PhotoScribe Technologies upgrades their LMC and LMF lasers for pharmaceutical manufacturing


The world’s leading developer of custom laser solutions, PhotoScribe Technologies, has launched upgrades to their LMC and LMF lasers, specifically for the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.  Solving the need for reliable, high quality marks on caplets and tablets, both laser systems are ideal for large-scale production lines. The consummate solution for the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) compliance, PhotoScribe’s laser marking solutions make tracking easy and reliable from manufacturing floor to the end consumers.

LMF and LMC series lasers provide traceability when packaging is being marked with UID (unique identification), branding of pills with logos, and do not use any consumables, making integration of the laser cleaner and more cost-efficient. With the upcoming DSCSA compliance serialization deadline in November 2017, the pharmaceutical industry is converting to full traceability methods, lasers like the LMC and the LMF, provide solutions to multiple pharma needs.

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The LMC laser is exceptionally rapid, with the ability to mark on the fly at the rate of up to 410,000 pills an hour with dual laser head usage. The LMC is exceptional for drilling as well, particularly for fast and slow time release of medication. A CO2 laser, available in either air or water-cooled versions, it has a fully sealed design providing superior performance and reliability.

The LMF-UV, a new UV marking laser specifically designed for caplets and tablets, produces a very high resolution with laser sensitive additives, multilayered coatings, and caplets marking. The technology provides nearly perfect beam quality and exceptional stability over the operating range for highcontrast, low damage marking. The LMF-UV spot size can go down to 5 microns in diameter, for crisp, high resolution marking.

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David Benderly, CEO of PhotoScribe, says, “We continue to see growth and acceptance of lasers which establish them as the tool of choice in the pharmaceutical industry, replacing older marking technologies. The most exciting development is the availability of affordable UV lasers, enabling very high resolution marking without the thermal impact of more commonly used infrared lasers.”

For more information about the LMF and LMC lasers in pharmaceutical manufacturing, contact PhotoScribe directly at 800-746-8672, or use the contact form on the website. For press inquiries, contact Pietra PR at or call 212-913-9761.

About PhotoScribe Technologies:

Founded in 1998, PhotoScribe Technologies is based in New York, with offices in Minnesota and Germany. Global leader in the development of laser systems specializing in micro-marking, micro-manufacturing and microfabrication, PhotoScribe Technologies creates turnkey systems across medical, pharmaceutical, security, jewelry, packaging, and automotive industries, amongst others. Innovating solutions in customer laser development, the company has become the international “go to” for tailored solutions across the photonic, laser and “micro” spaces. PhotoScribe Technologies can be contacted via email at or by calling 1-800-7468672.



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