The Pharmacy technician in the health care system


Roles, Responsibilities and Challenges

The Pharmacy Technician obviously plays a definite role in providing pharmaceutical care to the patients. This role often expands in the face of personnel inadequacy in the healthcare delivery sometimes up to the point he/she is the sole provider of pharmaceutical care. Whatever the level and scope of responsibility, it is imperative that this cadre of pharmaceutical care-giver   is provided with continuous  training necessary for  effective performance and to  update their skills for effective delivery of care.

 Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, the participants will:

  • Be aware of current trends in Pharmacy Technicians’ roles
  • Update their extemporaneous preparation skill
  • Have increased productivity through a better understanding of Team-dynamics
  • Upscale their inventory and logistics management skills
  • Communicate much better
What is Happening to the NDDG?

Programme Content

  •                 The Emerging Roles of the Pharmacy Technician.
  •                 Pharmaceutical Calculations and Extemporaneous Preparations.
  •                 Essentials of Drug Inventory Management.
  •                 Effective Communication and Collaborative Skills
  •                 Practices in Care Delivery.
  •                 Essential of Patient Care
  •                 Pharmacy Logistics.
  •                 Understanding the Health Care Team dynamics
  •                 Self-Management competencies.


For Whom:  Pharmacy Technicians                                        

Investment Value:  N80,000.00

Date:  November 8-10, 2016


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