Three Hearty Cheers as Pharmanews Clocks 38, Gives Maiden Edition Free


Following the remarkable feat of 38 years of uninterrupted publication of the Pharmanews Journal, the management and the entire staff of the organisation, in a jubilant and appreciative mood, have expressed their gratitude to the Almighty God for bringing them hitherto.

Cover page of the maiden edition of Pharmanews


Speaking with the Managing Director, Pharmanews Limited, Pharm (Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi, who appreciated all founding advertisers, subscribers, and friends of Pharmanews for their loyal support all through the years, declared a gift of the maiden edition to all Pharmanews associates.

The journal, which debuted her maiden edition on 30 May 1979, had since metamorphosed in different ways into a more qualitative and robust health periodical for the benefit of the populace.

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The Editor’s Opinion Page of the maiden edition

It started as the “Nigeria’s Monthly Pharmaceutical Newspaper”, then became “West Africa’s Foremost Health Journal”, and now “Your Global Health Journal”.

Aside the laudable improvement in print quality and content, it has also gone digital with the introduction of Pharmanews Application for Android, iOS and Windows Phones. There is also Pharmanews PDF Application on Google Play Store.

Pharmanews is also heavily present on Social Media platforms as Pharmanews NG on Facebook, and twitter@pharmanewsltd.

According to Sir Atueyi: “The greatest of all her achievements is the daily publication, which enables us break news as it is happening, and keep our readers abreast of latest development in the health sector”.

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To get the anniversary gift, follow this link:




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