Studies Validate Ginger as Natural Remedy for Diarrhea, Gastrointestinal Problems


Ginger ale has long been a popular home remedy for diarrhea and stomach discomfort. It is not the carbonation that fights stomach pain, though — it’s the ginger.

Research increasingly points to the value of ginger as a natural diarrhea remedy. Herbal practitioners have long used ginger to prevent muscle spasms. This property of ginger can reduce the frequency of urges to have a bowel movement, and can ease the pain of diarrhea.

Western medical practitioners are now interested in the role ginger can play in preventing gastrointestinal problems, including morning sickness, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and nausea.

Fast facts on ginger for diarrhea:

Ginger is rich in a variety of beneficial plant chemicals called photochemical.

Ginger may also relieve other gastrointestinal problems, such as food poisoning.

Ginger is unlikely to cause serious side effects.

Ginger root and powder

The relationship between ginger and diarrhea

Ginger has long been popular as a natural treatment for a range of ailments.The anti-diarrhea benefits of ginger likely come from phytochemicals.

Researchers, holistic practitioners, and various doctors have suggested some ways ginger might help with diarrhea. Those include:

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Changing muscle spasms in the lower digestive tract to help the body flush out the source of diarrhea.

Preventing chills due to illness.

Changing the behaviour of specific neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that help the body send   nerve signals.

Fighting infections associated with diarrhea.

Treating chronic causes of diarrhea and stomach pain, such as ulcers and acid reflux.

Research on ginger dosage

A 2017 study attempted to assess at what dosage ginger becomes toxic to rabbits and rats. The highest dose the animals received was 5,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight, but none of the animals died or experienced serious side effects.

While research on animals is not always applicable to humans, this study offers preliminary evidence that ginger may be safe.

How much ginger to eat per day

The best way to take in ginger is in its natural form. Taking processed ginger supplements may pose a danger as some supplements may be contaminated, inconsistent, or of poor quality.

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However, most sources recommend people consume no more than 4 grams (g) of ginger per day. Pregnant or breast-feeding women should consult a doctor before supplementing their diets with ginger.

Try starting with 1 g or less per day, then gradually raising the dose. Carefully monitor symptoms and check for side effects. As with any supplement, the safest option is to use the lowest effective dose.

So if diarrhea disappears with 0.5 g of ginger, there is no need to increase the dose.

Research on ginger and diarrhea

Various studies have found that ginger may help to treat diarrhea.

Sudden, severe diarrhea may be due to bacteria called Escherichia coli (E. coli). Other infections, such as listeria, may also cause diarrhea. A limited body of research suggests that ginger might be a natural remedy for these infections.

A 2015 study assessed the ability of ginger and garlic to fight listeria and E. coli in a petri dish. Both spices slowed the growth of these bacterial infections.

A 2007 study on mice found that ginger reduced the severity of diarrhea caused by E. coli.

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A 2011 study of guinea pigs suggests that ginger may change the behaviour of neurotransmitters and other chemicals linked to gastrointestinal distress, including nausea and vomiting.

Research published in 2012 found that ginger could prevent or reduce diarrhea in pigs.

Other gastrointestinal benefits of ginger

Ginger may do more than just relieve diarrhea.Studies have found that ginger can address gastrointestinal problems including:

morning sickness

motion sickness and sea sickness

nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy

nausea after surgery

food poisoning

Should you eat ginger for diarrhea or IBS?

Ginger is safe and well tolerated, which means there are few risks associated with using it for stomach pain or diarrhea. Even studies that do not support the use of ginger to treat stomach pain find few or no adverse effects.

Research does not support the use of ginger to treat IBS. However, a 2014 study of ginger for IBS noted more negative side effects with a placebo than with ginger.

Medical News Today



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