Pharmacy Plus rewards outstanding staff



Rep awarded N1m for overall best performance

By Adebayo Folorunsho-Francis

As a befitting honour for a sterling performance, Emmanuel Ubah, PharmacyPlus medical representative (Rivers/Bayelsa) has been rewarded with cheques totalling N1 million for coming first in two categories of the company’s awards.

The award ceremony which took place during PharmacyPlus 2014 Annual National Sales Meeting at Solab Hotel & Suites, Ikeja, on 24 January, had all the regional managers, medical representatives and staff as well as stakeholders in attendance.

Ubah, who won in both the Reload Multivitamin Best Performance and the Overall Distribution categories got a cheque of N500,000 for each award.

Other winners in the Reload Multivitamin Best Performance category were Olumide Olutade (won N300,000 for emerging second) and Pharm. Ijeoma Uchem (N100,000 for coming third); while the Overall Distribution category also saw Don Michael (with N300,000 reward) and Esther Ibeanuka (N100,000) come second and third respectively.

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Giving his award acceptance speech, Ubah expressed appreciation to the management for encouraging him since joining the company.He also challenged his colleagues to continue striving towards excellence.

“I have always believed that everything happens for a reason” he gushed.“Many of you know the challenges before I was officially engaged by PharmacyPlus. Secondly, between last year and 2014 alone, I was robbed and involved in accident in the course of my work. But look at me now! Today, I am going home as a ‘millionaire!’”

Earlier in his remark, Pharm. Chukwuemeka Obi, PharmacyPlus’ chief operating officer, charged his staff to continue to work hard because it is always a rewarding commitment.

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“I urgeyou to take your work seriously,” he counselled.“I am happy in particular with the progress we made in 2013 and we can surpass that, God helping in 2014. There is always a reward waiting for every hardworking person in PharmacyPlus Ltd,” he stressed.

The three-day meeting was also used as a forum to spell out the way forward for the company in2014, with all the senior managers presenting their plans for the year.

Pharmanews gathered that the interactive meeting was developed in-house by the sales and marketing team, and it confirms the company’s commitment in developing its most valuable asset – people.

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PharmacyPlus Limited was incorporated in 2003 as a subsidiary of the parent company – J3 Group – with the mission to engage in franchising, importation and distribution of OTCs and healthcare products.


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