Contrary to the age-long myth that coffee consumption offers little or no health benefit to the human body, more and more studies are springing up daily to negate that assumption, as a new research has found that drinking about six cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of early death by 16 per cent.
The new study conducted by scientists from various institutions including the US National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health, affirmed that coffee can be part of a healthy diet, which could be taken in moderation for maximum health benefit.

Studies have now shown that moderate coffee consumption might protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease, to name but three.
The research published in the JAMA Internal Medicine, and reported on Daily Mail Online, monitored the consumption level of coffee in about 500,00 Britons, between the of ages 38 and 73, for the period of 10 years.
The team revealed that those who drink six or seven cups of coffee per day are 16 percent less likely to die from any disease over a 10-year period than those who never have a cup of the drink.
To obtain their data, the researchers asked the respondents one-on-one, how many cups of coffee they drank per day, including the type: decaffeinated, ground or instant. The collection of their responses revealed that those whose coffee intake was high fared the best.
In affirmation of the findings of the new study, earlier studies have established a link between moderate consumption of Coffee and reduction in the risk of developing heart disease, cancer, dementia, diabetes and depression.
Additionally, caffeine has been shown to be abundant in antioxidants which reduce inflammation and boost both lung function and sensitivity to the glucose-controlling hormone insulin.
According to lead author Dr Erikka Loftfield, a cancer epidemiologist at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland, the results held true whether the type of coffee drank was ground, instant or decaffeinated.
However, in 2015, the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report concluded that moderate coffee consumption of five cups per day can be a part of a healthy diet.
The scientists however warned against the consumption of too much caffeine, which can result in anxiety, dizziness, upset stomach, a fast heartbeat and even muscle tremors.
“Coffee drinking was inversely associated with mortality, including among those drinking eight or more cups per day”, said Dr Loftfield.
“These findings suggest the importance of non-caffeine constituents in the coffee-mortality association and provide further reassurance that coffee drinking can be a part of a healthy diet”, he quipped.
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Wow….. Nice