Who Would You Vote as PANSite of the Year 2022?

PANSite of the Year 2022

The fourth edition of the Pharmanews PANSite of the Year Award, an Online Poll created to recognise Pharmacy students, who have distinguished themselves in public healthcare activities as well as community/social development has commenced.

Winners from the three previous editions are Yusuf Hassan Wada, a 21-year– old Pharmacy student of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto; Izukanne Emembolu, from Nnamdi Azikwe University, and Martin Chukwunonso Nwofia, student of Chukwuemeka Odumegbu Ojukwu University (COOU).

This fourth edition is another initiative to reward innovation and active participation of Pharmacy students, who have been championing advocacy in public healthcare in different forms, as well as making impactful contributions in community/social development.

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Sequel to the nomination exercise, the panel -in -charge of the exercise shortlisted six (6) nominees with highest nominations for the Online Poll, and the candidate with the highest votes becomes the winner.

While the winner goes home with a cheque and a plaque, the 1st and 2nd runner ups will also receive consolation prizes.


Voting Rules

Please note that VOTING STARTS on 29 MARCH 2022 and Closes on 18 APRIL 2022 at 12 noon.

You can only vote once. The system will prevent you from voting if you have voted or visited the page before.

Votes with fake emails will be prevented or disqualified.

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Your comments are highly welcome. However, comments do not count as vote cast

To vote, please register to view the ballot page.

After registration, check your email and follow the link sent to your mail to set up your login password.

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    I would like to say it not only to get the number of votes but to get the best and outstanding to take this great time to put in work.

  2. I stand with all but David has contributed more healthcare… I vote for David Etim Effiong

    Check his resumé for 2021/2022

    • I Vote For AKPUS ADIGIZI (Uni Jos). Join us together as we get to make a great step forward to having a beautiful future.


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