1 ❏ may be associated with rheumatic heart disease
2 ❏ may be asymptomatic
3 ❏ commonly require digoxin
ONE or MORE of the responses above is (are) correct. Decide which of the responses is
(are) correct. Then choose:
A ❏ if 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B ❏ if 1 and 2 only are correct
C ❏ if 2 and 3 only are correct
D ❏ if 1 only is correct
E ❏ if 3 only is correct
The answer is B, and Solace is the winner.See details :
Extrasystoles, also referred to as ectopic beats, are cardiac contractions that
occur at an earlier stage during the cardiac cycle. Extrasystoles may be associated with rheumatic heart disease, ischaemic heart disease and acute myocardial infarction. Extrasystoles may be asymptomatic. Digoxin is now rarely
used for the management of arrhythmias. Anti-arrhythmic drugs are preferred
in the management of extrasystole.