After moving into our small house in Mende, Maryland, in December, 1982, I continued to pray for a bigger place. I also desired to move from my rented office space to my own place. However, my financial resources were not enough for my plans. Of course, borrowing was completely ruled out as it had been against my philosophy of life.
After many years of hoping to save enough money, I started fearing that my ambition might not be realised if I did not borrow. Consequently, after discussing with my wife, I contacted my account officer at the then Intercontinental Bank. On Friday, 15th March, 2003, he came to my office to discuss loan conditions. When the meeting dragged, I asked him to allow me leave for Canaanland (Covenant University), Ota, for our Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) Leaders Advance. The meeting was more important to me than discussing borrowing of money. As I drove to Ota, however, I was deeply burdened about the project.
The FGBMFI meeting was chaired by Barr. (Dr) Wole Olufon, the District Coordinator. The night started with prayers and the Spirit of God led him to call for special prayers. He said he felt that some members were having family problems and invited those concerned to come out for prayers.

Seven of us got out and lined up for the prayers. At that time I had no problem at all with my wife or children, but it was as if someone had pushed me out to join those seeking prayers. Barr. Olufon prayed for each individual and when he came to my turn, he hesitated and had a word of knowledge. He put it to me that something was disturbing me and had become a burden to me. Instantly, I confessed that it was my building project. He then relaxed saying that I had delayed that project for too long and God said I should go and tackle it. I summoned courage and told him that I didn’t have enough money for it. Then he assured me that God would provide the money and I should go and start.
When I returned from Ota on Sunday, I narrated my experience to my wife and we agreed to act on faith, depending on our resources and not involving the bank. The architect who drew the plans also agreed to construct the building. On 9th June, 2003, we got the Vicar of our church, Ven. Adeyeye, to come and pray over the foundation of the building.
At the next board meeting of the FGBMFI, I went to where Dr Olufon was seated and told him that we had laid the foundation for the building. He held my hands and prayed for me.
The project took off but unfortunately our money finished at the decking level and our faith was put to test. I didn’t have the courage to tell the architect that we had no money to continue. I wondered whether God did not want us to borrow at all or to borrow at a certain stage. I knew it would become an abandoned project if I did not source for fund.
Reluctantly, I went back to my account officer to renew our discussion while applying delay tactics with the architect because I didn’t want him to see me as someone not prepared for the project. One day, however, he came to my office as usual to discuss progress and I mentioned to him that I had seen the document my bank wanted. He was visibly shocked to know that I was planning to borrow from the bank.
He exclaimed, “Mr Atueyi, you must not borrow for this project as long as I am your architect and builder. From today, don’t worry about money; just be discussing with me the features to make you comfortable. I have some money for this project and you can refund me at your convenience. But, please don’t put yourself under financial pressure.”
As if he wasn’t sure I believed or understood him, he left me and went straight to my wife in the house and told her to warn me never to go any bank to borrow money for the project. This was beyond my imagination but that was how the work progressed without delay.
In December 2005, the ground floor was completed and my office was transferred to the new building. The work on the first floor was completed in December 2006 and we occupied it immediately. God used Architect Asunmo, an Ijebu man and a Muslim, to provide us a building of our heart’s desire without borrowing.