Nursing Council Postpones 16th Biennial Nursing Leaders Conference


The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria regrets to inform you of postponement of the 16th Biennial Nursing Leaders Conference previously scheduled to hold from 22nd to 27th November, 2021.

This development arises from low response/registration of expected participants for the conference. The Council had moved the date of the conference to give extra time for participant’s registration. Despite this opportunity provided for more participants to register for the conference, only 16% registration was achieved as at 16th November, 2021.

In the light of the above, the conference has been deferred to hold from 28th March to 2nd April, 2022 at Nigerian Air Force Conference Centre, 496 Ahmadu Bello Way, Kado, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

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Please note that conference registration fee continues at seventy thousand Naira (N70,000.00) via Council’s Remits platform. Kindly register on-line at after payment. Late registration of seventy-five thousand Naira N75,000) commences on 1st March, 2022.

While thanking you for your understanding, the Council sincerely regrets all inconveniences please.

Kindly accept the assurances of my highest regards.


Faruk Umar Abubakar PhD, RN, FWACN



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