Call for Nomination: Pharmanews Pansite of the Year Award


Sequel to the creation of the Young Pharmacist of the Year Award by Pharmanews Ltd, which saw Pharm. Isa Muhammad as the winner, the publishing firm has decided to extend the Online Competition to the Pharmaceutical Association of Nigerian Students (PANS), which is tagged:”Pansite of the Year Award”.

This is another initiative to reward innovation and active participation of Pharmacy students, who have distinguished themselves in public healthcare activities as well as community/social development.

PANS Banner
Call for Nomination: Pharmanews Pansite of the Year Award

To select candidates for this Online Competition, we hereby call for nomination of pansites, who have invented fantastic innovations, and those who have impacted their communities significantly, based on public healthcare and community development activities. Your nomination should be attached as a comment to the post.

See also
World AIDS Day 2019: UNAIDS Tasks Communities on End to Stigmatisation

Following the nomination exercise, the panel in charge of the exercise will select five nominees with highest nominations for an Online Poll, and the candidate with the highest votes becomes the winner.

Please note that nomination closed on Friday, 19 April 2019. While voting has already commenced and will close on 22 May 2019.

Click here to go to the online poll



  1. I nominate MARTINS NWOFOIA.FROM faculty of pharmaceutical Science Chukwuemeka odumegwu ojukwu university igbariam as the PANSITES of the year ….He has supportive and render selfless services to all PANSITES in the instituion…..

  2. I nominate Nwofia Martin Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, as the PANSITES of the year! He has been immensely supportive to all PANSITES in the institution both academically, socially, health seminars, and many more.

  3. I nominate Aminu Muhammad Bello from faculty of pharmaceutical sciences Gombe State University.

  4. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world.. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria

  5. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria

    See his name and his team published on WHO website

  6. Yusuf Hassan Wada has made a measurable impact over the past years as a passionate advocate for all Drug Abuse, Cancer and so many public health issues, especially
    through his writings. His volunteer activities are as varied as his skills; public speaking about the them, research on topics; and simply acting like a friend to those who are most in need of one… He has also frequently been asked to speak at presentations to the Public. His contribution to others becomes all the more impressive when you consider the many activities he do.

  7. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University Of Ibadan, his a public health enthusiast and a student researcher with published research works that has been presented locally and internationally. He won WHO antimicrobial resistance challenge with his co- team, his one of the Nigeria student ambassador for Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, he merited this position through his vast knowledge in Public health. He has proof – read research work for student and professional researchers in Nigeria and Outside the country. His impact as a public health mentor is beyond the horizon of Africa. Please visit his Facebook profile to know more about his excellent work

  8. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world.. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria.

  9. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada.He is innovative, intelligent, creative about Public Health Programs. He has contributed in various ways to its development by leading various campaigns, advocacy and carrying out a lot of research. He’s an excellent PANSite and the Current PANS National PRO

  10. i nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award. He have done alot in the fight on Drug abuse and counterfeit.

  11. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UDUS. As a young chap, he has achieved so many great feats and he has become a source of inspiration to both his many of us in his writing, research studies, advocacy, and publishing. He deserves this award

  12. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan.

    He is young innovative thinker wishing to change the world with intellectualism. As a global health advocate, he has a keen interest in antimicrobial resistance, drug policy and global health research.

    He has presented his research works both within and outside the country and he’s currently mentoring healthcare students who are becoming adept in research.

    His career objective is to achieve professional excellence by putting continuous knowledge and skills which will ultimately contribute to the achievement of community goals…

  13. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award. He’s a young chap that have done alot toward eradication of Drug abuse in not only his community but in our state. He’s a researcher, writer and advocate.

  14. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Iban, Nigeria. His passion in research is unmatche and how he has been helping young professionals as far as research is concerned, it is inspiring

  15. Adebisi Adebayo Yusuf,
    University of Ibadan, Oyo State.
    An excellent pansite.
    Lots of achievements home and abroad.
    Health group on Facebook where he talks about issues. Also doing something on antibiotics awareness.
    He’s really amazing.

  16. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada, a Pharmacy student, the National PRO PANS, and a Young Leader Advocate for the ‘Drug Free Nigeria’ Programme. He recently discussed his plans with NDLEA, NPF and Presidential Committee on drug abuse

  17. Yusuf Hassan Wada is an accomplished pharmacy student, activist, advocate, writer & Researcher lawyer. Having studied alongside Yusuf at a conference last year I walked away knowing that his understanding of science, medicine & public health is NEEDED. I nominate him for the Pharmanews Pansites of the year award.

