Wellness: A Gift from God


Carib Health, over the years, has been divinely inspired to see health from a wellness perspective. In this edition of the column, we define wellness, explain the concept, how it differs from health, and we introduce the wellness tree; all of which has been truly divine inspiration and revelation.

Wellness is a perspective on our health that gives reverence to the source of our being. What does this mean? It means creation and our Creator has a hand in our wellness.

Wellness is our gift. It is our gift from our Father in heaven; it is our starting point. The Bible teaches us that we are created in the image, likeness and perfection of God.

Wellness implies that there is already an existing system in man. A perfect system created by God that does what is right and at the right time. We could say there is already a programming in man, a divine programming in place.

To help understand this concept further, here are a few examples:

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We go to bed at night, we wake up in the morning and all night our heart keeps beating. Who keeps your heart beating while you’re fast asleep?

In the morning, we wake up and we have the urge to move our bowels. Who was processing that food? Likewise, in the morning we wake up and have the urge to urinate. Who processes the blood through the kidney that created the urine and stored it in the urinary bladder?

A woman is pregnant, and at some point contractions start to gradually eject the baby. Who starts the oxytocin?

As the sun sets and the moon rises, your body starts to increase melatonin. Who switches on the system in the Circadian rhythm?

Likewise, we put a seed in the soil, pour some water to it, and when we come back in a few weeks, it has germinated into a small plant and later on grows into a big tree with fruits and leaves.

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Just look all around us; there is an amazement that we take for granted. This is already a programme, a perfect programme. It is perfection! It is God’s gift to us, His children. That is wellness. The human body is designed with a system to keep it in wellness. So, wellness is truly our starting point. It is the body’s default position, and our body systems are always trying to stay in wellness or move from illness to wellness. Unfortunately, too often, we humans, His children, get in the way.

The Webster’s Dictionary defines health as the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit. The Oxford Dictionary defines health as the state of being free from illness and injury.

According to the World Health Organisation, “health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”

Compare these definitions to our Carib Health’s definition of wellness.

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In summary, wellness is an acknowledgement that there is already a system, a programme in place that works for our health. Thus, the healthcare approach is to be in alignment with the system; understand it first and any alteration be in accordance.

God put us in “ease” but we, His children, got in the way and put “dis” ahead of the “ease” leading to “dis-ease”. This now creates a question and a reorientation to how we see illness and disease.

What is disease? It is simply the body asking for a reset. The body, in its perfect design sends little signals when we start to drift away from our wellness. Often, we miss these signals till it gets so loud and the disease shows up. Disease is an opportunity to reset the body.

Well, if we are birthed into a perfect wellness system and world, from where does illness come? We’ll see that in the next edition.




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