Poised to encourage innovation and active involvement of young pharmacists in public healthcare and community health/social development, Pharmanews Ltd., has decided to honour whoever emerges the Pharmanews Young Pharmacist of the Year, with an award of recognition.
After a careful selection process, five candidates were shortlisted, based on the number of their nominations. They are: Ezedei Obinna Benson (WelfarePharma Ng); Timothy Okooboh (Health Hub Blog); Onimisi Peter (IQVIA); Isah Muhammad (Medinomic Healthcare Ltd); Sesan Kareem (Achievers Forum).
We hereby call for your vote for the young pharmacist who has impacted his community significantly, based on public healthcare delivery and community development activities.
Please note that voting commences on Friday 14 December 2018 and closes on 7 January, 2019.

[totalpoll id=”15671″]
Ise Muhammed
I nominate Diala Chimezie Bedee from University of Uyo as PANsite of the year
I Nominate Jumbo Victor Nengi from University of Uyo.
I vote for Shadrach Nzomisaki
I vote Pharm Uwem Ebong
I vote for Pharm. Shadrach Nzomisaki. The poll is not loading,that’s why I am using the comment section to cast my vote.
I vote Benita Dimkpa (NDU)
Adeyimi Idris
I vote adeyemi idris
I vote for Ohakwe Mmesoma Goodness
I vote for adeyemi idris
I vote for Adeyemi iris udus
I vote for adeyemi idris
I vote for Adeyemi Idris
I vote for adeyemi Idris from udus
I vote Adéyemí Idris udut sokoto
I vote Adeyemi IDRIS
I vote for Adeyemi UDUS
Ezeofor Ozioma Onyedikachi
Ozioma Ezeofor onyekachi is the choice of the day, Good luck to your leading to the championship
I vote Ajilaran Ahmed Olasunkanmi(UNILAG)
I voted for ozioma ezeofor onyekachi
I vote for Adeyemi Idris (udus)
The bangs selected are natural colors. My own hair color is natural black that has not been dyed. It is very real when I bring it up, and the bangs will really look much smaller after I wear it. The important thing is that I don’t have to worry about the hairline anymore. The line problem 🐙
Comment: isa Muhammad insha Allah
I vote Goodness Ohakwe
Comment: I stand with Isah Muhammad as Young pharmacist of the year OK
isah Muhammad is my voting
Comment:I stand with Isa Muhammad
Isa Muhammad deserves it
Aslm.I’m sorry to ask pls,why did you chose Isah?
It’s just faith
I Chose Isa Muhammad because medinomic.com is the future. It’s the only innovation explained here. It’s a management and referral system that will change the scope of healthcare service in Africa and not Nigeria alone.
It’s the first Telehealth in Nigeria and deserves commendations.
I believe other Candidates should refer us to what they’ve done. Medinomic.com is obvious and you can register too.
It’s not fair to ask this kind of question sincerely, this is 21st century and informationlike this shouldn’t be hidden.
The other candidates should highlight and refer us to their innovations.
Only Isa Muhammad has some thing worthy of being called INNOVATION what’s innovative about what others have done?
I don’t like this question at all and to all those saying vo ting is tribalised please grow out of your skin and stop being tribal bigots.
Isa as a personality is an innovation. The guy is soo on point and you want to rubbish the vote.
Pharmanes should tell us this is a popularity contest not innovation because I see only one innovation here medinomic.com
How can you being an admin of a what’s app and telegram group be termed innovation?
This is an insult on the profession sincerely.
Lol ????. I was wondering too Timileyin.
I knew Pharm Isa AKA Jagaban in lagos and sincerely when he pitched the idea of medinomic at the FG MSME Clinic hosted by First Bank.
The MD of Firstbank Ibukun Awosika and the MD of Medplus acknowledged his stride in a hall of about a 500 people at Oriental hotel Lagos. I was amazed and had to talk to him.
Very humble guy always ready to give you even his trade secret and yet some people are using the tribal sentiment on this vote ?.
It’s annoying sincetely because that Guy is a Hustler. First class hustler and he also has a WhatsApp group for training people ???.
Since its about being an admin now
Very interesting comment that explained who’s Muhammad is.
And I’m not a health expert or knowledgeable, but I became curious with his support to innovation of health sector that will help Africans.
Isah Muhammad u deserved it
Isah mohammah
I also stand with you Muhammad
Comment:I have selected Muhammad to be the young pharmacist of the year
I stand for Muhammad. Our Medline needs young and fresh blood.