  18. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He fulfilled all the eligibility requirements for the award through his engagement on health matters

  19. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria

    See his name and his team published on WHO website

  20. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Oyo state.
    Yusuf is a passionate researcher who has through his skill contribute to Health issues locally and globally. He’s a very resourceful young chap in the Health industry…

  21. I nominate ADEBISI YUSUFF ADEBAYO…A student of University of Ibadan.
    If you’ve seen a man who’s diligent in what he does,he shall stand among kings and not just mere men.Yusuff is diligent and hardworking, he’s been of great impact concerning health related issues,selfless and ready to help you achieve what you think ordinarily is impossible,a health research enthusiast and a great mentor,always ready to learn and he’s contributed to health both within the country and outside.
    He deserve this and even more,he’s an inspiration to so many of us in health repeated courses, I can attest to the fact that he’s fit for this.
    God bless PANsite and bless Yusuff Adebisi greatly too.

  22. I nominate nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo proof Rx, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    His Self-belief and hard work always earn him success
    Great and good character is often formed by imitation. And if we would shine in any sphere of life, we must consider Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo

  23. I nominate Adebisi yusuf Adebayo from faculty of pharmacy, university of Ibadan as the pansite of the year. His selfless attitude towards the global development of people’s health made me nominate him. He is just the best person for this award.

  24. I nominate Adebayo Yussuf Adebisi, University of Ibadan. He is proactive, intelligent, diligent and passionate about public health. He deserves this award

  25. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from the University of Ibadan. I’ve known him to be a selfless and magnanimous being. Always willing to share his knowledge. He is a role model to many.

  26. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo. This is his profile based on his impact in drug policy and public health. Adebisi is really a student with outstanding impact even though he is still a student. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is the associate director for research at Global Health Focus Africa. He is currently a fourth year pharmacy student from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and he has also earned diploma in Addiction Medicine from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Adebisi is a global health enthusiast, drug policy advocate, research enthusiast and public health educator. He is a graduate of Global Health Pharmacy where his interest in drug policy, smoke-free world and research emanated. He is an astute advocate for harm reduction and drug policy. Adebisi has also served as the President of Students for Sensible Drug Policy where he actively advocate for ending war on drugs. He is also a member of many international organizations in the space of public and global health. Adebisi has presented (as a author/coauthor) various research works in many local and international conferences. One of his dreams is to see Africa where harm reduction is widely embraced and adopted.

  27. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is his name.He is from University of Ibadan. Apart from being selfless and impactful, this young man is making great wave in the field of pharmacy. He has travelled within Nigeria and beyond solely to expand his niche in the laudable profession. He is indeed a young man of honour. I nominate him

  28. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo for the pansite of the year… His global health knowledge is vast, and has earned him both local and international recognition

  29. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from University of Ibadan. Yusuf apart from being interested in research and development as it concerns Pharmacy profession, is a selfless fellow and a leader

  30. I nominate Adebisi yusuf Adebayo from faculty of pharmacy, university of Ibadan as the pansite of the year. His selfless attitude towards the global development of people’s health made me nominate him. He is just the best person for this award

  31. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Oyo State.

    Adebisi’s impact in the public health space as a pharmacy student is inspiring

  32. I nominate Adebisi Yussuf Adebayo of the university of Ibadan.
    He’s indeed an outstanding addition to the pharmacy profession!

  33. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo. He is a student of pharmacy at university of Ibadan. He is a diligent student with great enthusiasm for healthcare.

  34. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria

    See his name and his team published on WHO website

  35. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Oyo state.
    Yusuf is a passionate researcher who has through his skill contribute to Health issues locally and globally. He’s a very resourceful young chap in the Health industry…

  36. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo
    from the University of Ibadan. I’ve
    known him to be a selfless and
    magnanimous being. Always willing
    to share his knowledge. He is a role
    model to many…….

  37. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo
    from the University of Ibadan. I’ve
    known him to be a selfless and
    magnanimous being. Always willing
    to share his knowledge. He is a role
    model to many…

  38. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

    Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo impacts in the public health space is vast and encouraging. He is a global health enthusiast and has led numerous campaign aimed at providing health information to hard-to-reach people. He is inspiration to many pharmacy students within and outside Nigeria.

  39. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University of Ibadan. He is dedicated to global public health. He merits this award. Adebisi has impacted many of us!

