Newly Discovered Ebola Virus May Not Cause Severe Disease in Humans


Experts from the University of Kent’s School of Biosciences have provided evidence that a newly discovered Ebola virus may not be as deadly as other species to humans.

The new Bombali virus was discovered in bats in Sierra Leone and has also now been reported in bats in Kenya. To date, it was unclear whether the Bombali virus may be pathogenic to humans.

The study titled “Is the bombali virus pathogenic in humans?” was published in the journal Bioinformatics.

Dr Mark Wass and Professor Martin Michaelis, authors of the study, developed a computational approach to compare the amino acid sequences of virus proteins to identify positions that determine whether a virus causes disease in humans.

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Newly Discovered Ebola Virus May Not Cause Severe Disease in Humans
Newly Discovered Ebola Virus May Not Cause Severe Disease in Humans

Their finding showed that certain positions in the VP24 protein of the Bombali virus are identical to the Reston virus, another member of the Ebola virus family that is not pathogenic in humans.

It also showed that it is consistent with the origin of the Bombali virus, which was isolated from fruit bats that were cohabitating with humans in houses and other populated areas. Although this makes human contact highly likely, no disease outbreaks have been reported

Dr Wass said: “Based on our findings, it does not seem likely that the Bombali virus causes severe disease in humans. However, we need to be careful as we know that a few mutations may change this and result in another Ebolavirus that poses a threat to humans. Hence, Bombali virus evolution should be carefully monitored.”

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