‘Mazaa’ You deserve it. May God help you.
Isah Muhammad I’m ur ardent fan
Muhammad All the way insha Allah
I stand with Pharm Isah Muhammad wish you best of luck
I stand with isah muhammad
Isah Muhammad deserves it
I stand with you Muhammad
Well, it all looks like the house retains a single voice.
Enough it is for me that at least some of the voters are quite transparent enough and enthusiastic in proving their nationalistic approach with skeptical observation, in vehemently digging into the very heart of truth and credibility instead of turning a deaf ear and blind eye on the nostalgic journey of Nigeria great again.
This is the Nation we must be and must be known and respected for.
The long road in rescuing this Nation is a collective obligation that must not be tempered with the lame rotten roots of segregation and Injustice.
Thumbs up for all…
Albonhary 07017606989.
up up isah muhammad i am with you
Up Isa, am wit u
Comment:Isah Muhammad is the man
I stand for ISA MUHAMMAD
I stand with Isa Mohammed
I stand for ISA MUHAMMAD ?
Isah Muhammad is my favorite
I also voted lsah Muhammad
I vote
Isah Muhammad
My choice is Isah Muhammad
I stands for Muhammad
Isa muhammad is a choice
Muhammad Isah Ma Sha Allah
I vote for Pharm Isa Muhammad
I vote for muhammed
Isa Mohammed is the best choice.
Isa Muhammed is the best insha Allah
I vote isah muhammad
Isa Mohammed.
Isah Muhammad is my best choice wish the of luck
Isah Muhammad is my best choice
Comment:isa muhammad wish you all the best
Comment:Isah Muhammad is my choice
I say Muhammad is my choice
Isa Muhammad is my choice and he deserve it,
My namesake issa goal
Isah Muhammad all the way…
Isah Muhammad no doubt about it
Isa Muhammad ?
Isah Muhammed
I stand with Isah Muhammad
I stand for Isah Mohammad
Isa Muhammad is my choice to be in the position.
I’m with ISA MUHD,I wish you the best
Isah Mohammad I wish you all the best
Timothy okoboh is the man i voted for,i recommend him through his ability and kindness dedication and selflessness activities toward humanity, i strongly believed in him,is been doing d great work and he will continue doing it…by God grace
Isah muhammad is my recommended fevorite,because he is totally deserve wallahi.
Isa Muhammad is my favorite choice and he deserve
isah Muhammad is the man
Isah Mohammad
ISAH MOHAMED is the choice
I vote Adéyemí Idris udus sokoto
Isah Muhammad is the answer
It’s Isa Mohammed isha Allah
Isah Muhammad
Muhammad Isah in sha Allah
Muhammad isah is d man in shaa Allah
Comment:lsah Muhammad is my choice
Isa Muhammad
Isah Muhammad
Isa Muhammad In Shaa Allah.and he Will always be the best and
remembered for his had work.
Isah Muhammed God willing
Isah Muhammad all the way
My vote is for isah muhammad
I vote isah Muhammad
A background achievement of each candidate would provide a good basis to make an informed choice, otherwise discretion takes centre stage.
Next term try to present their c.v
Comment: Mohammad isah is more innovative,
ISA Muhammad inshaa Allah
I vote isah Muhammad
Isa Muhammad
Up all the wa Muhammad.
U deserve it Muhammad, all d best….
Wish you all d best Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad is the one I voted for for better leadership
I vote for Isa Mohamed
isah Muhammad is the guy, u deserve it mehn
Pharm Isah Muhammad
Since I don’t know any of them I go with the people’s choice,I say Muhammad,and wish him the very best.
All d best dear Muhammad
Best wishes All
My votes
Wish u all the best Isah Muhammad and continue to serve ur community
Isah Muhammad all the way wish him best of luck
Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammed
What are their individual achievements? Why should we vote for them? Is it based on one’s tribe or religion? I think you should have talked even a little about their capabilities so that people can judge wisely.
all de best Isah Muhammad
Isa Muhammad is our hero wish the best brother.
Isah Muhammad deserves it
ISA Muhammad
Comment:isah muhammad
Am with you my granny dan gaba ga diya arna basa haifuwar Muhammadu Allah yasa adace
The man is Isah Muhammad
Ibrahim Musa.
