Knowing More is Selling More


In my book, The 11 Irrefutable Principles of Success, I talked about the “Principle of Assimilation”. The level of your ‘‘knowledge reservoir’’ is a function of what you have taken in overtime. The more you invest efforts to develop the inner-you by assimilating the right information, the better you become. Your performance in any setting is a function of the things you know. Performance sets you apart in the sales world.

How are you developing yourself? How many books have you read – books that will equip you to do better in your industry? How many capacity-building events have you attended this year? Do you believe in personal development? Who is your mentor? Where do you spend most of your time? Who do you spend your time with? You need to sit down and provide answers to these questions because they define the real you.

Brian Tracy- endorsed speaker and training consultant
George O. Emetuche

Knowledge distinguishes you

It is natural that when you develop competence, you advance in what you do. Today’s competitive and advanced world is waiting for people who are proficient in what they do. A salesman who displays expertise in his job is likely going to be on top of his game. Buyers would naturally flock around the salesman who knows more and speaks more about his product. Buyers buy from smart salesmen.

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A salesman’s proficiency in product knowledge and market information is a function of the salesman’s ability in seeking information that will enable him advance in these areas. A salesman who has more market information in a given environment and under the same circumstance would have miles of advantages more than his less informed competitors. Buyers buy from experts. People buy from salesmen who have shown reasonable level of dependability. Developing capacity is one of the ways that ensures trust in what you do. The more you increase in knowledge and ability, the more you attract people to your side.


What you know is your reality

Salesmen and other professionals should not wait for their employers before enrolling in activities that will expand their knowledge. This aspect is vital because I have seen professionals make this mistake. What you know becomes your reality. You are appraised by what you know. Employers assign employees to various positions as a result of the level of their knowledge and performance abilities. Buyers buy more from the salesman who has more capacity and knowledge of his product and environment. You limit yourself when you don’t have information about your environment. Industry knowledge is a necessity in sales. You should know what happens around your industry to be abreast with market information. Sales superstars are researchers. They always look out for vital information.

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Knowledge is a commodity

The things you know have direct link to the things you can do. Your knowledge will later translate to aptitude. You only give out what you know. Knowledge is truly a commodity. Organiations look out for folks who are highly skilled and performance-driven to buy them off – from their places of work! Knowledge is a product everyone wants to buy.

The place of knowledge in the world of performance is always noticeable. The man who is knowledgeable in his calling always stands out in the crowd. People notice outstanding individuals. Top performance is usually conspicuous. You are what you do. Onlookers are more interested in observing your performance than listening to your beautiful speeches! It is better to perform more and talk less than to talk more and perform less. What distinguishes two individuals in a competition is the ability in each of them. The more the ability, the more chances you have to excel.


Knowledge makes you an “intrepreneur”

Think and work like an intrepreneur. The intrepreneur is an individual who sets himself apart because of his level of commitment. He goes all the miles to get things done. He is not the owner of the business but he is innovative and brings in new things that will bring about better results in the organisation.

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The truth is that the intrepreneur wouldn’t have been able to do much if he had not been prepared from the beginning. The intrepreneur’s drive is a function of the things he deposited within him overtime. You cannot do more than you know. If you want to do more, you have to know more. If you want to sell more, get ready to know more.

Please get Books by George O. Emetuche: The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales, The Selling Champion, The Art of Selling, The 11 Irrefutable Principles of Success and Everything is Possible, from:

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