Study Finds Depression not Linked to Personality Traits



Study Finds Depression not Linked to Personality Traits

Depression has been wrongly perceived as a low mood or mood swing amongst people that are averagely-minded. Experts have shown that feeling depressed is not the same as depression, which is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and general apathy in one’s daily living.

It affects how one feels, thinks, and behaves, which could lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. One could have trouble going about day-to-day activity, feeling as if life isn’t worth living.

According to data provided by the United States National Institute of Mental Health, 6.7 percent of all U.S. adults had at least one major depressive episode in 2015 alone.

A major depressive episode, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, occurs when five or more of the following symptoms are consistently present for a period of 2 weeks: depressed mood, loss of pleasure in normally pleasurable activities, abnormal weight loss or weight gain, sleeplessness or oversleeping, abnormal physical agitation or slowness, fatigue, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, lack of focus, and “recurrent thoughts of death.”

It has been affirmed by experts that depression has little or no relevance to one being an introvert or an extrovert. According to WHO, 5 percent of the world’s populace suffers from depression that is less visible or rather not visible at all.

In a study published in the Asian Journal of Psychiatry, it was found that being an introvert or an extrovert doesn’t determine the possibilities of depression because the mind is quite different from the character portrayed by many. So, getting out of depression is widely determined by how flexible the mind can be.

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The research conducted by Al-Zameen Fuckner and colleagues further explained that, the rate at which one’s mental strength or capability determines how easily one falls into depression or is not also linked to a character or social life. Depression has been wrongly associated with introverts and people who mostly keep to themselves. But it has recently been found that extroverts are more likely to fall into depression as they tend to cover up their worries and troubles by disguising to be always happy and hyper.

They revealed that a depressed fellow could be unaware of his or her own situation while believing it to be a period of unhappiness, low morale, and loss of interest. Depression becomes undeniable when stated symptoms exceed 2-3 weeks without a change in reaction, thinking, feeling, mind, heart, and perception.

Although it has been found that drugs that selectively stimulate the production of neurotrophins could represent a new generation of antidepressants, it is best treated with therapy.

What Triggers Depression?

  • Financial Stress: Money problems can trigger depression and other major mental illnesses. The stress and worry associated with even minor money issues have been shown to lead to an increased risk of depression and anxiety.
  • Abusive Relationships: Relationship problems can include those related to marriage and partnership, or those between family members. The closer the relationship, the more potential for depressive thoughts to emerge.
  • Stress: Stress is a common depression trigger. Feeling overwhelmed can make one feel hopeless and out of control. One has to learn to establish clear boundaries and say no when one has already got a full schedule of things to get done.
  • Illness or Injury: An injury can cause a relapse into depression, especially an injury that limits a person’s mobility. Chronic illnesses that flare up from time to time, are also antecedents of depression.
  • Substance Abuse: Many abused substances work paradoxically; that is, they have stimulant and depressant effects. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, but many stimulants, like methamphetamine, produce serious “crashes” when a person refrains from using them. Another issue is a relapse from sobriety into active addiction.
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How to Avoid Depression

  • Reduce stress

Chronic stress is one of the most avoidable common causes of depression. Learning how to manage and cope with stress is essential for optimal mental health.

· Eat well

Recent research has shown that regularly consuming a high-fat diet can have similar effects as chronic stress in terms of causing depression. In addition, an unhealthy diet can also deprive your body of vital nutrients it needs to maintain physical and mental health.

· Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity can result in low self-esteem, especially once you start adding to the judgments and criticisms of other people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Trusted Source, there is a clear correlation between being obese and experiencing depression. A national survey found that 43 percent of adults with depression were obese. Additionally, adults with depression were more likely to be obese than those without it.

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· Manage chronic conditions

People with other chronic conditions have a higher risk of developing depression Trusted Source. Chronic conditions aren’t something that can be avoided, but in many cases, they can be managed.

·  Reduce alcohol and drug use

The excessive use of alcohol and any drug use not only is associated with higher risks of depression but also high risks of depression relapse Trusted Source. Limit alcohol intake, and eliminate any drug use as safely as possible.

  • Stay away from toxic people

Regardless of the specific situation, toxic people should be avoided at all costs. They can lower our self-esteem. One study from 2012 found that negative social interactions were linked to higher levels of two proteins known as cytokines. These two proteins are associated with inflammation as well as depression.


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