the topic “Kingdom secrets for enlargement”, stated that man originally was created by God to live a prosperous life, but this was cut short, as a result of the sin committed in the Garden of Eden, as seen in the holy writ,Genesis 2:7-15.

He further explained that enlargement therefore will mean a return journey, a reversal or repentance, and turning from sin to live the way God wants man to live. “All that have been prescribed in the Bible as the way and manner the Christian should live constitute the kingdom secrets for enlargement.”

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Umanze, who is the AGM Research and Development, Alpha Pharmacy, urged all Christian pharmacists to locate their positions in Christ and return to the author of success, for them to achieve real success in all their endeavours.

According to him, secret one is for pharmacists to live in conformity with the word of God and contrary to the corrupt systems of the world, adding that they should not be Sunday Sunday Christians, but they should be Christians indeed (Rom.12:2).

The second kingdom principle is the establishment of the kingdom of God, here on earth, through the preaching of the gospel, and helping the poor.

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He listed secrets four and five as asking for enlargement, and service to God. On asking for enlargement, he cited the case of Jabez in 1 Chronicle 4:10, how Jabez prayed to God to enlarge his coast, and change his circumstances, and God answered his prayers.

He also admonished pharmacists to create time out of their schedule, to render acceptable service to God, stating that it has eternal rewards, hereafter.

Umanze further called on Christian pharmacists to lend to the Lord, by assisting the needy in the society, because, “whoever lends to the poor, lends to the Lord” (Proverbs 19:17).

Having highlighted the principles to kingdom enlargement, he stressed the need for pharmacists to be obedient to the totality of the word of God, stating that there are innumerable blessings accruable from this simple act of obedience to God and his word.

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He however frowned at laziness as an attitude, stating that no pharmacist must give laziness a chance in his or her life, because laziness is a curse. Rather, he encouraged them to embrace diligence at work and in all their endeavours, because the hand of the diligent makes him rich.


  1. Happy to be in touch with by this newsletter. What you do in Nigeria is important for us here in DR Congo, now we must share more by christian pharmacists fellowship from our two country
    I love you ask you to accept my best wishes for 2015


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