Do the Right Thing


“While others were dreaming about it – I was getting it done.” – Nathan W. Morris

You must be intentional if you want to stand out in your life endeavours. You must be intentional about your thoughts and actions. You must be intentional about doing the right things at the right time.

In his book, How the Best Leaders Lead, Brian Tracy tells the story of General Schwarzkopf, a US Army General and his leadership experience at the pentagon. Here is an excerpt from the book:

‘‘General Norman Schwarzkopf tells about his leadership at the pentagon. His senior told him that to do his job well, all he had to was to follow ‘rule 13.’ When he asked, ‘what is rule 13?’ His commanding general said ‘when placed in a command, take charge!’ When Colonel Schwarzkopf asked, ‘But after I have taken charge, how do I make decision?’ His commanding officer said, ‘what is rule 14?’ He was told, ‘Do the right thing!’ A man can bear any ‘what’ in his duty if he has a big enough ‘why’ to back his decisions up.’’

Brian Tracy- endorsed speaker and training consultant
George O. Emetuche

Doing the right thing makes the difference

Success and failure are somewhat interwoven. They are not totally disconnected; they are related! Let me explain this statement. The time it takes to succeed is the same time it takes to fail. The efforts you invested on your path to success is the same efforts someone make to fail. Success takes efforts; failure takes efforts too. The thing that makes the difference is doing the right thing.

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Henry Ford was right when he said, ‘‘The man who thinks he can and the one who thinks he can’t are both right.’’ It takes effort to do the right thing or the wrong one. Any path an individual decides to follow is a choice but the truth is doing the right thing makes the difference.

The salesperson or professional who decides to play by the rules of his organisation will have a great career.  Doing the right thing is an attitude. It is a decision. Societies that have more people who do the right things will be successful. This also applies to families and business organisations.

Sell the right way

When I train sales professionals, I teach them that real selling is not one-off. Successful selling is when you sell today and in the future. Successful selling is when you attract referrals. You don’t achieve this status by selling the wrong way. You don’t get to this position by taking advantage of the customer or buyer. You succeed in your selling by giving value and by sustaining a mutually beneficial professional relationship. You succeed in the sales world by achieving results and keeping your company’s rules. This is how to do the right thing.

Companies that command a high level of influence in the marketplace are the ones that have consistently done the right thing over time. A salesman who has a piece of his customer’s mind is the one who does the right things. It is not enough to win a prospect to start buying your product; you should get to the second stage of ensuring a repeat purchase and the third stage of receiving referrals from the customer.

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The marketplace is for people who want to stand out

Doing the right thing in selling is about the company, the salesman, the product and the strategy. Everything rises and falls on the company. The company must assemble the right team. The company must decide on the product and services to launch in the market. The company must decide the strategy to apply in their activities. The company determines their policies and how to implement them. Doing the right thing may seem simple but it’s a broad concept that changes everything.

You must do the right thing in every segment of your work. The marketplace waits for organisations that give value. You must show the customers that your products and services have a competitive advantage. You must demonstrate that the customer or buyer cannot get a better offer out there. You should make sure that you have deposited enough in the emotional and logical account of the customer – which will speak for you whether you are with him or not.  This is how to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is not a one-off act; it is a continuous action. It is a deliberate design that wins in the marketplace.

A salesman who knows his job will attract customers’ confidence always. A footballer who knows how to play the game will catch the attention of his club and spectators. Such a footballer would be sought after by other clubs for his service. What you know and how well you know it ensures trust and patronage, whether in a product or in an individual.

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Doing the right thing may not be easy

Nothing great comes easy. It takes character to do the right things. You can train your mind to stand by the right things. This is a way of life, no matter your profession. I have seen people who will insist on the right thing, even if it means standing alone. Always stand on the right path.

The good news is that the time is always right to do the right thing. You can decide to get it right today. Yes, you can. Do the right things and attract people to your side. The more you do the right things, the more you succeed.

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Buy Books by George O. Emetuche from bookshops or super stores near you:

  1. The Selling Champion
  2. The Art of Selling
  3. The 25 Unbreakable Laws of Sales
  4. The 11 Irrefutable Principles of Success
  5. Everything is Possible
  6. Be Inspired
  7. Succeeding With Your Spouse


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