The man is Isah Muhammed
I stand with isah Muhammad
Isah muhd all the way
The right man is Isah Mohammed
Isah Muhammad is the best
i voted isa Muhammed, he deserve it
All the best pharm. Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad I voted
I think dat d organizers need to highlight d public on d achievement of each candidate not just sending a link and asking d public to just vote
You should emulate our noble leader sir Ahamadu bello sardaunan koko
Isah Muhammad deserve that award and I stand with you
I vote for Muhammad
Up isah Muhammad u Will make it inshaAllah
Mh own vote goes to Muhammad he deserve it..
Isah Muhammad he deserve
I stand with Isah Muhammad as pharmanews young pharmacist of the year.
Family are you a daughter of baba Umar
Please respond 08037818403
Isa Muhammad own my vote
Isa Muhammad deserve that award
I stand with you, Mohammed.
Is a Mohammed all the way. ?
Comment: I recommend Is a Mohammed
Isah Muhammad
I am proud of them all! Best wishes to them all
Allah yabawa mai Rabo sa’a
I voted
I Stand with Muhammad isah
Isa Muhammed he deserve it
Isa Muhammad He deserved it
Isah Mohammed deserves the young pharmacist of the year.
Isah muhammad insha Allah
I recommend Isah Muhammad
Isah Mohammad is more innovative and deserving. I vote for him.
Isah Muhammad suit the post in shaa Allah (Maa shaa Allah) based on his tiredless efforts towards effective & efficient health information management across Nigeria.
Wish him and other contestant the best!
You’re my choice Muhammad isah cause you deserve it
I stand with isa Muhammad ?
My vote goes to muhammad
Muhammad Isah the choosen one
Comment:isah Muhammad next level Insha Allah
Recommend Isa Muhammad
Allah has already choose Isa Mohammed
My vote goes to Isah Muhammad
My vote goes to Muhammad Isa
My vote goes 2 Isa Muhammad wish u best of luck dear
Isa Moh’d is more innovative & caring. Indeed he’s awesome
My vote goes to Isa Mohammed
Definitely Isah Muhammed deserves it the most.
ISA MUHAMMAD he deserve to be young pharmacy…
Dr Isa Mohd is my choice.
Isa muhd is the best
He is the right candidate isah
Isa Muhammad
Isa Muhammad deserve it?????
If not isah_muhammad then who else……
my vote gues to Isah muhammd because he is the Best among the best
I stand with Isah Muhammad coz Allah has already choose him…
My vote goes to pharm Isa Mohammed due to his innovation and caring attitude his the best and well deserved.
My vote goes for Isah Muhammad
Comment:lsah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad is the best among equals, he deserves it more than anyone.
My vote goes to Isa Muhammed
I stand with Isa Muhammad
He would be an asset to the profession
Comment:Allah has already chooses him cos if not he will not be among the nominees.
I voted Isah Muhammad because he is more deserve to be of this award
Isah Mohammed is the best.
I voted him because he’s capable.
I vote for isah Muhammad
My vote goes to pharmacy Isa Mohammed due to his innovation and caring attitude he deserve the best.
My vote is for Isah Muhammad
I feel Is a Muhammad is right person.
Isa Mohammed is the rightful pharma of the year
I really agree and stand with you Muhammad
I go with Isa Mohammed
Isa Muhammad
I stand wit pharm.Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad all the way.
My vote goes to Pharm. Isa Mohammed
Isa Muhammad is our young pharmacist in shaa Allah
Isa Muhammad is the winner in shaa Allah
Isa Muhammad by Allah’s grace
Wish you the very best in sha’a Allah
I stand for u
Isah Muhammad is my choice
We give it to ISAAH MUHAMMAD.
like the eagle your opportunity to conquer the sky.
Isah Muhammad I voted for, He my candidates
Isa Muhammad is the one
Comment:Isa Muhammad is my choice may Allah choose him as the young pharmacist
Isah Muhammad is my choice, may Allah see him through
Isah Muhammad is my choice
Isah Muhammad
My heart goes for Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad is my choice
Isah Muhammad deserved the best
I vote for Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad
Muhammad all d way, in shaa Allah
I supported @Isa Muhammad,the most brave.
I also go fr Isa Muhammed
Insha Allah u will have d victory
Isa muhammad
My vote is belong to is Muhammed
Isah Muhd
All the way, i stand with Muhammad.
Best of luck too.
Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad all the way
Isa Muhammed is the best
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson deserves to be the Young Pharmacist of the Year. He has helped young pharmacists with continuous clinical education through creation of not less than 8 Clinical Cases groups which has benefited me, and many others.
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson has also helped many young pharmacist get internship placements and locum jobs through sharing of prompt information of internship and locum availabilities in his Locum and Internship Opportunities Social media groups.
