Expert Describes Diabetes as Leading Cause of Amputation, Infertility


A medical expert has identified Diabetes Mellitus as the leading cause of amputation and infertility in the society today.

Speaking at the 9th edition of The Panel, an annual retail business summit, organised by Pharmalliance at Classique Place, Oregun, Lagos recently, Dr. Akinyele Akinlade, consultant endocrinologist, Lagos General Hospital, disclosed that no matter how unrelated problems that take patient to clinic are, diabetes should never be ruled out.

 Consultant Endocrinologist, Lagos General Hospital
Dr. Akinyele Akinlade,

“A huge number of people have diabetes without even knowing it. Diabetes is the leading cause of death in our patients today. In 2015 alone, it was reported that 14.2 million people were affected in Africa.

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“About 5 million of those people are from Nigeria. It is the 4th leading cause of death in adult. That is to further prove that it is higher than tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS combined,” he stressed.

Akinlade explained that where a woman is suffering from infertility, diabetes should not be ruled out. He added that the same can equally be said of a man suffering from impotence.




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