What You Don’t Know About Cod Liver Oil


Cod liver oil as the name implies is very important oil, extracted from the liver of a fish known as Cod fish from the Gadidae genus. Cod liver oil is made into liquid form and into capsules and it serve as a nutritional supplement. Cod liver oil was initially extracted in a traditional method of fermentation; this was done by filling a wooden barrel with fresh codfish livers and seawater and allowing the mixture to ferment. The fermentation was usually carried out for a period of 1 year to enable it produce more vitamins and create digestibility ability, which was considered as the best method even till today. Now a day, a modern method has been considered, Cod liver oil is usually extracted by steaming the whole codfish body tissues and exertion of pressure before removing the cod oil. Apart from codfish, there are other fish like salmon and sardine which supplies fish oil for other uses with lot of benefits.

Cod liver oil is considered as essential marine oil that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D.

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids contain decosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which are both known to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke. Hence, it has a lot of healing effects; it helps to reduce triglyceride level in the blood, supports regular heartbeat, lowers inflammation and reduces the occurrence of atherosclerosis since it contains a polyunsaturated fat in form of omega-3.
  2. Cod liver oil is a natural source of Vitamin A and D. Vitamin A is an essential antioxidant that
  3. Helps to lower oxidative stress and inflammation levels and in turn supports healthy bone, proper night vision, cellular growth. While vitamin D is a fat soluble antioxidant that helps in calcium absorption, it also helps to maintain proper brain function. Vitamin D contains anti-proliferative and a proapoptotic property which is said to be essential in combating breast cancer and in turn prevents breast tumours.
  4. Since some people are allergic to sea foods, Cod liver oil could serve as a substitute for them5. Cod liver oil is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin B6 and B12 and these are needed for slowing down homocysteine levels since the homocysteine can directly cause damage to the blood vessels. High level of homocysteine is associated with the risk of heart attack, stroke and osteoporosis. A continuous consumption of cod liver oil can help to prevent the re-occurrence of heart attacks, assuming one had it before.
  5. Both adults and children can benefit from cod liver oil since it contains inflammatory properties that play a vital role in cardiovascular, immune health, hormonal and neurological health
  6. Cod liver oil is said to be useful in lowering of a type of dangerous blood fat known as triglycerides. The higher the triglyceride level, the higher the cholesterol which is harmful and can lead to a more risky heart disease.
  7. According to research, Codfish has the ability to prevent a particular cancer caused by metastasis which is caused by high consumption of omega-6 fatty acids. Therefore, cod liver oil could help to prevent breast and colon cancer and also helps to prevent cachexia – a type of cancer that brings about weight loss.
  8. Cod liver oil contains important nutrients such as vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids which are known to reduce inflammation, prevent blood clothing, support brain function and prevents depression. Cod liver oil has since been used to reduce swellings and other ill conditions like arthritis, joints pain, rheumatism and muscle pull since it contains inflammatory properties.
  9. Aside codfish, omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from nuts and vegetables such as walnut, flaxseeds canola and soybean oil. This type of omega-3 fatty acids gotten from plants is called alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). This serves the same purpose like that of cod liver oil.
  10. Proper consumption of cod liver oil by children could help prevent cold and constant cough. Hence, it can help to improve unhealthy hair in both adults and kids if used properly.



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