Chike was a great athlete in his primary and secondary school days. He continued this impressive form in the university, as he always represented his school and won major contests.
Sadly, in his early 40s, he become a shadow of his former self. He complained of his heart beating as if it would jump out of his chest! He immediately was advised to seek medical attention.
On examination, it was discovered by x-ray that Chike’s heart was significantly enlarged. Echocardiogram revealed that his ejection fraction (a measure of how strong the heart is beating) was only 16 per cent. Normal level is between 50 and 70 percent. Chike’s heart was huge, filled with blood clots and beating irregularly. A very critical situation.
The cardiologist then performed a cardiac catheterisation, in which a special dye is injected into the heart and coronary arteries. His arteries were fine, but his heart had definitely suffered trauma. At the next test, a biopsy of the heart muscle showed that, as a result of suffering a viral infection of the heart (he thought he had a severe flu about three months earlier), he had actually contracted a viral myocarditis, which had caused severe damage to his heart.
Chike was placed on a blood thinner and several other medications in an attempt to strengthen his heart. He was then able to leave the hospital but still very weak and could hardly move. Option two was to have a heart transplant.
Chike decided to work with his local cardiologist and a nutritionist. They placed him on very powerful antioxidants and mineral supplements, which he continued with his other medications.
The blood clots finally cleared and the cardiologist was able to convert Chike’s heart rhythm back to normal with electrical shock therapy. He was subsequently introduced to a nutritional supplement containing the nutrient coenzyme Q10.
In four months, Chike’s ejection fraction was back to a normal range of 51 per cent. He felt fine and was even able to ride his bicycle and start running again!
Lots of prayers, as well as adopting a healthier diet and the use of high quality nutritional supplements especially formulated for the heart and blood vessels, made all the difference.
Diseases of the heart muscle
In the previous edition, we spoke about the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. We will now focus on the muscle of the heart itself. The heart is not a complicated organ. It is primarily a muscle whose main job is to pump blood throughout the body.
Congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy are diseases of the heart muscle. An electrical system triggers this muscle to beat in a coordinated and efficient manner. The heart’s valves must then open and close, allowing the blood to flow efficiently through its four Chambers. It has remarkably high energy requirements which enable it to consistently do this responsibility of pumping life-giving blood to every organ in the body.
Coenzyme Q10 is a fat soluble vitamin-like substance that is also a potent antioxidant. Trace amounts of CoQ10 are in a variety of foods, such as organ meats, beef, SOY oil, sardines, mackerel and peanuts. The body also has ability to make CoQ10 from the amino acid tyrosine, but this is a complicated process that requires at least eight vitamins and several trace minerals to complete. A deficiency in any one of these can hinder the body’s natural production of CoQ10.
Several studies have established a direct correlation between the severity of heart failure and correlating depletion of CoQ10.
Deficiency of CoQ10 can be the result of a poor diet, impaired ability to synthesise CoQ10, and /or the body’s excessive utilisation of same.
Recent studies and real-life examples show that CoQ10 is an enormously helpful supplement in people with life-threatening heart conditions.
Boosted with medication, this nutrient helps to supply the much needed energy which the heart needs to in turn do its work well.
As always, we recommend complementary and not alternative medicine. Once you improve, the doctor will make necessary adjustments to your medication.
Your body has inbuilt capacity to repair itself when given the proper nutrients and conditions.
References :
What your Doctor doesn’t know about Nutritional Medicine may be killing you – Ray D. Strand, M. D.
Mrs Chima Ejimofor is the Lead Partner of Infinite Health Consult, and is available for the purchase of FLP high quality nutritional supplements, health talks and wellness seminars. She is based in Lagos, Nigeria. Telephone/WhatsApp: 07033179632, email:infinitehealthconsult@gmail.com