  40. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo A.K.A Prof Rx He is selfless, intelligent, hardworking, passionate about the health sector and has made innumerable contributions to this industry in the areas of academics and research ( both locally and internationally), community development services (public health awareness through seminars and workshops, etc) even as a student. I therefore consider him a good student ambassador of this noble profession, qualified to receive this well deserved honour.

  41. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Oyo State.

    In no doubt, Adebisi is an excellent pharmacy student.

  42. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan.

    He is young innovative thinker wishing to change the world with intellectualism. As a global health advocate, he has a keen interest in antimicrobial resistance, drug policy and global health research.

    He has presented his research works both within and outside the country and he’s currently mentoring healthcare students who are becoming adept in research.

    His career objective is to achieve professional excellence by putting continuous knowledge and skills which will ultimately contribute to the achievement of community goals…

  43. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is a pharmacy student with a difference. He is well known for his hardworking spirit and his great involvement in public health. Adebisi is a global health enthusiast and he is a mentor to many a student as he continually inspire them.

  44. YUSUF HASSAN WADA is an innovative Pharmacy student. He inspires me a lot. I thereby nominate him for the Pharmanews Pansites of the Year award.

  45. I nominate Adebayo Yusuff Adebisi.He is innovative,intelligent,outstanding and passionate about global healthcare.He has contributed in various ways to its development by leading various campaigns and carrying out a lot of research.He is also an excellent pansite.

  46. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria

    See his name and his team published on WHO website

  47. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, from University of Ibadan. He is dedicated to public health and deserves the award.

  48. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, a student of Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan. He’s passionate and relentless about health and how it can be improved in Nigeria and the world at large. In his words, he once said ‘I don’t care if you have a better score than I, the most important thing is that we all passed’, that’s always his attitude when he tutors his classmates, ever met such a selfless person?

  49. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University Of Ibadan, his a public health enthusiast and a student researcher with published research works that has been presented locally and internationally. He won WHO antimicrobial resistance challenge with his co- team, his one of the Nigeria student ambassador for Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, he merited this position through his vast knowledge in Public health. He has proof – read research work for student and professional researchers in Nigeria and Outside the country. His impact as a public health mentor is beyond the horizon of Africa. Please visit his Facebook profile to know more about his excellent work

  50. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf from University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
    He is selfless and honest. He deserves the best

  51. I nominate Adebisi Yussuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan as the PANSite of the year. He’s a young innovator with an unquenchable enthusiasm in global health. His interest and works in global health also extents to policies and policy making on drugs.

  52. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.
    His all-over effort to reach the less privileged and to also curb Drug abuse and Resistance is really a top notch.

  53. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world.. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria.

  54. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff.
    I have never met the lad in person but we were introduced by someone who knew both of us. I am a lecturer in the department of pharmacology a and toxicology in Niger Delta University.
    He has been of great help even without knowing me in person. He steps out of his way to put smiles on people’s faces.

  55. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is a pharmacy student with a difference. He is well known for his hardworking spirit and his great involvement in public health. Adebisi is a global health enthusiast and he is a mentor to many a student as he continually inspire them.

  56. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

    He’s an amazing emerging healthcare professional who has make meteroic social impact within his community.

  57. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is the first to be selected as the ambassador for Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in Nigeria. He is very hardworking and has been known for his impacts in the social public health space. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo has been given opportunity to attend to many seminar in Nigeria and oversea due to his tutelage knowledge. I nominate Adebisi from the University of Ibadan for the awards.

  58. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is the first to be selected as the ambassador for Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in Nigeria. He is very hardworking and has been known for his impacts in the social public health space. I nominate Adebisi from the University of Ibadan for the awards.

  59. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He fulfilled all the eligibility requirements for the award through his engagement on health matters.

  60. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is the president of Students for Sensible Drug Policy in the University of Ibadan, an organization that is headquartered in Washington D.C. Adebisi is actively involved in advocating for drug policy that is compassionate and sensible without discrimination or stigma. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo has one of his paper on drug policy at the peer review stage at the International Journal of Drug Policy. Alas! Adebisi is still a student and he is 22 years old!

  61. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He fulfilled all the eligibility requirements for this award.

  62. Early this year, Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo also won the travel grant to attend the First International Lassa Fever Conference in Abuja where he had the opportunity to foster his knowledge in Public Health Emergency Management. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from the University of Ibadan Nigeria. His article on the conference was featured in Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Blog

  63. Recently, Adebisi just won a big grant to do an innovative project in Nigeria. Still undisclosed. Adebisi is doing well in the public health space and interestingly he is just 22 years. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from the University of Ibadan deserves the ward. I nominate him!

