Time: invest it, don’t spend it!



Brian Tracy- endorsed speaker and training consultant
George O. Emetuche


“Time is your greatest resource.” – Brian Tracy

I was recently at a social event where the MC said something quite instructive: “People often say that time is going, but this is wrong—time is not going; you are the one going!” This is true. People often make the mistake of wasting time and spending it, when they should actually be investing it. You invest time when you use it wisely; you waste and spend it when the opposite is the case.

Time is ticking

September marked the end of the third quarter of the year, while October begins the final quarter. This is another opportunity to take stock and ensure you’re on the right track. You should know how you’ve utilised your time, as time is your greatest resource. Time is ticking, and the year is gradually coming to an end. What are you doing with the time you have now? Ask yourself this question and give yourself an honest answer.

I’ve written extensively about time. In The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales, the 18th law is, “Time is a major denominator.” Success happens within a time frame, and so does failure. Are you investing your time, or are you spending and wasting it? Pause for a moment as you consider your answer.

The Place of Learning and Personal Development

Life is about time and seasons

Life is about time and seasons, and those on a journey should take charge and determine what happens. Some people, however, struggle because they don’t understand the concept of time. This is why we hear about “African time”! But how can anyone talk about African time when there’s no African clock?

Productive people understand the value of time. They know that time can’t be multiplied, manufactured, borrowed, or transferred. They understand that time is money and that it waits for no one. Time moves steadily forward, not waiting for anyone, and it’s up to you to keep pace with it.

For me, I say, Time doesn’t care! Time is selfish; it exists in its own world. You just have to respect it and work with it, or it will leave you behind. Time waits for no one.

As a salesperson or professional, you should work as if you’re constantly losing time! This is the path to success. When you think and act as though time is limited, you are more likely to invest the time you have wisely.

Knowing More is Selling More

The only time you have is now!

The only time you truly have is now. I call it “the now time”. What are you doing right now? Make sure that whatever it is aligns with your goals. Reflecting on the importance of time during these “ember months” will help prepare our minds for great results.

Average people have a different mindset about time. They think time is always waiting for them. These are the people who won’t arrive at meetings on time. You’ll hear them say, “Let’s get there 30 minutes late—they won’t start at 2:00pm!” or “Let’s arrive after the opening ceremony—are we the celebrants?” That’s poor time etiquette. The right thing to do is to arrive at meetings as scheduled. Arrive a few minutes early, settle down, and be prepared.

Time, process and goal accomplishment

I’ve done a great deal of work on goal setting. Every year, I teach professionals and entrepreneurs about strategy and goals at the beginning of the year to prepare them for what lies ahead. Two key concepts that consistently stand out in these presentations are time and process. You can’t set or achieve your goals without understanding how time and process work. This understanding is why successful people keep succeeding, while those who remain average stay in their comfort zones without progressing.

24th Law: If You Want to Succeed, Do What Successful People Do

Time is life. Those who realise that time is more than just something that ticks often excel in their pursuits. Time is not just a ticking piece of metal; it is a major factor in life. Success is measured in time. People succeed within a given time frame. People fail within a given time frame.

We all have 24 hours in a day. Some people plan their days and take control, while others fail to plan and blame their circumstances or “village people” for the results of their choices. But it doesn’t work that way. Time makes all the difference. Invest your time; don’t spend it, and don’t waste it. Time is your greatest resource—don’t spend it, invest it!

The 11th Anniversary of The Selling Champion Consulting Annual Sales Masterclass in Enugu and Lagos on 17th August 2024 and 7th September 2024 respectively was a huge success! Register your team for next year. www.thesellingchampionconsulting.com | www.nigeriasalesconference.com


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