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson was also the president of National Fellowship of Christian Pharmacy Students (NFCPS) UNN and the NFCPS 2016 National Convention Convener at UNN. The convention remains the most amazing.
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson is the current General Secretary of the Anambra state Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria-Young Pharmacist Group (PSN-YPG) and the State’s PSN-YPG Project Coordinator.
The port folio goes on and on. In deed, Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson has impacted lives in divers ways, he deserves the award!
Isah muhammad is my choise
I stand with isa Muhammad???
Isa Muhammad is my choice
always by your side ISAH MUHAMMAD
Isah Muhammad is my choice. Kudos
Isah Muhammad, I chosed and voted for
Is a Muhammad in shaaa Allah
Best on the previous comment, and to no nepotism,Isah has the highest number of vote. The trios has all the qualities to be.Finally Muhammad is my choice considering his office presently and the number of vote he got from the Congress
Allah yayi jagora @Isah Muhammad
I stand and vote isah muhammad.
Isah Muhammad Insha Allah He is best among them
Benson obinna deserves this award.
Is a Muhammad insha’allah.
Isa Muhammad insha Allah
Wish you the very best of luck,Isah Muhammad
Isa Muhammad deserves the award
Muhammed is the winner insha allah
Comment:I vote Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammed
Isah Muhammad for sure
Comment: Isah muhammad
isah Muhammad inshaa Allah
Isah Muhammad, All the way
my vote is for u muhammad ol the best
Isah Muhammad
Comment:I vote for Isah muhammad
Isah muhammad
Isa Muhammad insha Allah will win
Isah Muhammad insha Allah
I go for Isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad
Isa Muhammad insha Allah?
Kudos muhammad
Muhammad you’ll win in sha Allah
ι ѕтαη∂ ωιтн ιѕα мυнαммα∂…… вєѕт σƒ ℓυ¢к η∂ ¢σηgяαтυℓαтιση ιη α∂ναη¢є
I stand with isah Muhammad, best of luck
I stand with you Pharm Isah Muhammad.
Is ah
Is ah
U ar d winner insha Allah muhammad
My vote is for Muhammad
Muhammad all the way insha Allah
You will be the winner In Sha Allah. Keep it up
Comment:isah muhammed
Comment:isah Muhammad
Isah Muhammad is deserves that , my vote is for him
Isah Muhammad in sha allah??
Good luck Muhammad
I preferred to Isha Muhammad. May Allah win him.
Isah Muhammad will be d winner insha Allah
We re pharmacist…..we have no problem tribalism or religion. Any accredited member from the PCN knows that….dats simple rule for the council…
Any member knows that….so any young future pharmacist like me or others, if u have the heart of phobia or nonsensical behavior pls and pls learn to control it and get away with it…….
We pharmacist, we re one. Impact medical profession is base on team work…
We re the future of the country , we don’t deserve to leave or lead this way. He/she is not from ma side or we didn’t belong to same religion, HABA nigerian we re beyond this wallahi, we re not in the era not 60s fah……….
Muhammad isa deserve
Isa mohammmad in sha Allah is urs
My vote is for isa muhammad ?????
After going through the comments, I realised that outsiders voted based on the names that suits their place of origin but the insider sure voted on merit. You can see muslim hausas voting for a Christian Igbo man and vise versa.
If you don’t know them and decide to vote and go for names that sound familiar to your locality, it’s ok cos that is the best you can do. The problem is if you know them and know the type of things they do and still vote the less among them cos he/she is from your region, then don’t ever cry for the corruption in Nigeria for you are part & parcel of the problem.
Then, the organizers of the polls should have atleast highlight the achievement of each of the candidates.
Don’t just blame others on that.. They hav their reasons too.
Yes Ayatullah I agree with you’re commentary. We outsiders are voting blindly without knowing their achievements. It should have been included.
I agree with you Ayatullah Khalil.
Yes I agree with you
I am in support of your opinion!
l am just here by invitation but actually I don’t know these guys but to be sincere nepotism has eaten us badly. Though it may be a kind of retaliation, but two wrongs can’t make a right!
Let’s be more conscious and try to improve ourselves and society as much as possible.
You should emulate our noble leader sir Ahamadu bello sardaunan koko
to to try and emulate sardauna of skt
I like that, let’s be objective
Isah Muhammad is the man i choose
Vote 4 Isa Muhammad
Isah Muhammad
Pharm. Muhammad Isah is the right person Insha Allah
Isah Muhammad all d way.
