875 People Commit Suicide During Coronavirus Lockdown in Nepal


Following the lockdown order, necessitated by the outbreak of COVID-19 in Nepal, a total number of 875 people have recently committed suicide.

According to Xinheua report on Tuesday, the country has been under lockdown, against Coronavirus disease, since 24 March.

Image of people in Nepal

Data compiled by the Nepal Police shows that suicide cases across the country increased by 16 per cent in the first month of the lockdown.

A total of 482 suicide cases were filed during mid-March to mid-April in police stations across the country against 414 cases for the period between mid-February and mid-March.

The data suggests that the number during the lockdown is considerably high as 38 people committed suicide in the Kathmandu valley alone.

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The highest number, 742, died by hanging themselves followed by 114 people who committed suicide by consuming poison.

The deceased had used burning, stabbing, drowning, jumping from heights as major ways of attempting suicides during the review period.

According to reports, many psychiatrists have linked the deaths with mental health of the people, who have been forced to stay indoor during lockdown.



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