  64. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact in research is immense.

  65. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

    He’s an amazing emerging healthcare professional who has make meteroic social impact within his community.

  66. I nominate Adebisi Yussuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan as the PANSite of the year. He’s a young innovator with an unquenchable enthusiasm in global health. His interest and works in global health also extents to policies and policy making on drugs…

  67. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from NigeriaSee his name and his team published on WHO website

  68. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.

  69. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is a pharmacy student with a difference. He is well known for his hardworking spirit and his great involvement in public health. Adebisi is a global health enthusiast and he is a mentor to many a student as he continually inspire them.

  70. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada, the Principal Editor Pen Press, Writer, Researcher and the current PANS National Editor. He really deserves this award.

  71. I nominate Kenneth B. David,the Chairman Editorial Crew, PANS, kaduna State University Chapter. He really deserves this award due to his craving for perfection and harwork. We’re blessed to have him

  72. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is a pharmacy student with a difference. He is well known for his hardworking spirit and his great involvement in public health. Adebisi is a global health enthusiast and he is a mentor to many a student as he continually inspire them.

  73. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University sokoto as the Pharmanews Pansite of the Year Award

  74. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University sokoto as the Pharmanews Pansite of the Year Award

  75. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin as Pharmanews Pansite of the year.

  76. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin as the Pharmanews Pansite of the year.

  77. I nominate Pharm Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. Even without seeing each other, I have always admired this young man and his unquenchable zeal for pharmacy and healthcare. You really need a Melody in your life. He should win this.

  78. I nominate Melody Okereke aka RxAtenolol from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. He deserves to win this.

  79. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. As the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun; this young man has made me to doubt the authenticity of this adage. I have never seen a first year pharmacy student who has gone so far in the medical space even much more than graduates of pharmacy. This guy is really mind blowing; a google search will convince you. He deserves this award.

  80. I nominate Melody Okereke, he is a young man with great dreams fueled by unimaginable exploits, achievements and feats.

  81. I nominate Melody Okereke from Unilorin. He is a great and knowledgeable pharmacy student. He is best for this award

  82. I nominate Melody Okereke from the faculty of pharmacy, University of Ilorin, Kwara State.

  83. I nominate Melody Okereke from Unilorin. He is a very brilliant pharmacy student and has achieved a lot at a very young age.

  84. I nominate YUSUF HASSAN WADA from USMAN DANFODIO UNIVERSITY, faculty of pharmaceutical science

  85. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. He is a smart and very hardworking Pharmacy student.

  86. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Unilorin. At a very young age, his knowledge of drugs is beyond the imaginable. He has worked so hard as a pharmacy student and he really deserves this.

  87. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. I’ve heard a lot about him even from the Faculty of Arts. The young man deserves this.

  88. I nominate Melody Okereke, Pharmacy, Unilorin. He is very brilliant and has demonstrated zeal for excellence.

  89. I nominate Melody Okereke, pharmacy student, Unilorin. He has published articles with various organizations like the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF), African Regional Office (AFRO) of the IPSF etc. He has also published with the Nigeria’s foremost Newspaper, the Vanguard. He is the best man for this award.

  90. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. He is very resourceful, amazingly brilliant and reliable. He deserves the pansite award

  91. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. He is just in his first year of pharmacy school but he has great achievements to his credit. He should win this.

  92. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. No much thing to say, a google search will reveal so much about him.

  93. I nominate Melody Okereke. He is an experienced researcher and the founder of the Young Nigerian Researchers Forum. He should win this.

  94. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Unilorin. Within the short time I’ve been with him in school, he has proven to be trustworthy and reliable. He is as well one one of our best students if not the best. He deserves this Pansite award

  95. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Unilorin. He is very resourceful and a mentor to many. He should be the Pansite of the year

  96. I nominate Melody Okereke from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Ilorin. At a very young age, he has achieved some great feats and he has become a source of inspiration to both his course mates and the society at large. He deserves this award

  97. I nominate Kenneth B David for the Pharmanews PANS’ite of the year award… He’s a seasoned writer and Chairman, Editorial Board, PANS KASU chapter.

  98. Hello Pharmily, I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada, His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.

  99. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.
    His all-over effort to reach the less privileged and to also curb Drug abuse and Resistance is really a top notch

  100. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from the University of Ibadan. She is passionate about pharmacy and she has been involved various community healthcare outreaches organized by different organizations in a bid to impact the people around her and I believe she more than anyone else deserves this award.

