NAPPSA Annual Scientific Conference and Exposition 2017



NAPPSA Annual Scientific Conference and Exposition to be held in Houston, Texas. The NAPPSA Annual Meeting is the largest International Nigerian pharmaceutical conference and exposition, attracting scientists from industry, academia, and government.

NAPPSA invites pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientist to submit abstracts for the poster session at the 2017 NAPPSA conference.

NAPPSA accepts original research findings for poster presentation. Posters recently presented at another conference may be presented at the NAPPSA conference. It is the author’s responsibility to comply with all applicable copyrights.

Mail your abstract to No abstracts will be accepted after July 31, 2017. You will be notified by email of the acceptance of your abstract. Find abstract submission guidelines. The guidelines also contain instructions for poster preparation.

For additional information, please contact:

Dr Sydney Ugwu at

Dr Okezie I Aruoma at

Dr Patrick Nwakama at

Submission Dates and Instructions:

  1. The deadline to submit an abstract is July 31, 2017.
  2. A “receipt of abstract” notice will be sent via e-mail to the contact author once the abstract has been processed.
  3. Abstracts may not be changed or withdrawn once accepted by the Scientific Program Committee. If circumstances prevent attendance, the author must arrange for the paper to be given by a substitute. Acceptance of the abstract by the Committee obligates the author to present the paper.
  4. You will receive your acceptance notice and session instructions in by August 15, 2017. The complexity of the program planning process prevents any changes in the type of session, time or location of presentation.
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Authorship/Sponsorship Guidelines:

  1. Authors are permitted as first or presenting author on one or more abstracts for the meeting. There is no restriction to the number of co-authorships or sponsorships.
  2. Abstracts submitted by non-members must be sponsored by a full or associate NAPPSA member. By sponsoring the abstract, the sponsor acknowledges that the research has been done according to the internationally accepted Code of Ethics.
  3. NAPPSA members may sponsor an unlimited number of abstracts.

Content Rules and Guidelines:

 The Scientific Program Committee reviews each submitted abstract. The scientific quality of the abstracts presented contributes substantially towards making the NAPPSA Annual Meeting the leading international Nigerian forum for new pharmaceutical research. As such, there is a minimum standard for abstract acceptance. Abstracts are archived materials that are often cited as publications and the quality of the science presented at the Annual Meeting is paramount. The following guidelines apply:

  1. The abstract cannot be more than 2,300 total characters. This includes the title, body, author last name, institutions and spaces. It should be typed single spaced using Times New Roman font size 12.
  2. The abstract may not contain tables, figures or chemical structures.
  3. Abstracts describing the results of experimental studies must answer two key questions: “What was done?” and “What was found?” Abstracts must contain the following:
    1. A statement of the rationale and scope of the study presented;
    2. A brief description of the experimental procedures;
    3. The data that resulted from the study; and
    4. Principal conclusion(s) based on interpretation of the results.
  • Phrases such as “results/data will be discussed” convey no information as to the outcome of the studies and are unacceptable. In the case of studies that do not describe laboratory or field experiments, all the guidelines above apply with the following modifications:
  • Instead of experimental procedures, the research or assessment approach should be briefly described, and
  • Instead of resultant data, the study’s results or findings should be explicitly summarized
  • Abstracts describing new initiatives or science policy in the regulatory community must clearly describe the impact on the practice of pharmaceutical and related medical science.
  • Literature surveys or reviews and background materials are insufficient in and of themselves.
  • Define all non-standard acronyms.
  • All abstracts submitted with human testing require that IRB-approved protocol has been followed.
  • All accepted abstracts will adhere to assigned time slots.
  • All presenters are responsible for registering for the Annual Meeting and paying the registration fee
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 Category List

The categories listed below are used to group abstracts on similar subjects for the Scientific Program Committee review and session Programming (this list is subject to change without further notice). This list is not exhaustive.

  • Bioinformatics/Computational Science/Biometrics
  • Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamic Modeling
  • Natural Products/Phytopharmaceuticals
  • Pharmaceutical Care
  • Pharmacoeconomics/Business Development
  • Drug Discovery/Drug Development
  • Drug Delivery
  • Regulatory/Policy (Drugs & Biologics)
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Pharmacovigilance/Risk Management
  • Manufacturing/Quality by Design
  • Clinical Research and Ethics
  • Supply Chain/Intellectual Property/Counterfeits
  • Pharmaceutical Science Education

SUBMITTING AN ABSTRACT: Email your abstract to


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