Eating Groundnut Doesn’t Cause Pimples, Study Affirms



Eating Groundnut Doesn’t Cause Pimples, Study Affirms
Image of boiled groundnuts

Contrary to the widespread notion that regular consumption of groundnut causes pimples or acne, a recent study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has found that having pimples or acne has nothing to do with eating groundnuts.

Pimples are inflamed or raised spots on the surface of the skin, usually filled with pus. They are small pustules or papules. The research states that pimples naturally develop when the sebaceous glands become clogged or infected, causing them to swell and fill with pus.

The study, conducted by Parker J. Magin and colleagues, further affirms that pimples can only be gotten when the human body produces an excess amount of oil and dead skin cells, the two can build up in the base of the hair and create an environment where bacteria can grow.

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Groundnut, scientifically known as Arachis hypogaea, which is also otherwise known as peanuts, earthnuts, monkey nuts, pinders, and the like is actually a legume plant that grows from the soil.

It is known to be a common sight during the rainy season, as it is openly displayed in every nook and cranny of the streets in different forms, being boiled or roasted.

Groundnuts along with peas and beans are among the best sources of protein in the plant kingdom and they are also super high in polyphenols; the chief of the antioxidant group.

Although peanuts are high in fat, like avocados, they are high in the “good” kind of fat – monounsaturated fat. They also contain magnesium, folate, vitamin E, copper, arginine, and fiber – all of which are known to lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease. The nuts are really rich in significant, beneficial nutrients that are essential for optimum health.

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On groundnut, groundnut paste, groundnut oil, or groundnut soup, there is no specific ingredient that will cause pimples or acne except if one is allergic to groundnut, experts maintained.

On diets generally, there are no specific foods that are backed up with research that causes pimples but one’s body could react to any food if one is allergic to them and could show as pimples or rash.

Overproduction of oil, shedding of dead skin cells, and build of bacteria are a major factor that drives the wheel of the roughness of the skin or the face. Hormonal changes among teenagers, adolescents, and pregnant women can make pimples or acne worse. Some contraceptives, specifically oral contraceptives could make pimples worsen in women.

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Below are proven ways by experts to prevent pimples

7 Easy Ways to Prevent Pimples

  • Reduce sun exposure
  • Avoid stress
  • Don’t sleep without washing make-up
  • Drink enough water
  • Wash your face regularly and properly
  • Don’t touch your face
  • Use tea tree oil to take care of your face.

If you have pimples, endeavor not to pick or scratch them in order to avoid the spread of infection and scarring. If discovered that the pimples remain adamant even after taking the right precautions, it is advised to see a dermatologist.


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