  101. I will like to nominate yusuf hassan wada of usman danfodio universty as the pansite of the year

  102. I nominate YUSUF HASSAN WADA of UDUSOK faculty of pharmaceutical sciences for the pharma news pansite award

  103. I hereby nominate YUSUF HASSAN WADA of USMAN DANFODIO UNIVERSTY for the pharma news pansite award of 2019 because he deserves it

  104. I nominate pharm.yusuf hassan wada of Usman danfodio university faculty of pharmaceutical sciences for the pharma news pansite award of the year,

    In terms of keeping the general public up to date about the consequences of abusing illegal drugs he’s in the fore front

  105. I nominate Adebisi Yussuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan as the PANSite of the year.
    He’s a young innovator with an unquenchable enthusiasm in global health. His interest and works in global health also extents to policies and policy making on drugs.

  106. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff.
    I have never met the lad in person but we were introduced by someone who knew both of us. I am a lecturer in the department of pharmacology a and toxicology in Niger Delta University.
    He has been of great help even without knowing me in person. He steps out of his way to put smiles on people’s faces.

  107. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo , university of Ibadan. He is highly innovative about health problems as he had with his represented University of Ibadan School of pharmacy in many international health innovation competition. He was the Public Relation officer of the past PANS executive of university of Ibadan…..

  108. I nominate Adebisi yusuf Adebayo from faculty of pharmacy, university of Ibadan as the pansite of the year.

  109. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    He’s popularly know as ProfRx. I’ve never ever met anyone so selfless as Yusuff and he’s so passionate about it, and all he does..

  110. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized….

  111. It is evident here to see the impact of this young man in the public health space.

    I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

  112. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria..

  113. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award. He is a writer and public health commentator. He has
    continously educate me and the general public on Public health issues through writing mainly drug and substance abuse, regulatory issues, and drug information in various newspapers, media, local and scholarly
    journals. Not to also mention his activities on social media.

  114. YUSUF HASSAN WADA deserves the award for his struggles for awareness against drug abuse and public enlightment

  115. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada for the PharmaNews
    PANSites of the year award. For his selfless service on
    writing, advocacy, research and community devt.

  116. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo. This is his profile based on his impact in drug policy and public health. Adebisi is really a student with outstanding impact even though he is still a student. Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo is the associate director for research at Global Health Focus Africa. He is currently a fourth year pharmacy student from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and he has also earned diploma in Addiction Medicine from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Adebisi is a global health enthusiast, drug policy advocate, research enthusiast and public health educator. He is a graduate of Global Health Pharmacy where his interest in drug policy, smoke-free world and research emanated. He is an astute advocate for harm reduction and drug policy. Adebisi has also served as the President of Students for Sensible Drug Policy where he actively advocate for ending war on drugs. He is also a member of many international organizations in the space of public and global health. Adebisi has presented (as a author/coauthor) various research works in many local and international conferences. One of his dreams is to see Africa where harm reduction is widely embraced and adopted.

  117. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.

  118. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award. His style of writing stirred young writers like this me to think smarter, write better, read more, and above all, to think for us. He’s also a doyen in Research and Advocacy.

  119. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized

  120. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized

  121. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada, a student of the FPS, UDUS. He is a Public health enthusiast and has a number of writing and research papers published.

  122. I believe some humans are sent to be a guide and direct your life on a path that will help you achieve purpose and destiny. Kenneth B David, from Kaduna State University is one of such. Though I haven’t met him face=to=face, his impact is still felt. i nominate Kenneth B David FOR THE PHARMANEWS PANSite of the year award

  123. I nominate Kenneth B David from PANS KASU Chapter for the pharmanews PANSite of the year award.

  124. I’m Abubakar Masanawa and hereby nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award.

  125. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award. For his selfless service on writing, advocacy, research and community devt. service

  126. I nominate Kenneth B David as the Pharmanews pansite of the year due to his wealth of experience in students-mentorship and research.

  127. nominate Kenneth B David from the faculty of pharmacy KASU as the pharmanews pansite of the year

  128. I nominate Kenneth B David, KASU as the pansite of the year. Through his online threads, I have got to know a lot about the pharmacy profession. He is an icon and a role model to many

  129. I nominate Kenneth B David, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences KASU for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award.

  130. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria

    See his name and his team published on WHO website

  131. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, from University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is a public health and global health researcher. He is an amazing mentor too.

