Prof. Erhun Clinches 2019 May & Baker Professional Service Award


Prof. Wilson Oyekigho Erhun, a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) and former dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) has been declared winner of the 2019 May & Baker Professional Service Award in Pharmacy.

The award, presented during opening ceremony of the 92nd Annual National PSN Conference, held on 5 November, 2019 at the International Trade Fair in Kaduna.

Erhun had his secondary school education at St Peter Clavers College, Aghalokpe; Government College, Ughelli and Federal Government College, Warri, Delta State. He is a 1978 Pharmacy graduate of the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) and holds a Master of Science degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1980) and another Master of Business Administration (1992) from Obafemi Awolowo University.

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Interestingly, the pharmacist was the first holder of a Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacognosy awarded by Obafemi Awolowo University (1984).

One-time Executive Secretary of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (1991/92), Erhun has also served as editor-in-chief of Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy. He was coordinator of the first Group Dynamics Session of the PSN National Conference held in Kaduna in 1992.

He has served either as chair, coordinator or member in many committees of the PSN (National) including Communique; Scientific Sessions of PSN National Conference, Research & Documentation and the Education Committee where he currently serves as Adviser.

Prof. Erhun Clinches 2019 May & Baker Professional Service Award
Prof. Erhun (Left) receiving the May & Baker Award Plaque

Erhun has also been honoured with Fellowship of West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacists (1994); Fellow, Nigeria Academy of Pharmacy (2014); Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants (2018) and Fellow, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (2019).

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Over the years, the May & Baker Professional Service Award in Pharmacy has become a flagship professional award in the pharmaceutical landscape in Nigeria.

The May & Baker Professional Service Award aims to reward excellence and innovation in the practice of Pharmacy in Nigeria. The award carries a prize reward of N500,000, plus a passage allowance to enable the winner attend the National Conference of PSN to receive the award.

Every eligible applicant is expected to be a financial member of the PSN.

Prof. Erhun Clinches 2019 May & Baker Professional Service Award
…posing with the dummy for the May & Baker Professional Service Award

Applicants should include relevant evidence of whatever claims they may have concerning their achievements for verification and must appear before the award selection committee to clarify some of the claims.

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Among other things, the committee scrutinized the credentials for elements of integrity, leadership positions held in pharmacy, academic and professional qualifications, innovations in the area of practice, professional/academic performance, philanthropic activities and service to humanity outside pharmacy.




  1. Please do the same promotional as i read for M and B for my committee pfizer award of excellence… Looking forward…. For this…
    Mrs peters of neuropsychistry hospital yaba won the pfizer AHAPN award and pharm jubrin of osbud pharmacy kaduna ACPN pfizer awsrd for 2019.
    Pharm ngozi Okoronkwo..
    FPCpharm secretary pfizer award of excellence committee.


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