Top Natural Methods to Curb High Appetite


For the majority of people, hunger could be a natural way of answering nature’s call to fuel their bodies, while appetite in some persons can never be abated, no matter the kind of food they might have eaten, it keeps coming back.

Amazingly, appetite seldom occurs in some other persons, even in their best health condition. However, the group of persons with the high appetites may not be able to explain reasons for their elevated appetites. Experts have opined that high appetites can be caused by the kinds of food we eat, the way we eat them, and diet plans that leave a person feeling hungry, among other reasons.

Although many with such appetites might have tried several weight loss pills with huge promises of suppressing appetite to no avail, the interesting thing is that natural mechanisms have been proven to control appetite and enhanced healthy eating habit in patients with such.

A family at the dinning table

To tackle elevated hunger cravings in a healthful way, the following natural methods have been recommended by experts from Medical News Today to suppress appetite.

Natural ways to suppress appetite

  1. Eating more protein or fat high protein food
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Eating foods rich in protein or fat may help reduce hunger cravings.

Not all foods satisfy hunger equally. Protein and fats are better than carbohydrates at reducing hunger, especially those high in sugar. Studies consistently show that protein and fats are essential for satisfying hunger and keeping people full for longer.

Examples of protein rich-foods are:   Eggs; beans and peas; nuts; soy products;  Greek yogurt

Foods that are good sources of fats include: nuts; seeds; avocado;  olive oil; cheese;  coconut; grass-fed butter and eggs.

  1. Choosing high-fiber foods

Fibre does not break down like other foods, so it stays in the body for longer. This slows down digestion and keeps people feeling full throughout the day.

Research suggests that fibre can be an effective appetite suppressant. High-fibre diets are also associated with lower obesity rates.

On the other hand, another review found that introducing extra fibre into the diet was effective in less than half of the studies they looked at.

High-fibre foods include:  whole grains; beans and pulses; fruits, including apples and avocados;  almonds;  chia seeds and  vegetables

  1. Drinking more fluids
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Drinking a large glass of water directly before eating has been found to make a person feel fuller, more satisfied, and less hungry after the meal.

Another study, which looked at appetite in 50 overweight females, showed that drinking 1.5 litres of water a day for 8 weeks caused a reduction in appetite and weight, and also led to greater fat loss.

A soup starter may also quench the appetite. Research from 2007 showed that people reported feeling fuller immediately after the meal if they had a liquid starter.

  1. Eating large volumes of the right foods

Reducing general food intake while dieting can leave people with a ravenous appetite. This can cause a relapse into binge eating.

Dieting does not have to mean going hungry. Some foods are high in nutrients and energy, but low in calories. These include vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains.

Eating a large volume of these foods will stop the stomach from growling and still allow a calorie deficit.

  1. Practicing mindful eating

The brain is a major player in deciding what and when a person eats. If a person pays attention to the food they are eating instead of watching TV during a meal, they may consume less.

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Research published in the journal Appetite found that eating a huge meal in the dark led people to consume 36 percent more. Paying attention to food during meals can help a person reduce overeating.

Another article showed that mindfulness might reduce binge eating and comfort eating, which are two significant factors that influence obesity.

  1. Exercising

Exercise is another healthy and effective appetite suppressant.

A review based on 20 different studies found that appetite hormones are suppressed immediately after exercise, especially high-intensity workouts.

They found lower levels of ghrelin in the body, a hormone that makes us hungry, and higher levels of “fullness hormones” such as PPY and GLP-1.

  1. Reducing stress

Comfort eating due to stress, anger, or sadness is different from physical hunger.Research has linked stress with an increased desire to eat, binge eating, and eating non-nutritious food.

Mindfulness practices and mindful eating may reduce stress-related binge eating and comfort eating, according to one review. Regular sleep, social contact, and time spent relaxing can also help tackle stress.


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