What do you know about Suppositories?


The question below consist of a first statement followed
by a second statement. Decide whether the first statement is
true or false. Decide whether the second statement is true or
false. Then choose:

A if both statements are true and the second statement is a
correct explanation of the first statement

B if both statements are true but the second statement is NOT
a correct explanation of the first statement

C if the first statement is true but the second statement is false

D if the first statement is false but the second statement is true

E if both statements are false

Question: A disadvantage of suppositories for haemorrhoids is that the active
ingredients may bypass the anal areas. Suppositories are preferred for
the treatment of haemorrhoids.


  1. C is the answer and Nickysylva is the only winner.
    When suppositories are used for the management of haemorrhoids, there is
    a probability that they may melt in the rectum, thus bypassing the anal areas.
    The active ingredients therefore do not reach the inflammation. Creams and
    ointments are preferred for the management of haemorrhoids.


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