Pharmanewsonline has been rated higher than other pharma websites in Nigeria, by Alexa Internet, International, an American web traffic analysis company based in San Francisco.
The new ranking came with Pharmanewsonline attainment of the global ranking order of 643,246, in global internet traffic and engagement over the past 90 days.

Speaking on this global feat of Phramanewsonline, the Managing Director and Publisher, Pharm.(Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi, expressed his great delight in giving advertisers maximum value for their investment in placing adverts on the website and the journal.
He said with this new position, contents and advertisements on Pharmanewsonline will enjoy better exposure and reach than other pharma websites in the country, such as drugxperts which ranks 1,347,800;, with 2,544,192 position;, with 700,000 rank; psnnational positioned at 4,734,541, among others.
“Our website metrics for the month ended May also affirmed this global ranking, with the current average daily visitors of 10,000, over 310,000 monthly visitors, about 6 million monthly hits, and 1.1 million monthly page views.

“We also TARGET your AUDIENCE more EFFECTIVELY, as our visitors are mainly healthcare professionals”, he stressed.
The Pharmanews boss further emphasized that this global recognition of Pharmanewsonline is a good opportunity for existing and prospective advertisers to leverage for global exposure and reach of their products and services, as more readers access the online contents in the comfort of their homes.
Other Benefits of Advertising on Pharmanewsonline are:
• Ads can be updated any time with little or no cost.
• Ads reach a large number of people all over the world, and are accessed 24 hours, 365 days a year.
• It is cheaper than advertising on other media channels (television, newspaper, radio). Thus, advertising on is a less expensive way of connecting with your customers and consequently producing greater and more lasting results.
• There is the opportunity of hyperlinking to your company’s website.
• There is better opportunity to track, test and evaluate the effectiveness of your ad campaigns, compared to other channels of advertisement
• Ad campaigns are both easy to implement and easy to withdraw.