Xcene Research Celebrates Clinical Trials Day 2021


-Commits to ensuring trials, interventions, procedures are safe

Clinical Trials Day (CTD), usually commemorated on May 20th of every year, is a day earmarked to raise awareness on clinical trials as well as celebrate clinical researchers across the globe, for their efforts in discovering millions of life-saving drugs, procedures and interventions for the safety of human lives. In celebrating the CTD 2021, Xcene Research, an African Contract Research organisation with local presence in Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya, felicitates all clinical researchers who continue to rise to the challenge and give hope to all who are battling with ailments.

To mark this year’s Clinical Trials Day, the company aims to create awareness through a series of campaigns including an international webinar themed “Reinstating trust in clinical trials” with speakers who cut across the healthcare sector locally and internationally. These thought leaders and experts will expound on the urgency to build strategic global partnerships, steps to ease the burden on health institutions and success stories from principal investigators and clinical professional.

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While speaking with the Executive Director of Xcene Research, Adebukunola Telufusi, she acquiesced that “the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the fore the growing inequalities of resources for clinical trials and the increasing burden on vulnerable sections of the society but was happy that the world pulled together to expedite conduct of trials while ensuring adherence to ethics, quality and patient safety. At Xcene, we know the importance of clinical trials in ensuring better and more affordable access to newer and more effective treatment, she continued”.

Faramola Ogunkoya, the project manager, called for collaboration within the healthcare sector to ensure a better and more widespread access to clinical trials across Africa and the world to create a healthier future for everyone. She continued that while better date management and regulatory compliance cannot be over emphasised, building strategic partnerships globally is key to ensuring that patients with debilitating illnesses have hope.”

The company is an African-based leading Contract Research Organisation with emerging partnerships across Africa and have called for deliberate collaboration between the public and private sector to sustain the positive strides being achieved by innovators and researchers.

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Xcene is filling the research gaps in the Sub-Saharan region and always committed to bringing innovative therapies to a more diverse population leveraging its global team with key offices in USA, Nigeria and hubs across Africa.

The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) also seized the opportunity to commend and recognise all clinical researchers for their invaluable contributions in drug development for the wellbeing of mankind.

In a statement on its website, the association noted the giant strides of this set of professionals, especially in the pandemic as the practitioners bravely rose to the challenge in conducting clinical trials for the different vaccines and herbal medicines used in tackling the viral disease headlong.

“Clinical Trials Day is a well-deserved ‘time out’ to recognise the people who conduct clinical trials and to say “thanks” for what they do every day to improve public health.

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“This day of celebration also provides our community with a unique opportunity to raise awareness of clinical trials – and of clinical research as a career option – among the greater public. COVID-19 made 2020 the most challenging year in decades – but clinical researchers rose to the challenge. Thanks to clinical trials, millions of doses of life-saving vaccines have been developed and administered around the world, giving hope for a better year ahead.

“Hope. That’s what clinical researchers provide. Every day, they rise to a new challenge and give patients and families hope for a healthier, more promising tomorrow.

“On this Clinical Trials Day, the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) thanks clinical researchers around the world for continuing to rise to the challenge and give us hope. Hope in the battle against infectious disease. Hope in the battle against cancer. Hope in the battle against anything that challenges our pursuit of a better tomorrow”, it stated.








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