I solemnly give my vote for Isah Muhammad
My choice is Isa Muhammad. U wil make it insha Allah
I stand with you Isah Muhammad
Isa muhammed
I stand with isah Muhammad All day Every day
iStandWith Isah Muhammad, he deserve it…
Comment:lsa Muhammad is my choice ol round
Comment:lsa Muhammad is my choice
Isah muh’d insha Allah
Isah Muhammad is my choice and he deserve
???up keep on voting ? Isah Muhammad insha you wil win Allah nor khair?????
Up Up Up ? Isah Muhammad
Good luck Muhammed
Pharm isah Muhammad?
I nominate Alexander Bede Chimezie Diala (Pharm. ABCD) of the prestigious University of Uyo as Pharmacist of the Year
Isah Muhammad deserve,in sha Allah
Allah’s khair in shaa ALLAH Isa Muhammad
All the best to Isah Muhammad
An Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty, #IstandWithMuhammad.
Muhammad isah
isah muhammad is d best;luck wil olwz b wit u InshaaAllah
Isa Muhammad insha Allah
Isa Mohammed is the answer
Speaking based on what I know Pharm Isah Muhammad innovation is an excellent one and he deserves an award of Encouragement. Medinomic Healthcare Ltd is a solution to many healthcare challenges in our Country. Benson Edozie is equally good but I have little or no knowledge on his innovation. it’s not all about award but about the country and world at large.
Muhammad good luck
Pharm Isah Muhammad
Muhammad Isah ISA
Isa Muhammad will win inshallah
Isa Muhammad will definitely win,by the grace of God, insha Allah
Isa muhammad will win insha Allah
We are with you dear Isa Muhammad!
Isa Muhammad, i stand with.
Isah Muhammad insha Allah
I stand with you isa Muhammad, and you’ll win inshaAllah!
Comment:Isa Muhammad will definitely win by God willing ,relax and watch up , because all over the world are your fans ,wish you the best of luck dear…
I voted based on what I hard about Isah, I hard he was the best, suppose it is emeka or seun that was the best I will vote for either of them,as far as they are good in what they do.my brother in-laws mother felt sick despite the fact that majority of the hospital staff are northerners and Muslims they shown non challant attitude, it was the Igboman doctor that took care of her and he even advised that instead of bringing her to the hospital he will be coming to the house to render the medical due to her old age, he continue doing do till she died.
Allahu Akbar! People like this deserves commendation. Some people are very good at what they do. They are just different… may he go a long way aamin.
Isah Muhammad is the answer
Comment:The man is isah muhammad insha Allah. He deserve it
In Sha Allah Isa Muhammad
Isa Muhammad
Insha Allah you will won this vote by GOD grace wish you all the best in your studies and in your life
Isah Mohammad is the answer
Isah Muhammad is the right one insha Allah
I stand with u isah muhammad wish u all d best
Muhammad Isah
My vote for pham. Isah Muhammad
Comment:Isa Muhammad deserve it most, all the best isa Muhammad
Isa Muhammad
My vote for Isa Muhammad
De way AMANA @Muhammad
Muhammad isah
Mohammad isa
Pharm Mohammad all the way
My vote is also for MUHAMMAD
Isah Mohammed,is the right one
You will win insha Allah mohammad God is with u
MY Vote is for Muhammad
Isah muhammad is the youngest
Muhammad isah man of the year?
Up up @ moh’d
I vote for Isah Muhammad,the youngest Pharmacist
Inshaa Allah yhu wll win
My vote goes to Muhammad isah
I vote for Muhammad
I stand for u Muhammad
All d best pharm isah Muhammad
Isah Mohammed is the man of the moment
All the best Muhammad
Muhammad all the way
My vote to Muhammad ISA
All the best muhammad, success is yours in sha Allah
Isa muhammad l wish you success,wallahu galibun ala amrihi
I had wanted to say people are voting based on tribalism… Until I saw an Igbo name saying vote for Isa Muhammad cos he deserve it then my mind was put at ease. All the best to the contestants… May the Almighty choose the best for us Amin.
All d way isah Muhammad
I vote Muhammad Isah
Comment:my vote goes to isah I wish you success ya Rahmanu be with you at all times
I dey with you my man isah
My vote goes to you Isah Muhammad an u will be the best Insha Allah
You will win insha Allahu @Muhammad Isah
Wish you all the best inshsa ALLAH Muhammad Isa
Comment: Isa Muhammad all d way?
