Pharmanews World Pharmacists Day 2020 Webinar is Live!


-With loads of freebies for participants

Pharmanews Holds World Pharmacists Day 2020 Webinar
Event banner

In commemoration of the World Pharmacists Day 2020, Pharmanews Ltd is organising a webinar on 25 September with the theme: “Pharmacists transforming global health”.

The Webinar, will be featuring Dr Dan Orunwense, chairman, Committee of Heads of Pharmacy in Federal Tertiary Institutions, who will be speaking on the theme of the programme. While Pharm. Victoria Etuk, a public health practitioner, will be speaking on the subtheme: “The role of young pharmacists in transforming global health”.

Other side attractions to the virtual event are loads of giveaways to participants who will answer our quiz correctly.

Link to join the programme will be available on our Facebook Page: @PharmanewsLtd and also on our website: at 12 noon on that day.

NIROPHARM has no rift with PMG-MAN, WAPMA – Asuni

Pharmanews had its maiden virtual celebration of the global event in 2019, via Facebook Chat with thousands of pharmacists and pharmacy students in attendance.

For this year’s event, we are advancing from ordinary chat to live video chat on our Facebook page, @PharmanewsLtd.

The programme is sponsored by Elbe Pharma Nig. Ltd, producers of Amatem Softgel,  Daravit Forte, Visita Plus, Neoskin, Amalar Tabs, among others.






  1. Question 28
    Answer: Pharmanews Pansite of the year – Emembolu Izukanne from Unizik

    I’m Luqman Waliyullah, 09093842798
    I’ve not been putting phone number in my previous entries

  2. Answer to question 1
    5 products from Elbe Pharmaceuticals
    Amatem Forte soft gel
    Neoskin cream
    Visits plus cream
    Daravit forte


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