Divine Circularity and GMO



Dr Patrick Ijewere

The principle of divine circularity simply states that in God’s kingdom, the circular pattern is a dominant theme. Anything to do with life has circularity. Let us examine this.

Divine circularity in plants

You plant a seed in a fertile soil. A little seed germinates roots into the soil and germinates above the ground. It grows into a shrub, then into a tree that grows fruit and gives leaves. From the fruits, we obtain the seeds afresh. This is used to plant again and the cycle continues endlessly to complete the cycle of the plant’s life.

Just as the Bible says, in Genesis 1:29, God has given us every seed-bearing plant for food, as well as the cycle of the seeds to give fresh plants, giving us fruits and seeds. This is how God creates non-stop, perpetual food, “manna”, for His children. That’s the perfection of His creation.

Divine circularity in insects

Insects all have a life cycle. From the egg to the larvae to the pupa to the mature insect, whether as a butterfly or a mosquito or the honeybee. The insects turn around and mate. This way, they create a new next generation, from the male component and the female component.

Divine circularity in microbes

Microbes have innate mechanisms for self-reproducibility, whether by fusion or fission.

Divine circularity in mammals

Larger mammals, such as the elephant, the giraffe and the hippopotamus, all have a life cycle. They mate and have offspring that also mature and mate.

Divine circularity in man

Finally, we come to man. A profound life cycle, where the male has the sperm and the female has the egg. And within a reproductive system, conception occurs; and after nine months of gestation, voila…a child is born!

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The child grows, from infancy to toddler to childhood, to adolescence, to teenager and then young adulthood then adulthood. And the cycle is repeated. The male component and the female component come together and conception occurs and the generation goes on. This is the perfect state of God’s system.

Divine circularity in water

Many of us think of water as a nonliving thing. At another time, we will have a discussion to awaken us to the life in water. Water is living and responds to stimuli. The waterways are living complex organisms, contrary to what we’ve been taught.

Water has cycles. From the rainfall draining down into the earth, then percolating to the water table, as springs, streams, lakes, rivers., lagoons, oceans, etc. Also, from the surface waters, we have evaporation into the clouds. When the clouds get ready enough, they release the rain back to surface waters, as a complete cycle. This is a cycle of life. This is God’s creation.

Divine circularity in nutrition

Another perfect example of divine circularity is how all creatures feed. Feeding in a cycle, in relation to the earth. Whether it is the small mammals, such as the birds or the lizards; the midsize mammals, like the cow or the horse; or the larger mammals like the giraffe or the elephant, we all feed in divine circularity.

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God provides the food for all through nature. We eat food, digest it, absorb the nutrients and assemble faeces. The body adds some components to the faeces and we expel it. The faeces decomposes into the soil and adds nutrients to increase soil fertility. Animals such as cows, horses and rabbits also create manure which now becomes the nutrient compost or surface soil for the next seed or the next plant. Again, a perfect cycle of divine origin!

Man’s interference in the divine circularity

Whenever we distort or impede or block or try to enhance this cycle beyond the natural way, we create problems. This, for example, includes making products that have no life cycle. Products that have little or no way of being recycled end up polluting the environment. Consider Styrofoam, plastic bottles, composite metals, mercury, cadmium, toothbrushes, plastic packaging, as well as labels of all kinds of inks materials on them. They end up polluting the landfill, the waterways and marine life, such as fishes. And we eat the fish!

Gasoline engine that produces toxin fumes that go into the air end up polluting the environment, damaging the environment. Chemical pesticides and herbicides damage the soil and eventually affect us one way or the other.

Divine circularity vs GMO

Let’s bring it closer to home. In the cycle of food and nutrition, the manufacturers of GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) seeds and the governments that promote them are a perfect example. We are told not to save our seeds, the natural seeds, but to get the seeds from the labs of Monsanto and other GMO seed companies. And you must buy seeds from them every year you want to plant because the seeds don’t have the ability to reproduce if replanted. GMO seeds have interrupted the natural cycle, the natural seed life cycle.

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Again, I repeat that anytime you interfere in divine natural cycles, you create problems. In this case, massive health problems. There is also massive environmental pollution because these seeds are foreign DNA and their cultivation requires heavy amounts of pesticides. Brazil, as one of the top three largest GMO countries, has increased pesticide use by over 700 per cent, according to published data.

Moreover, GMO has tremendous health consequences – from cancer to autoimmune disorders – because we’ve put in an unnatural genetic seed, an unnatural plant into the body. These GMO crops and seeds and their by-products have a DNA sequence that is foreign to us. And they produce proteins that are foreign to us which cause the immune system to attack them. And this eventually negatively affects our immune system, causing autoimmune responses, and disease such as cancer.

Anytime man interferes with divine circularity, we create problems for the environment and for our health. Often these consequences are seen later, while a few are seen fairly soon with allergies and asthma.

GMOs are anti-divine circularity.


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