You Need Destiny-Helpers


We usually surround ourselves with loved ones, relations, friends, associates and mentors who influence our goals, visions and dreams. These have the potential to support or kill our aspirations or dreams. Therefore, there is need to demonstrate discernment and discretion in relating with them.

You will always need positive people in your life. These are the people God has planned to help you achieve your dreams and fulfill your destiny. The law of association states that you become like those with whom you spend time. The influence of those you spend time with has a powerful effect on how you will end up in life. It determines whether you will succeed or fail. An adage says, “Show me your friends and I will show you your future.”

You need destiny-helpers
Sir Ifeanyi Atueyi

You must be careful whom you allow to influence you because your vision will either be encouraged or destroyed by them. Proverbs 13:20 (NKJV) says, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.”

There must be people who want you to succeed and those who want you to fail. This is why you must carefully and wisely choose those you associate with. Nevertheless, those who want you to fail should not be treated as enemies because it is spiritually wrong; but they should not be embraced as friends. Wisdom demands that you dine with them with the proverbial long spoon. Reduce interaction with them and regard them as distant and unfriendly friends.

The Joy of Writing Books

Many a time we think that God can use only those people who want us to succeed. This is normal human understanding. But God works in mysterious ways. He says in Isaiah 55:8-9 (NKJV), “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, “says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”  He does certain things in a way we cannot imagine. He can use that person you consider your enemy to do something remarkable in your life. He can also use the person you consider a friend to frustrate you.

Man is limited in knowledge. Only God is omniscient. But the consolation is in Romans 8:28 (NKJV) which says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to the will of God.”

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In 2002, I decided to write a book on fake drugs. That was the period the menace of fake drugs was very topical and Prof. Dora Akunyili had just taken over from Prof. Gabriel Osuide, as the Director General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). I looked round for those God might have planted to help me achieve my dream. Without doubt, Prof. Akunyili, a family friend, was in the right position. Therefore, I did not hesitate to take my proposal to her in her office. Expectedly, she welcomed the initiative with excitement and promised support. With her assurance of moral and financial support, I returned to my office with great hope for a successful project. It took us two years to complete the book with 12 different contributing authors.

The formal launching of the book was fixed for 4 August, 2004, at the Lagos Airport Hotel, Ikeja and invitations were sent out. It was at this stage that Prof. Akunyili not only changed her mind to support us but ordered the cancellation of the book launch, claiming that she was working on a similar book and that Kofi Anan, who was the secretary general of the United Nations, would be coming for the launch in December, 2004. The embarrassment, disappointment and financial losses we incurred can only be imagined.

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Like a lamb destined for slaughter, I humbly accepted my fate and put everything into God’s hands.  And He demonstrated that He had a better plan for me. Consequently, He gave me an idea to write a 30-chapter inspirational book titled “Your Best Pathway For Life”, which was completed and printed within one month and the launch fixed for 24 August, 2004, at the Muson Centre, Lagos.

I derived the title of the book from Psalm 32:8. The guests originally invited for the launch of the Fake Drugs in Nigeria book and celebration of the 25th anniversary of Pharmanews were invited to Muson Centre and the book was well appreciated.

With the successful launching of “Your Best Pathway For Life”, I became motivated to write a book every year. By God’s grace, we now have 19 books.  Nobody can frustrate God’s plan for your life.



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