#You deserve it Isa Muhammad
I vote isah Muhammad
I vote isah muhammad
My vote goes to Isah Muhammed.
My vote goes to isah Muhammad
My vote is for pharmacist Muhammad Isa
Isah Muhammad deserves it
Pharm Ezedei Obinna does it better.. he is the right person.. You’ve got my vote bro.. u ar a winner aLready
Isa Muhammed all the way…. Met this young man a year ago, he’s the definition of a leader, enthusiastic, driven and ambitious… He’s got all it takes to make the difference regardless, his mentality has bn a reference point for most of us. No one deserves this award more than him, you will be honored to ve him as the custodian of your prestigious award…
A vote for Isah Muhammed is the way forward!
He deserves it, he worth it,
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson
Ezedei Obinna all the way
Pharm Isa Muhammed doesn’t have to inform me before I vote for him. He is the best life can offer you
He is your young pharmacist of the year.
My vote is for is a Muhammad
Please can Pharm. Obinna Benson highlight his innovation? I have seen Pharm. Isa’s innovation and its commendable. We will definitely work with him. Can you highlight your innovation, I’ve googled welfare Pharma and can’t find you.
Lovable Sportsmanship, great Pharmacist all of you.
I am with Isah Muhammad , because he is my mentor
Please can Pharm. Obinna Benson highlight his innovation? I have seen Pharm. Isa’s innovation and its commendable. We will definitely work with him. Can you highlight your innovation, I’ve googled welfare Pharma and can’t find you.
Lovable Sportsmanship, great Pharmacist all of you.
Pharm. Isah Muhammad is the right man
Pharm. Obinna Ezedei Benson is the man. The man of honour!
Pharm isa Muhammad he deserves it , if you know him you won’t doubt him , in fact he has all the qualities that we need .
Isa Muhammed is the man
Ezedei Obinna!
Pharm wey sabi. You more than deserve it!!!
I vote for isah Muhammad,
Pharm Ezedei Obinna deserves it.
Pharm Obinna all the way !!
Peter Onimisi deserves it
Ezedie Benson is the best
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson all the way. He merits the award. Let’s support him.
I vote Timothy Okooboh. I have seen him work at things with consistency and dedication and I’m certain he deserves this. With all sincerity, I encourage you all to vote him too.
He deserves it,
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson all the way
Ezedei Obinna Benson
Comment:Timothy okooboh
I go for Isa Muhammad
Pharm.Okooboh Timothy should get ur votes…d guy is awesome… Timothy all d way guys!!!
Isah Muhammad all the way, he deserves it.
Ezedei Obinna Benson is d best he deserves d young pharmacist…he is good to goooooo
Phamarsy obinna Ezedei is the best to go
Isah Mohammed
#ISAMUHAMMADVICTORIOUS. Please make a fresh thought and come up with a better option. Make no mistake of leaving ISA MUHAMMAD. He is got sincerity and accountability. And above all, his qualities in leadership cuts across every boundary.
A vote for.Peter onimisi is a vote not wasted. He is the solution
Which vote is a vote wasted? ??
Pharm Obinna Ezedeyi is the true merit of the award.
Best of luck to my friend Isah
Not too be a sweet talker or anything, I know Issa Muhammad personally and he’s a leader and very innovative human.. Let’s be honest and give him this chance.
I wish all of them the best in whatever they do because they are all young, bright and intelligent and I pray their lights will never go down but in all honesty, Issa Muhammad deserves to win this and change the face of our healthcare for life.
I wish you the very best my friend.
Best of Luck to Isah Muhammad, I have seen his leading role and positive thoughts in pharmacitical information management and analysis.
Great work indeed! Kudos to Isah Muhammad.
May Allah stay and fend the one that is better for the people
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson all the way
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson is the man
Give it to him
You deserve it Isa Muhammad…
You’re really an entrepreneur with a zeal to achieve. Best of luck
Team Isah Muhammad?
#TeamIsah all the way
Pharmacist Peter Onimisi is the living parachute fitted for the job. Success Bro.
Pharm Timothy all the way
Isa muhammad is the right person to hold the crown?
I wish all of them success, they’re all my children, even though I’ve voted for Isa Muhammad as recommended by someone I know. Good luck to you all
Pharm. Isah Muhammad is the right guy
Ezedei Obinna is d man for the d job. He is a very responsible and self reliant person. U deserve to win.
Isah Muhammad ??????????insha Allah you deserve the crown ???????