  132. Comment: I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo as the Pharmanews Pansite of the Year Award. Yusuf is someone I can frankly say that I picked courage to continue to write because of his writing styles for health issues on a simple writing. Not to mention his advocacy campaign and rest.

  133. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.

  134. I nominate Kenneth B David from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, KASU as the PANS’ite of the year

  135. I nominate ‘Yusuf Hassan Wada ‘Faculty of pharmaceutical sciences UDUS. He is a competent writer who have done alot about drug
    abuse awareness and he always enlight the public through his social media accounts, national dailies and researchs about the rationale on how to cope with substance abuse in Nigeria.

  136. Comment: I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences UDUS for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award.

  137. I nominate YUSSUF HASSAN WADA from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Sokoto State. He is a public health writer, researcher, Drug-free Nigeria advocate and campaigner, socio-economic and health commentator. His pieces on public health advocacy have appeared on several online and print mediums including Daily Trust, SwankPharm, Thisday, BBC, TheNation and Naij. He has all what it takes to win the award.

  138. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.
    His all-over effort to reach the less privileged and to also curb Drug abuse and Resistance is really a top notch

  139. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Oyo State He is intelligent and selfless. He has attended alot of health conferences both national and international, which has broadened his horizon of exposures. He already has some standard research papers credited to him while still an undergraduate. He’s earned awards international award on AntiMicrobial Resistance innovative Competition with his co-team. Yusuf is an astute advocate of public health awareness and still remain valid and relevant in Oyo state environ by spearheading alot of campaign on various health issues varying from substance abuse to antimicrobial resistance. Currently, he is the brain behind the trending #100daysAntimicrobialResistance on social media. These are not all his achievements. I’m convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Adebisi Yussuf Adebayo deserve this award

  140. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from the prestigious Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He has all that it takes to be awarded this.

  141. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Udus for the pansite of the year award. His contributions to global health is commedable, he deserves the award more than anyone.

  142. I nominate Adebisi Yussuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan as the PANSite of the year. He’s a young innovator with an unquenchable enthusiasm in global health. His interest and works in global health also extents to policies and policy making on drugs.

  143. Yusuf Hasssan Wada is a progressive and a far-sighted
    PANSite on community development and public health issue, a person who believed in fairness and a promoter of health advocacy. He is a true gentleman, but sternly of spine; thoughtful and gracious. And he has a spirit and essential decency that draw others to him. Above all,
    he is widely-acclaimed as a straightforward and honest man. I nominate him “Yusuf Hassan Wada” and wish many could do so.

  144. I nominate Rotimi Temitope Alamojin from igbinedion university okada. He is very hard working and also selfless who also started a NGO here in school to give back to the society via organization of programs and events to touch the life’s of the common man. He is indeed an inspiration

  145. I nominate Abdullahi Nnamdi Sadiq of University of Nigeria Nsukka as PANsite of the Year. Sadiq is a leader and a model for Nigerian Pharmacy Students, he has contributed tremendously to public health campaigns in the community,and around the school environs, he coordinates student affairs in the University of Nigeria and inspire s other students to do same.
    With these award, he would be able to extend his influence across Pharmacy schools in Nigeria.

  146. I nominate “Yusuf Hassan Wada”, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto as the Pharma News PANSites of the year

  147. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    Adebisi deserves the award in all ways

  148. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.
    His all-over effort to reach the less privileged and to also curb Drug abuse and Resistance is really a top notch

  149. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University Of Ibadan, his a public health enthusiast and a student researcher with published research works that has been presented locally and internationally. He won WHO antimicrobial resistance challenge with his co- team, his one of the Nigeria student ambassador for Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, he merited this position through his vast knowledge in Public health. He has proof – read research work for student and professional researchers in Nigeria and Outside the country. His impact as a public health mentor is beyond the horizon of Africa. Please visit his Facebook profile to know more about his excellent work

  150. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria

    See his name and his team published on WHO website

  151. I nominate Obongodu Samuel from the faculty of pharmacy university of Uyo as the pharmanews pansite of the year.
    she is the incumbent Vice president of the student Union Government university of Uyo.

  152. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He is a public health writer, researcher, Drug-free Nigeria advocate and campaigner, socio-economic and health commentator. His pieces on public health advocacy have appeared on several online and print mediums including Daily Trust, SwankPharm, Thisday, BBC, TheNation and Naij. Not to talk about his research papers and researches I knew he have tried to make impact on.

  153. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences UDUS for the PharmaNews PANSites of the year award.

