The PSN Conference of Elders

Pharm.(Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi

The last conference of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), held in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, from 4 to 9 November, 2024, will be remembered as the conference of elders of the Society. It was a conference that attracted the highest number of pharmacy elders in the history of the Society.

The conference defined and recognised pharmacy elders as pharmacists aged 80 years and above. Historically, the recognition of pharmacists aged 75 years and above started when Pharm. Ahmed Yakasai became president in 2015. To encourage these colleagues to attend our conferences, a special arrangement was made for their hotel accommodation. This incentive attracted only a few elders, and we never recorded more than six of them at any conference.

From last year, interest focused on pharmacists aged 80 and above. In some areas of the country, the age of 80 is well respected and celebrated. In fact, there are special ceremonies to admit men and women into this prestigious age group in some communities. At this age, they are accorded certain rights and privileges.

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The Uyo conference defined a pharmacy elder as a pharmacist who becomes an elder only at the age of 80. In future, their rights and responsibilities will be stipulated. The conference was unique and memorable because it was attended by the oldest pharmacist in the country, and the first centenarian pharmacist in the history of the country, Pharm. Dick Obichereihe Onuigbo, from Abia State. Pharm. Onuigbo celebrated his 100th birthday on 31st December, 2024. With him were eleven other pharmacy elders, as follows: Pharm. Dick Nwoke, Pharm. Dr Benjamin Ekpo, Pharm. Ben Enemmo, Pharm. Ifeanyi Atueyi, Prof. Philip Olurinola, Pharm. Jacob Ogundare, Pharm. (Prof.) Oleka Udeala, Pharm. (Prof.) Bona Obiorah, Pharm. Deji Osinoiki, Pharm. Ugbaga Ugbaga, and Pharm. Claudius Aina.

The tenure of Prof. Cyril Usifoh will be remembered, among other achievements, for the formation of the pharmacy elders’ group. The next step will now be undertaken by the new president, Pharm. Ibrahim Tanko Ayuba, who has been known to have high regard for elders. His regime will determine the rights and privileges of the elders. It is expected that the next conference in Kano, Dabo ’25, will attract even more pharmacy elders, depending on the encouragement from Pharm. Ibrahim Tanko Ayuba and his team.

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Ongoing research shows that currently, we have about 120 pharmacy elders in Nigeria, with a few living abroad. About 86 per cent are octogenarians, while 14 per cent are nonagenarians. About 18 per cent are from Anambra State, and 15 per cent from Ogun State. The elders generally experience health, economic, and social challenges and need support and encouragement from their professional colleagues.

In view of this, a committee was formed under the chairmanship of past president, Pharm. Azubike Okwor, to look into the welfare of these elders. This committee is expected to intensify its activities this year. Many elders suffer from loneliness, and even ordinary visits and phone calls mean a lot to them. They should not be neglected, abandoned, or forgotten after they have served the profession in particular and the country in general.

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Pharmacy elders now have a WhatsApp group to promote communication among themselves, and through this means, they are kept up to date with news and issues of special interest to elders. Classmates, schoolmates, friends, and colleagues are now relating with one another through the WhatsApp platform. Classmates who never communicated with each other since they left their institutions are now phoning one another.

The presence of Pharm. Dick Onuigbo at the Uyo conference assured all colleagues that, by the grace of God and deliberate personal efforts, we can live a long and healthy life. In Psalm 91:16 NKJV, God said, “With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.”


  1. Very inspiring and we celebrate you for the unwavering coordination for the Pharmacy Elders networking. May the good Lord grant you sustained good health for us to continue tapping from your fountain of wisdom and vast repository of pharmacy chronicle in Nigeria.


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