Be Productive



Brian Tracy- endorsed speaker and training consultant
George O. Emetuche

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused efforts. – Paul J. Meyer

I thank God for bringing us to the last month of the year. May the month of December be blessed for you and your household.

The first law God gave to man centres on productivity and taking charge (Be fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth.) This tells that man is supposed to be productive anywhere he finds himself because what he will achieve in life is a function of how he is able to produce and take charge of his environment.

Our business outlook

The problem we have today about the naira and forex is a problem of productivity. Our country is a consuming nation. Mr Peter Obi was right during his campaign: to move the country from consumption to production. Achieving this position will solve 80 per cent of the country’s problems. Nigeria currently imports almost everything and exports very little!

With the oil sector accounting for 95 per cent of Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings and 80 per cent of its budgetary revenue, the country is far from diversifying its economy from oil. This is a serious discussion that should sincerely take the centre stage stage – if the country truly wants to make headway.

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Productivity should be a way of life

Everyone wants productivity. The Farmer wants an arable land that produces bountifully. An entrepreneur wants to invest in businesses that yield profits. Everyone wants to grow and develop. Families want to share testimonies of fruitfulness in their endeavours. Everyone wants to excel.  But…

How productive is your company?

How productive is your team?

How productive are your models and strategies?

How productive are you as an individual?

The answers to these questions will explain a lot of things. Productivity is a function of discipline. Productivity is an attitude.

All hands must be on deck

Productivity is a practical thing that everyone in an organisation must pursue. From the production department to the marketplace, every aspect of the process must be seen to be highly productive.

Preparation is important, too. You cannot give what you do not have; therefore, the team must develop the right knowhow to achieve the right results.

The ideal strategy to adopt at this challenging time is to achieve more with little. This is where the power of negotiation comes in. This is where cost leadership strategy is handy. This is where being brilliant on the basics becomes extremely necessary.

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You cannot talk about productivity without talking about people and process. The right team designs the right process that gets the right results. The right strategy is a function of the quality of the team and vice versa. The team you assemble must be the right people; square pegs in square holes, and round pegs in round holes.

Mistakes in people affect the team’s productivity. Whether you hire attitude and train skill or you hire skill and continue to train to achieve optimum performance, you must be seen to be updating your process and recruiting and training the right people. The path to success is not a quick fix.

Excellence is never by chance

You must be intentional if you want to stand out. The theme of the 2023 edition and 5th anniversary of Nigeria Sales Conference (slated for 2 December), ‘‘The Productive Sales Professional,’’ is intentional. The goal is to discuss productivity from a broad perspective – even in a tough business environment of today. Speakers at the conference will be approaching the theme from several perspectives that will ensure that we prepare productive professionals at the end of the programme.

No business will succeed without productivity. Excellence is never by chance. You work for it. Businesses that are not productive will die. Professionals who are not productive are time bombs waiting to explode!

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Let me also emphasise that being productive is a function of knowledge, ability, attitude, and strategy. You need knowledge. You need to show ability to get results. You need the right attitude to get things done. You need the right strategy that tells how to achieve the goals you set for yourself. This is why I always maintain that success is intentional, failure is intentional, and choice is free! People decide the path they want to follow.

Some people will decide to follow an unproductive path because it is easy and promotes the comfort zone. On the other hand, those who want to make a difference will go all the miles to get things done because being productive is a decision. People who are successful in their callings decide to follow the processes that get the crown.

Be productive anywhere you find yourself. Take charge! Your results will speak for you.


Buy Sales, Business and Self-help Books by George O. Emetuche. Reach us for cutting edge training of your team. Please call, 07060559429,


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