Why Loadanew is Best Tonic for Health Maintenance – PPM, Pemason



Why Loadanew is Best Tonic for Health Maintenance – PPM, Pemason
Pharm. Charles Chinwuba

Greenhope Healthcare Limited, a subsidiary of Pemason Pharmaceuticals Limited, recently launched Loadanew, described as a wholesome haematinic supplement formulated to advance the art of healthy living among the population. In this exclusive interview with MOSES DIKE, the Product Portfolio Manager of Pemason, Pharm. Charles Chinwuba explains the benefits of the product and how it will redefine the standards of health maintenance. Excerpts:

Pemason Nigeria Limited recently launched a new product called Loadanew.          Kindly tell us about the product and why you think it is needed at this time in the Nigerian market?

As you rightly noted, the name of the new product is called Loadanew tonic. Loadanew is a complete and wholesome hematinic supplement from the stable of Greenhope Healthcare Ltd, which is a subsidiary of Pemason Pharmaceuticals limited. We believe that Loadanew is exactly what people have been waiting for because it is the complete formula with all the blood-forming factors and vitamins, alongside amino acids and other minerals.

The product is a pleasantly flavoured, protein-fortified, blood-forming-factor balanced, hematinic syrup, designed to help sick people quickly recover from their debilitating and destabilising health conditions that compromise the effective functioning of their body systems; while on the other hand, helping healthy people maintain the equilibrium of factors and nutrients necessary for optimal cell, organ and body function. These features are the things that make Loadanew very relevant for the maintenance of the health of our growing population in Nigeria

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Anaemia is major challenge for pregnant women and patients living with sickle cell disease. What are some innovations of this product that will make it more beneficial to people in this category. Can it also be used as prophylaxis for anaemia prevention and other related disease conditions?

Yes, Anaemia is a major challenge for pregnant woman. In fact, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that anaemia affects more than half (60 per cent) of pregnant women in developing countries, including Nigeria. About 7 per cent of them are further categorised as severely anaemic. The reason is understandable – pregnant women are considered two human beings in one. The nutritional habits of the average pregnant woman in developing countries are barely able to take care of the needs of one person, how much less when they are two.

In pregnancy, the metabolic, anabolic, catabolic, nutritional, haematologic requirements and activities usually need to increase or even double to take care of the extra being carried. This is why we have ensured that Loadanew is fortified with the extra nutritional ingredients they need to prevent shortfalls or to take care of it where it already exists.

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The constituents and their doses are carefully selected and calculated to tune-up all the blood forming organs and activities in the body, as well as support optimal functioning of the system for a healthy life.

It is also effective as a preventive tonic, even before the anaemia manifests. Remember, prevention is always better and cheaper than cure.


Pemason is known for its strong brands in the ethical market. The launch of Loadanew appears to be a slight diversification into the OTC market. Is this part of the company’s strategic marketing plan?

Yes, as you rightly noted, Pemason is known for its strong ethical portfolio, especially in the cardiovascular and antibiotic categories. We have driven that ethical “train” for long, since inception. But recently, management thought about “softening” our portfolio a little bit, by launching into the OTC market, for purposes of diversification.  It is purely strategic and we have a couple of products in that category under consideration. At the fullness of time, we will make them available.

Pricing and effective distribution are major challenges for new products in Nigeria.

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What measures are you putting in place to ensure that this product is available and affordable to patients across Nigeria?

As for the pricing of Loadanew, we have carefully analysed the constituents and that is what the patients stand to gain – having obtained them as raw materials (API) from the purest of sources and compared their doses mg per mg with the available brands presently in the market – and can assure you that whatever penny a customer or patient spends on Loadanew is money well spent.

Loadanew offers the customer the best combination of nutrients and these include blood-forming factors, multivitamins, minerals, amino acids and immune enhancers at the highest concentration for the amount spent, vis-a-vis the amount required to deliver the needed effects in the body.

As for the distribution, we, trust and are relying on the effective network of Pemason Pharmaceuticals Limited, which has at least one medical/sales representative in all states of the federation.

The reps themselves are supported by our effective and capable distributors scattered all over different geo-political zones of the federation. We are confident that Nigerians will find this product available at affordable prices.


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