Achieving optimum memory


Memory is the part of our mind in which information is stored and retrieved. It helps us to recall the when, who, where, what, why and how of everyday life. How would it feel if you could not easily recollect information? Or you quickly forgot things?

Pages of scientific journals are filled with evidence that memory tends to decay with age. For you to always be mentally alert as you age, you must keep stretching your mind. Constant learning is paramount. Learn a new language (I’m currently learning Arabic, it’s pretty mind-boggling). Acquire new skills. Keep growing your storage of knowledge.

IRA principle

Let me share with you the “IRA” principle, which has aided me in remembering most information with ease.The principle stands for impression, repetition and association.

Impression: This simply means concentration. Focus your attention on what you are learning, hundred per cent, and you have a high chance of remembering it. If you focus fully with your eyes and ears, the brain, which is the centre of memory, will store and retrieve any information.

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Concentration is the secret of power. If you can concentrate your mind on whatever you wish to remember, have a vivid impression on it, you have a very big probability of remembering it.

Repetition: Repetition is the simple secret of genius. If you truly want to retain any information, read it over and over again intermittently, and it will set in your mind. The best form of repetition is at intervals. Your brain has the capacity of recalling any information passed to it on a repeated basis after giving the mind time to programme it over and over again. So, instead of spending 30 minutes to memorise a Bible passage or a Quran verse, spend 10 minutes at three different times to study it. And you will have a better chance of remembering it.

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Association: Associate what you want to remember with information you’ve already stored in your mind and you will easily recollect it. Associate dates with important dates of your life or significant dates in history. Use mnemonics or acronyms to file information in your mind. Use pictures to give the information you want to remember life. Use ridiculous phrases or sentences to join your key information together. Do all these, and you have a clear chance of recalling any information stored in your subconscious mind.

I just gave you one of the principles that have helped me to be a thought leader and often remember information with ease. Apply it strategically.

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Get enough sleep regularly. Exercise like an olympics athlete. Keep learning new thing. Be active. Enjoy life. Keep the meditation processes going.


I will be intentional in improving my mental alertness. I will always apply the IRA principle.I commit to a healthy lifestyle.




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