Wisdom for Success



God’s laws and your health
Pharm.(Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi

Wisdom may be defined as God-given ability to perceive the true nature of a matter and to implement the will of God in that matter. Proverbs 2:6-7 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright.”

Wisdom is about what is real and true from God’s perspective. Man’s reality and God’s reality are often very different. Natural wisdom looks at the facts and makes a choice that seems right for the welfare of the person involved. Spiritual wisdom, however, takes into consideration God’s will on the matter.

Wisdom begins with knowing God. To know God is not just to know the facts about Him, but to stand in awe of Him and have a relationship with Him. Proverbs 9:10 (NKJV) says, “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.”  James 1:5 (NKJV) says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

Whenever we need wisdom, we can pray to God and He will generously supply what we need. Don’t be too proud to ask for wisdom. We can ask for God’s wisdom to guide our choices and decisions. Wisdom gives the ability to make the right decisions in difficult circumstances.

See also
Building by Faith

Wisdom begins with respect for God, leads to right living, and results in increased ability to tell the right from wrong. God is willing to give us this wisdom, but we will be unable to receive it if our goals are self-centered, instead of God-centered. To learn God’s will, we need to read His Word and ask Him to show us how to obey it.

Nearly every situation or circumstance you face in life can be approached from the angles of natural and spiritual wisdom. You need to know not only what God desires in a situation but also how to implement His will in that situation.

The three Hebrew young men – Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego – were faced with life or death decisions when the king gave them a choice of worshipping his image or being thrown into the fiery furnace. Natural wisdom could have said, “Just bow down and save your life.” Natural wisdom looked at the welfare of the people. Spiritual wisdom said, “You are commanded not to bow down to any idol. If it meant death, let it be so.”

See also
Be a Peacemaker

I always remember some life-changing decisions I made in 1978. I was the marketing manager of a multinational company and had a good relationship with my boss .One day a colleague, Douglas Egbuonu, of Pfizer Products Ltd, visited me and recommended a six-week marketing programme of the International Marketing Institute (IMI), Cambridge, Mass., USA. Pfizer had sponsored him for that course. I was excited because it was an opportunity to improve my marketing knowledge and skill.

However, when I presented the proposal to my boss, he vehemently opposed it, ostensibly because of the financial implications, according to him. By God’s grace, I met all my financial obligations (boarding, tuition, travelling) and then applied for leave of absence.

He again rejected my request. At that point, I decided to obey the still small voice I was hearing and I disagreed with him. When he knew that I was desperate to travel out, he reluctantly granted my application.

See also
Power of Divine Guidance

I travelled and returned after a very useful marketing programme, only to meet a boss who had turned against me. Consequently, I was frustrated for a few months before God led me to the business He had prepared for me.  I resigned to start Pharmanews in 1979. My desire for attending the programme was to become a better marketing manager and add greater value to my employer but God planned the training to equip me for my own business.

If I had obeyed my boss and ignored the voice of wisdom from God and lost the opportunity of that training, I might have continued working in that company until my retirement and, of course, completely missed God’s plan for my life.

Also, if Douglas had not informed me, I might not have known about the programme which God used to direct my destiny. The decision to embark on pharmaceutical journalism at that time was God-inspired. No mortal advised me. During those days of uncertainty I was always asking God for wisdom to take the right decisions and actions.  I put all my trust in Him and He became my confidant.


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