Unbreakable Laws of Sales


1st law: Conmen and salesmen are the same, except for integrity

People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. – John C. Maxwell


In the sales world, integrity is everything. When we talk about successful relationships, whether in business or in our private lives, we talk about integrity. Integrity is not a common commodity. It is a product that lives inside the mind of a great man. It is a character trait that emanates from inside that overcomes the outside.

Integrity is rare, thus upheld by few; don’t expect it from everyone. Integrity is not riches, yet it is greater than wealth! It is an attribute that doesn’t come easily. Integrity is not a skill; it is a consistent character trait that distinguishes an individual. It is for individuals who want to prove a point even if they are standing alone.

Integrity is one thing everyone wants to see in any deal. Businesspeople want integrity. Spouses go for integrity. Students want integrity in their teachers. Followers want to follow a leader they can trust. Everyone is talking about the importance of integrity. Once integrity is missing, everything is gone!

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Integrity covers every gap.  It fixes every other weakness. In the scale of leadership, integrity is rated higher than skill. A lot of people have skills but only few can boast of integrity. A man of integrity could be pardoned in other areas of weakness.

Integrity is the starting point in any appraisal. Deficiency in integrity affects other areas negatively. Integrity is one of the foremost qualities of a successful salesman. A salesman who shows a character of integrity will stand out always; he will command a lot of followership. Integrity has its place in the journey of success. No matter what you do or where you see yourself, once integrity is absent, everything is lost!

In sales, buyers buy from the salesman or company they can trust. This is a given. Sales activities happen everywhere and all the time. We close deals daily and on many occasions. Some deals could turn out as expected while some will furnish us with experiences.

The first unbreakable law of sales talks about two words: Conman and salesman. These two words could be grouped together because of the word ‘‘man’;’ but each one has its peculiarities. The salesman is in the business of selling and providing value to his customers, while the conman is in the business of deceit.

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Integrity is the outstanding word that makes the difference in the first law of sales. It is the word that separates the salesman from the conman. The conman and salesman have some things in common. They sell products. They send proposals to their targets. They attend business meetings. But there still exists a difference. While the salesman sells truthfulness, the conman sells dishonesty! This is the distinguishing factor that separates the two.

It is important to note that when a salesman loses the essence of true salesmanship which hinges on integrity, then there will be need to redefine who he really is!  Real selling is Integrity. Anything else is deceit!

Conmen have their selling strategies! They are also innovative. They apply ‘‘reasonable level of ingenuity’’ to ensure they convince their victims. The advancement in technology has also expanded conmen’s trade. They now have the ability to send out thousands of ‘‘fake’’ business proposals. Their proposals come with punchy benefits! All these do not change anything. A conman is a conman; his attributes are consistently negative! He loses because he lacks integrity which is the soul of business. Conmen never keep to their words. Their main stock in trade is falsehood. The answer to sales success still dwells on integrity.

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A professional salesman is a man of his words. He goes all-out to keep his words. The salesman who demonstrates an attitude of integrity to buyers wins their hearts. Buyers will buy and continue the buying experience from the salesman when integrity is intact.

In the business of selling, the importance of Integrity cannot be overemphasised. The more buyers believe you, the more you succeed. Be believable!



George O. Emetuche is chief executive salesman, The Selling Champion Consulting Limited. He is a Brian Tracy-endorsed bestselling author, sales trainer, motivational speaker, and sales and marketing consultant. www.thesellingchampionconsulting.com




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