  154. Comment:

    I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo A.K.A Prof Rx He is selfless, intelligent, hardworking, passionate about the health sector and has made innumerable contributions to this industry in the areas of academics and research ( both locally and internationally), community development services (public health awareness through seminars and workshops, etc) even as a student. I therefore consider him a good student ambassador of this noble profession, qualified to receive this well deserved honour.

  155. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He is a public health writer, researcher, Drug-free Nigeria advocate and campaigner, socio-economic and political commentator. His pieces on public health advocate have appeared on several online and print mediums including Daily Trust, SwankPharm, Thisday, BBC, TheNation and Naij. He’s also a health reporter/columnist for PEN PRESS

    And many more I can’t remember..

  156. I nominate ADEBISI YUSUFF ADEBAYO,University of Ibadan.He is a global health enthusiast,research enthusiast,Drug policy advocate.He is also a student ambassador and member at Royal society of tropical Medicine and hygiene.He is the associate director for Global health focus Africa.

  157. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He is a public health writer, researcher.

  158. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo for the pansite of the year… His global health knowledge is vast, and has earned him both local and international recognition.

  159. I nominate Adebayo Yussuf Adebisi, University of Ibadan. He is proactive, intelligent, diligent and passionate about public health. He deserves this award.

  160. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He has led numerous health campaigns aimed at creating healthier world. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria.

    See his name and his team published on WHO website

  161. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University of Ibadan. Adebisi is an excellent pharmacy student in the public health space.

  162. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University of Ibadan. Adebisi deserves the award in many ways. I nominate him

  163. I nominate Yusuf Hasssan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto as the Pharmanews Pansite of the year award. He’s a Public Health
    advocate, writer, very innovative and has a great personality!

  164. I nominate Abdullahi Abubakar Sadiq from University of Nigeria as the Pansite of the year. He’s a Public Health advocate, very innovative and has a great personality!

  165. I nominate Abdullahi Abubakar Sadiq of University of Nigeria Nsukka… He’s a leader who has contributed tremendously to public health campaigns in the community,and around the school environs

  166. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada for the PharmaNews PANSites award for the year. He is progressive and a far-sighted
    advocate and writer, a mentor and rallying point to many with a razor sharp mind. Let’s bring it home for this silent achiever, Pharmily.

  167. I’m Abiodun Jamiu from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. I hereby nominate Yusuf Wada, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto as the Pharma News PANSites of the year.

  168. I’m Yahaya Akewushola Nurudeen I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

  169. I nominate Abdullahi Abubakar Sadiq from University of Nigeria Nsukka. He is a leader filled with passion for human development and enhancement of the populace quality of life.

  170. I nominate Abdullahi Abubakar Sadiq from University of Nigeria Nsukka. He is a star filled with the light and essence of public health advocacy.

  171. I nominate Abdullahi Abubakar Sadiq from University of Nigeria Nsukka. He is a public health advocate and currently the President of ISPOR UNN: a public health advocacy team that has pioneered various public health campaigns, researches and outreaches. He is also very innovative as he has been awarded the most Innovative Lion by the Students Union Government, University of Nigeria Nsukka. He truly deserves the award!

  172. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He is a public health writer, researcher, Drug-free Nigeria advocate and campaigner, socio-economic and health commentator.

  173. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. He is a public health writer, researcher, Drug-free Nigeria advocate and campaigner, socio-economic and health commentator. His pieces on public health advocacy have appeared on several online and print mediums including Daily Trust, SwankPharm, Thisday, BBC, TheNation and Naij. Not to talk about his research papers and researches I knew he have tried to make impact on.

  174. I nominate Adebisi yusuf Adebayo from faculty of pharmacy, university of Ibadan as the pansite of the year.

  175. I nominate Adebisi yusuf Adebayo from faculty of pharmacy, university of Ibadan as the pansite of the year. His selfless attitude towards the global development of people’s health made me nominate him. He is just the best person for this award

  176. Comment: I hereby nominate Yusuf hassan wada from usman dan fodiyo university sokoto as the pharma news PANsite of the year award. He deserve it wallahi. His dedications and devotions to pharma news is incomparable to any.

  177. I hereby nominate YUSUF HASSAN WADA ,Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. As the Pharma News PANSite of the year award. He deserves this award…

  178. Hello pharmily, I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada, from my university Usmanu danfodio university, sokoto. He’s worth it!

  179. I Nominated Yusuf Hassan Wada, From the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UDUS. His intelligence, Diligence and honesty outweighed any other candidates which impressed me very much.

