All is Set for NAIP 27th Annual Conference

L-R: Pharm.Udoka Adegor; Pharm. Richard Ladapo,; Pharm Joy Adesina; Pharm. Ken Onuegbu; Pharm. Valentine Okelu and Pharm. Emeka Ndinechi.

… Over N10m worth of free drugs to be given to Ibadan residents

The Association of Industrial Pharmacists of Nigeria (NAIP) will hold its 27th Annual National Conference tagged Oluyole 2024, from 4 to 8 June, 2024, in Ibadan, Oyo State, South-West Nigeria.

The theme of the conference, which will hold at De Signature Tower Hotel, is “The role of digital technologies and innovations in advancing universal health coverage: the Nigeria industrial pharmacy perspective”.

The conference will be chaired by the Chairman and Founder, Bond Chemical Limited, Dr Theophilus A. Omotosho, while the keynote address will be delivered by a Professor of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Ibadan, Professor Oludele Itiola.

While speaking on the choice of the theme on Wednesday, the National Chairman of the association, Pharm. Ken Onuegbu said the world is moving forward to an era of technology, such that some organisations are now involving in paperless operation, so industrial pharmacists have to flow with the direction of the world.

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He said, “we are looking at the situation where all of us will embrace technology in driving home access to essential medicine, driving values and all the key deliverables, as well as managing all the necessary supply chains and figures. This is why we are considering it necessary to dwell on technology, which is also in tandem with the focus of the 2024 annual conference of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN)”.

Pharm. Onuegbu added that the conference will witness quality government representatives, adding that the event will also enable participants to engage in social networking and relax. He added that the conference is edging towards wearing international outlook as international exhibitors will be exhibiting their products and services.

According to the General Secretary of the association, Pharm. Joy Adesina, 4 June, is the arrival of guests/participants where the local organising committee will be hosting all participants to a cocktail in the evening. Day two, which is 5 June, will witness health walk and medical outreach at Victory International Church premises, Rehoboth Cathedral, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan.

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Aside from the keynote address, according to Pharm. Adesina, there will also be two plenary sessions on Friday 6 June. The topic of the first session is “Control substances and the promotion of access to medicine: the meeting point” and it will be delivered by Pharm. (Mrs) Yedunni Adenuga, director, Narcotics and Control Substances, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). There will also be panelists that will discuss the topic which will be led by prof. Oluwatoyin A. Odeku.

Pharm. Adesina added that the second plenary session will focus on “Pharmaceutical sales representatives today: The good, bad and the ugly”, which will also have panel discussion and the conference will be closed with a dinner.

According to the Chairman of the Local Organising Committee, Pharm. Valentine Okelu, the community social responsibility the association is embarking on during the conference at Ibadan is a special one with higher intensity, which is robust medical outreach.

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“We have made provision that will enable us to attend to large number of people. As of now, we have about N10 million worth of drugs that will be given to people free and more are still coming. There will be doctors and clinicians that will screen people for various ailment like hypertension, which is known today as the silent killer, diabetes among others”, Pharm. Okelu said.

Expatiating on the theme of the conference, Pharm. Okelu stated that NAIP members deal principally in production and distribution of drugs and to do this effectively and efficiently to achieve universal health coverage in today’s world, there is need to rely on technology and also be innovative.






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