Muhammad Isa
It is what we know that we will talk about. If you know Isa Mohammed and his initiative very well, you will know that he has innovation that will prevent many untimely death in Nigeria. His Innovation is not about any small group of people but about the entire nation. What Tony Elumelu did to Banking Industry is what Issa Muhammad is working to do with Healthcare in Nigeria. It is an innovation that will benefit all Citizens of the Nation irrespective of tribe or religion. So let’s give it to him, Issa Muhammad deserves it. Do not let power be concentrated in the hand of only few people, let not be carried away with financial status or tribe of anyone, let’s look at the quality of what they carry and be well quided. Issa Muhammad all the way.
My vote goes to Muhammad Isa
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson, all the way
He deserves it,
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson is the man
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson is the man
Pharmacist Isa Muhammad all the way
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna is the answer!
Team Isa Muhammed
Pharm. Isa muhammad All the way.
Isha Muhammad insha allah
Comment: Ezedei is industrious!
When is the Voting ending?
Anyone who has idea should please help with more info thanks
My vote is for Isa Mohammed
Alhamdulillahi congrats bross
Pharm.Ezedei Obinna Benson is the most qualified of all for this award
Isah Muhammad is the answer
Isa Muhammad
Pharm. Isah Muh’d has all it takes to be pharmanews of the year! So Hurray to Isah Muh’d we stand with you!
Isa Muhammad all the way ??
Pharm Isa you deserve this
Pharm Isa Muhammad
Sorry I mean deserves
Pharm isah Muhammad deserters this award he is the best
Guys this is not a tribal thing u people shou stop saying that
Pharmacist Isah Muhammad all the way?
Pharm. Obinna Ezedei is everything competent, diligent and more, nothing crumbles in his hands, he has sound interpersonal relationship skills too.
Pharm.Isah Mohammad is d right guy.
Pharm. Obinna Ezedei is everything competent, diligent and more, nothing crumbles in his hands, he has a sound interpersonal relationship skills too.
Dear all, please help support this visionary young pharmacist to win the above award. The guy is doing a lot to advance health information management in Nigeria. His work meant that all your treatment, diagnosis, health history/records would be available at any registered hospitals. Just the same way you can access your bank account online and in other states apart from where you opened it. He is also working at creating a pool of medical professional that can help via your mobile devices. That’s what the guy is trying to do with our health information systems and management. Please open the link as many times as possible and vote Isa Muhammad. It is just one click and you are there. You can’t spend more than 10 seconds. Please let’s do this for the guy and for better health information and management in our country. Thank you.
Isa Mohammad or no other person???
Medinomics healthcare is what we needs at this level to avoid irrational use of medicines in Nigeria
Pharm isah Muhammad is the best he deserves this award so vote for him
I don’t know each and everyone reasons for voting his candidate. But I can see from the comments above, the voting is base on … 98% just chose their tribe I guessed. I always try to comment like this because I believed in one Nigeria. Vote without sentiment pls. Thank you all.
Tribalism will not help this nation at all,just imagine how the vote turned around…it’s well with our nation
Pharmacist Ezebei Benson Obinna deserves the crown
None better than pharm. Ezedei Obinna!
The man of the moment!
Peter Onimisi is the man all the way
Muhammad Isah deserve it
Comment:vote for tested and trusted, the guy Peter onimisi
Peter Onimisi Rock it
Pharmacist Isa Muhammad is the answer! Vote wisely!
Issac Mohammed is the only suitable person for this reward.. You already won in advance?❤
Isa Muhammad All day everyday.
Peter Onimisi is the one
Isah Mohammed????deserves the best ???
Isah Mohammed deserves it??
Peter deserve to win…. He showed passion for young pharmacist… PETER
Pharm. Isah Muhammad is the right guy for this and you’ll get it insha Allah.
Dr. Onimisi is d man
Pharm Ezedei Benson is the man.
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna has made global impact in the pharmacy practice through bringing together Pharmacist from different parts of the world into continuous idea sharing via his all-educating telegram group on Clinical Cases.
He is currently the General Secretary and the Project Coordinator of the PSN-YPG Anambra State.
His passion and love for Pharmacy cannot be over emphasized.
Pharm Obinna Deserves this Award
Dr Onimisi Peter is the man
Dr. Peter Onimisi deserves it
Wow❗ my Intelligent Ezedei Obinna Besson deserve this trophy.