  180. I was lucky to meet the equally revolutionary Advocate, Yusuf Hassan Wada, who have been a writer, community development advocate, a student researcher and selfless person. He wasn’t just my Pharmily friend but also my mentor, moral fortress and my cheerleader.

    Check his work reported on Dailytrust and other national dailies

    And many more others I couldn’t mention. Search his name on goggle to see more on him.

  181. I nominate Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan. He is selfless, intelligent and a good researcher.

  182. I nominate Yusuf Hassan Wada, from UDUS. He’s endowed and exceptional with spontaneous wit . He is also amazingly consistent. He combines also a fearless attitude as a health writer and a columnist with sharp judgement to become an indispensable guide to contemporary health media.

    He always advocate constantly so well on Drugs use, misuse and abuse, always with bright, engaging and interesting ideas and expressions.

    I envy him for that and hereby nominate him and wish many coud do so.

  183. I nominate Adebiyi Yusuf Adedayo, from University of Ibadan, he is a selfless student researcher and global health enthusiast

  184. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, a student of the University of Ibadan. He is a global health enthusiast and has a number of research papers published. He is a member of the Global Health Enthusiasts Team that won the Innovate4AMR competition in November, 2018. His team was the only winning team from Nigeria.

  185. I was lucky to meet the equally revolutionary Advocate, Yusuf Hassan Wada, who have been a writer, community development advocate and selfless person. He wasn’t just my Pharmily friend but also my mentor, moral fortress and my cheerleader.

    Check his work reported on Dailytrust and other national dailies

    And many more others I couldn’t mention. Search his name on goggle to see more on him.

    I hereby nominate him “Yusuf Hassan Wada” and if you would like to nominate him do so please.

  186. I have been inspired by the work of Yusuf Hassan in Humanitarian and Community development on Public Health especially his advocacy and awareness on drug and substance abuse.

  187. I nominate Adebisi Yussuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan as the PANSite of the year.
    He’s a young innovator with an unquenchable enthusiasm in global health. His interest and works in global health also extents to policies and policy making on drugs.

  188. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff.
    I have never met the lad in person but we were introduced by someone who knew both of us. I am a lecturer in the department of pharmacology a and toxicology in Niger Delta University.
    He has been of great help even without knowing me in person. He steps out of his way to put smiles on people’s faces.

  189. I nominate Adebisi Yussuf Adebayo, University of Ibadan as the PANSite of the year.
    He’s a young innovator with an unquenchable enthusiasm in global health. His interest and works in global health also extents to policies and policy making on drugs.

  190. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo,University of Ibadan, he is a global health enthusiast and he has been educating general public about health issues.

  191. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University of Ibadan. He is dedicated to global public health. He merits this award. Adebisi has impacted many of us!

  192. I do hereby nominate Yusuff Hassan of Sokoto. He is dedicated to community services and deserves the award

  193. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo, from University of Ibadan. He is dedicated to public health and deserves the award.

  194. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University of Ibadan. He is dedicated to public global health and deserves the award.

  195. I nominated Yusuf Hassan from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto as the Pharmanews Pansites of the year.

  196. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University of Ibadan. He is dedicated to public health and deserves the award.

  197. “I nominate Melody OKEREKE from faculty of pharmaceutical, university of Ilorin” he has touched and reached out to many(medically)

  198. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University Of Ibadan, his a public health enthusiasts and a student researcher with published research works that has been presented locally and internationally. He won WHO antimicrobial resistance challenge with his co- team, his one of the Nigeria student ambassador for Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, he merited this position through his vast knowledge in Public health. He has proof – read research work for student and professional researchers in Nigeria and Outside the country. His impact as a public health mentor is beyond the horizon of Africa. Please visit his Facebook profile to know more about his excellent work

  199. I am nominating Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo from University of Ibadan.

    Adebisi’s team is one of the winners of the innovate4AMR Global Competition. He has presented his research works in many conferences home and abroad on public health issues. A lot more of good things to say about this young man.

  200. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo, a student of Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan. He’s passionate and relentless about health and how it can be improved in Nigeria and the world at large. In his words, he once said ‘I don’t care if you have a better score than I, the most important thing is that we all passed’, that’s always his attitude when he tutors his classmates, ever met such a selfless person?

  201. I nominate Adebisi Yusuf Adebayo from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    His impact on the community and research world cannot be over emphasized.
    His all-over effort to reach the less privileged and to also curb Drug abuse and Resistance is really a top notch.

  202. I nominate Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo for the PANSite of the year award…He deserves this award due to his diligence towards global/public health in the Nigerian university system.