MedXGuide (Ways To Good Health)


This handbook focuses mainly on some ways to good health through healthcare delivery facilities and interventions. Such facilities like hospitals, clinics, medical centres and community pharmacies provide access to medicines but there are issues on management and/or mismanagement of medicines and sundry products Also, some categories of hospitals; laboratories and community pharmacies are are secondary providers of health insurance-a universally acknowledged way to good health.

MedXGuide 2016 Edition
MedXGuide (A health care delivery guide)

Furthermore, HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing (HCT) is a proven public health prevention and care intervention – another major way to good health.For medicines management, the non-enforcement of the regulations and guidelines concerning the distribution, purchasing prescribing, dispensing and use of medicines in countries such as Nigeria have led to high incidences of morbidity (illnesses) and mortality (deaths)

See also
Zainab Ujudud Shariff: The Natural-Born Herbal Medicine Practitioner

This  handbook is a valuable resource used to deliver the Keynote address at the World Pharmacists Day(25th September 2014) of the PSN Ondo State Branch-Akure.

(Pharm Remi Adeseun, FPSN)


2.1         What is Healthcare Delivery?
3.1         What is Medicines Management in Healthcare Delivery?
3.2.3      National  Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
NHIS Updates (January, 2015)
4.1         What is Public Health?
4.4         Ways to get your Medicine(Avoid Fake Drugs)


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 'The foreword was written by Prof. E.O.Ogunlana(seated at the far right at an event early 2014)-he was a past president of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria(PSN) and also a past president of the Association of Professional Bodies of Nigeria(APBN)'
‘The foreword was written by Prof. E.O.Ogunlana(seated at the far right at an event early 2014)-he was a past president of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria(PSN) and also a past president of the Association of Professional Bodies of Nigeria(APBN)’

(Excerpts from the foreword) – This book guide presents some challenging areas of thought concerning healthcare delivery and …..

See also
Lagos Vaccinates 484,761 Girls against Cervical Cancer

A 90-page ebook


  • The relationship between drugs, medicines and sundries
  • Medicines management in healthcare delivery
  • Some case reports and studies
  • Some public health programs involving medicines
  • Current list of some HIV/AIDS counselling and testing centres in Lagos State-Nigeria


1. As a valuable research tool, the book resonates with educative,

practical, informative and concise information amidst its stark

simplicity This Day Newspaper Review 


2. The book is a useful source of information to healthcare

workers, especially the pharmacists WHO (Nigeria Office, Abuja)


3. The book has a clear style and is simple to grasp. Its case

reports on experiences in other countries are interesting and

useful for medical doctors and other healthcare providers.

See also
Lack of Access to Healthcare Fuelling Maternal, Child Mortality —Ehanire

Prof. Folabi Lesi (Dean, Faculty of Clinical Services- CMUL)


4. The book has helped me as a reference material for presenting my memos and ….

Pharm. (Mrs.) G Balogun – Past

Director of Pharmaceutical Services – Lagos State

Ministry of Health

5. The book is a practical tool to improve drug management

systems and layouts in both public and private hospitals;

clinics, medical centres and community pharmacies. It provides to ….

Prof. (Pharm.) N. D. Ifudu (Past Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy – LUTH)


6. The book has given me a better understanding of primary

healthcare and public health Olatunji Eniola (Student – Lagos State School of Health


Click on the link below to get your copy of the eBook online




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