Onimisi Peter – Our former President of Young Pharmacists Group(YPG)*, He is a Founder TelePharmacy and Healthcare Initiative (An initiative to bring Pharmaceutical care and healthcare services closers to the people by maximizing cell Phone)
Dr Peter is also a technical team member of the NAFDAC Youth Against Drug Abuse Project(YADA).
He currently works with IQVIA, A human Data Science company.
Kindly vote Dr Onimisi Peter
Dr. Peter Onimisi is the golden egg any time, any day. He has it all…
Dr. Peter has this!
Dr Onimisi for the win
Dr Peter onimisi no doubt has no match as regards this award.
Onimisi Peter definitely deserves this award. His impacts in the lives of young pharmacist speaks volume.
Pharm. Dr Peter Onimisi deserves this award, he transformed YPG. vote PETER.
Dr. Peter Onimisi is a fantastic young professional. He deserves the position.
Wow, Dr. Peter Onimisi, the skillful and most exceptional being. You deserve the award.
Dr Peter Onimisi who else but him
Dr Timothy deserves this award, please vote for him.
Dr Peter. You have it.
Okooboh Timothy deserves this award
Pharm Obinna Benson is the realest deal
He deserves this award
Lets encourage him to do more
Pharm Benson….we know,and he alone
Pharm Ezedei Benson deserves the accolade, it isnt easy, having the interest of all in mind. He has the leadership qualities and carries all along.MATURED IN MIND AND HEART.
Pharm Ezedei Benson is the man of the people, he really deserves it.
He’s creative and highly innovative.
Pharm peter deserve it he will lead us to the promise land
Pharm Onimisi is simply the best among fellows. He deserved the vote.
Timothy is an exceptional young pharmacist that has exhibited skill and passion that supersede raw talent, the likes of which can only be an exemplary demonstration of discipline and diligence in an era where these have become rather unseen.
He deserves this award.
If i don’t vote Pharm Peter Onimisi, make water carry me they go. U deserve it sir and you shall get it by God’s grace
Pharm Okoobi Timothy . …..he deserve it
The man for the hour. The people’s choice. Vote wisely. Pharm Timothy okooboh. All the way.
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson deserves the award. So industrious and hardworking.Pharm Ben all the way.
Pharm Ezedei Obinna Benson is d right choice. He has impacted a whole lot in us as a young pharmacist like always being there to help u out once u have anything to ask professionally and otherwise as far as human development is concerned. Vote Ezedei,
Obinna Benson
Pharm Benson all the way
He is the man
The cap fits him best
Pharm Peter Onimisi…. I give you my vote
Pharmacist Peter deserves it……go get it bro
Dr. Peter Onimisi is the right person
Pls make no mistake….Timothy Okooboh is the right and only option to choose. He’s the real deal.
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson deserves to be the Young Pharmacist of the Year. He has helped young pharmacists with continuous clinical education through creation of not less than 8 Clinical Cases groups which has benefited me, and many others.
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson has also helped many young pharmacist get internship placements and locum jobs through sharing of prompt information of internship and locum availabilities in his Locum and Internship Opportunities Social media groups.
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson was also the president of National Fellowship of Christian Pharmacy Students (NFCPS) UNN and the NFCPS 2016 National Convention Convener at UNN. The convention remains the most amazing.
Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson is the current General Secretary of the Anambra state Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria-Young Pharmacist Group (PSN-YPG) and the State’s PSN-YPG Project Coordinator.
The port folio goes on and on. In deed, Pharmacist Ezedei Obinna Benson has impacted lives in divers ways, he deserves the award!
Peter Onimisi is d answer
Ezedei Benson all the way.. An awesome , creative and innovative dude
Pharm Dr. Peter Onimisi is a very passionate young Pharmacist and an achiever. He deserves the honor. Vote Peter!
Comment:Timothy is the Man. the guy is selfless and outstanding
Pharm Dr Timothy okooboh is the chosen one
Timothy OKOOBOH, all the way…
Dr Peter all the way
Okooboh Timothy
He created the young pharmacist idea we have today! His name Peter Onimisi, the founding YPG President
No other than Okooboh Timothy.
Ok I go for pharm. Timothy Okoboh…
Pharm. Ezedei Obinna Benson
The young pharmacist of the moment
If you know,you know
He deserves it.
Comrade Peter… Have you met Him? He is awesome… He deserves it.
Okooboh Timothy all the way!
No other young Pharmacist,but OKOOBOH TIMOTHY.
This dude is awesome.
Comrade Peter… All the way !!!
The man is Peter Onimisi..He deserve it.
Comment:isah muhammad
Isah Muhammad