Your Needs Satisfied


Jesus appreciates the importance of our basic or physiological needs. He knows that without satisfying them, we cannot survive. That is why He promised to provide them and asked us not to worry about them. He says in Matthew 6.31-33 “Therefore, take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? Or Wherewithal shall we be clothted? For your heavenly father, knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Sometimes we think there is no way our needs can be satisfied, but Jesus says He is the way. He makes a way where there is no way. The first miracle He performed was the provision of wine needed for a wedding ceremony in Cana of Galilee.

One remarkable thing about that miracle was that before it was performed, His mother Mary had said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it”. I believe that one key that opens divine provision of our needs is this expression, ”Whatever He tells you to do, do it.” Some time ago, my cash flow was not good and what occupied my mind was what God wanted me to do to remedy the situation.

What Controls Your Steps?

I was asking for divine ideas and actions to take. God responded with some ideas that worked. Incidentally, one of the ideas was to give out money for certain purposes. This action even depleted my lean purse, but eventually my problem was solved. If God tells you to do something and you fail to do it, it is disobedience.

When you obey and do whatever He tells you to do, He not only provides food, drink and clothing, but opens doors leading to higher levels. His favour, goodness and mercy will follow you.

In order to experience divine provisions, you must believe that your salary or income is not your source of supply. If your focus is centred on the occupational source of income, you have already placed a limit to what God can do for you. You will enjoy abundant life only if you believe that God is your source and provider. He does not depend on your income or resources.

The Bitterness of Sugar

God is not limited to what you have. He takes whatever you have and multiplies it. He multiplies your income. He even multiplies your time. We all have 24 hours in a day, but a believer can achieve 30-hour output in one day.You may call it efficiency or effectiveness, but what I’m saying is more than that. I have personally experienced it. He does not need to command the sun to stand still again as He did to enable Joshua to overcome his enemies.

The miracle of multiplying a boy’s lunch of five barley loaves and two small fish to feed 5,000 men without counting women and children is one that Jesus keeps doing today for those who believe. God is not just multiplying. He is also creating from nothing. When Jesus was required to pay temple tax of half a shekel in Capernaum, there was no coin available. He just asked Peter to go to the sea, catch the first fish that came up, open its mouth, and get out a shekel.

How Liquid Are You?

That shekel was used to pay the temple tax for Jesus and Peter. Isn’t that fantastic?  How did a shekel get into the mouth of that particular fish? One shekel was all that was needed for the temple tax. If more than one shekel was needed, Jesus could have provided it. This is how Jesus provides our needs today. He knows exactly what we need and desires to provide them. This is why He said we should not worry.


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