Speak Out, Don’t Destroy Crucial Rape Evidence -Agency


The Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency has advised sexual assualt victims to speak out to enable actions to be taken against perpetrators of the dastardly act.

In a statement issued in Lagos on Thursday, the agency also urged survivors to break the culture of silence.

“Survivors are not alone; help is available. By speaking out and taking action, we can work together to end sexual assault and create a safer community for all,’’ it stated.

According to the agency, sexual assault is a traumatic experience that can leave survivors feeling lonely and unsure of what to do next.

It advised victims to take certain steps after being abused.

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“Do not bathe or change your clothes as preserving evidence is crucial for a successful investigation. If your alleged perpetrator used a condom and you have it, do not destroy it as it can be important evidence in a suit.

“Immediately seek medical attention at a designated health facility to address any injury and preserve evidence. Report the assault to the police as soon as possible,’’ it advised.

Sexual assault is an act of violence that is by definition against the victim’s will. The victim is forced to submit to genital, oral and/or anal sexual acts and often due to aggression, abuse and degradation.

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Based on reports, it is an emotionally charged issue with medical, social, political and legal undertones.



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