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How stretching reduces menopausal signs and depression


Are you a woman of menopausal age or someone very close to you is? If your answer is in the affirmative, then here lies some tips to ease women of menopausal symptoms. Scientists have recently found that stretching for just 10 minutes a day can help ease the symptoms of menopause and depression.

Experts evaluated the impact of light exercise on middle-aged women, focusing on hot flashes and chills, mood and sleep disturbance and body aches.

Dr JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of The North American Menopause Society, in a Mail Online report said: ‘If women were to exercise with light walking 30 minutes daily and then stretch for 10 minutes, they might improve their health, menopausal symptoms, mood and cognition and, if stretching helps sleep, improve their sleep.’

To prove this, forty Japanese women, aged 40 to 61, took part in the study at the Physical Fitness Research Institute, Meji Yasuda Life Foundation of Health and Welfare in Tokyo.

Twenty of the women were randomly assigned to stretch 10 minutes a day, before bedtime for three weeks.

The other 20 were instructed to remain sedentary before bed.

Researchers led by Yuko Kai, evaluated the women’s menopausal symptoms using 10 questions about vasomotor symptoms, including hot flashes and chills.

And they also assessed psychological symptoms, including mood and sleep disturbances, as well as body aches.

They used a separate set of questions to evaluate the symptoms of depression.

At the start, the groups were generally similar.

More than half the participants were postmenopausal and nearly two-thirds had depression. Most of the women were not physically active.

On average, the stretching group stretched about five days per week.

Overall, the women in the stretching group had improved scores on both sets of questions after the three-week study period, compared to the group that didn’t stretch before bed.

The frequency of hot flashes wasn’t different in the two groups, however.

While stretching before bed isn’t a bad idea, Dr Pinkerton, said: ‘It is impossible to tell if the positive effect found from stretching on menopausal and depressive symptoms was due to the stretching, the increased movement, or not doing whatever they normally do during the 10 minutes before bed such as eat, smoke or drink.’

Dr Pinkerton said the results would have been more interesting if the comparison group had been assigned a task to do before bedtime, to see if it was the stretching itself that was helpful or just the fact of doing something before bed.

In most studies of methods for reducing hot flashes, the placebo group sees some improvement, too, she pointed out.

In this trial, the comparison group had no improvement at all, which means, she said, that it was not an adequate control group.

For more conclusive results, Dr Pinkerton said: ‘This study needs to be replicated with larger, more diverse postmenopausal women with an active control group.’

In the meantime, she added, women should remember that, ‘being sedentary has been shown to be bad for (their) physical and mental health and to increase hot flashes. Being active every day has been shown to lessen severity of hot flashes, improve mood, coping ability and may decrease (their) risk of cognitive loss.’



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Pharmanews personality of the Month – Pharm Adeshina Opanubi


Pharm Opanubi 

Pharm Adeshina Opanubi, a former staff of Pfizer Nigeria, is lead consultant for Shyne & Chloe Company Limited. Born in Ikenne, Ogun State, Opanubi finished secondary education at Mayflower Secondary School in 1996. He gained admission to study Pharmacy the same year at the University of Lagos.

Shortly after getting a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree in 2002, he  bagged a master’s degree in Business Administration from Business School, Netherlands (Action Learning Campus in Lagos).

Opanubi’s first professional experience was in 2005 when he was appointed by Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals as pharmaceutical sales representative in charge of Ibadan, Oyo State. Three years later, he was promoted as customer relations manager (2008-2013) where he managed the company’s Friendly Pharmacy Loyalty programme.

Having had a rewarding career at Pfizer and in the Nigerian pharmaceutical industry, with responsibilities spanning 10 African countries, he  quitt his job to go into the world of entrepreneurship.

For someone with background in retail management, sales, marketing and customer relations, it did not take long for Opanubi to find a niche. Shortly after leaving Pfizer, he set up a consulting firm, Shyne and Chloe, in 2013 to cater for the needs of the African Pharmaceutical Industry. Within the same year, he set up Nigeria’s first retail pharmacy business support network, PHARMALLIANCE, where he is the project catalyst. This network provides business support services to retail pharmacies in Nigeria.

As the lead consultant of Shyne and Chloe Company limited, Opnaubi runs capacity building workshops for retail pharmacists and their support staff across the country and also serves as a consultant to organisations seeking to access the pharmaceutical industry in Nigeria. He is also a youth activist and advocate, which led to his appointment in 2009 as the national coordinator of the Young Pharmacists Forum. He is skilled in public speaking, solutions conceptualization and negotiation.

In response to the lack of business education among Nigerian pharmacists, he conceptualised and convened The Panel, an annual retail pharmacy business summit in 2009. In what some pharmacists agreed was landmark. The Panel is still being held annually for the past 5 years. He has also built Nigeria’s first online pharmaceutical directory and job portal www.rxevolution.com.ng.

His most cherished laurel is perhaps the Pfizer Global Innovation Award which he won in New York, United States in 2011. It was a unique award presented to him for conceptualising and successfully implementing the LUTH-PFIZER Electronic Pharmacy Project (first of its kind in Sub Saharan Africa).

A member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), the lead consultant is married with children.


10 habits to quit on your journey to extraordinary leadership


When you quit doing the wrong things, you make more room for the things that make you move up to extraordinary leadership happiness. So starting today…

  •     Quit procrastinating on your goals.

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it. Action and change are often resisted when they’re needed most. Get a hold of yourself and have discipline. Putting something off instantly makes it harder and scarier. What we don’t start today won’t be finished by tomorrow. And there’s nothing more stressful than the perpetual lingering of an unfinished task.

The secret to getting ahead is simply getting started. Starting, all by itself, is usually sufficient to build enough momentum to keep the ball rolling. So, forget about the finishing line and just concentrate on taking your first step. Say to yourself, “I choose to start this task with a small, imperfect step.” All those small steps will add up and you’ll actually get to see changes fairly quickly.

  •    Quit blaming others and making excuses.

Stop blaming others for what you have or don’t have, or for what you feel or don’t feel. When you blame others for what you’re going through, you deny responsibility and perpetuate the problem. Stop giving your power away and start taking responsibility for your life. Blaming is just another sorry excuse, and making excuses is the first step towards failure; you and only you are responsible for your life’s choices and decisions.

  •     Quit trying to avoid change.

If nothing ever changed there would be( no sunrise the next morning. Most of us are comfortable where we are, even though the whole universe is constantly changing around us. Learning to accept this is vital to our happiness and general success. Because only when we change do we grow, and begin to see a world we never knew was possible.

Remember also that however good or bad a situation is now, it will change. That’s the one thing you can count on. So embrace it, and realise that change happens for a reason. It won’t always be easy or obvious at first, but in the end, it will be worth it.

As Henry Ford once stated, “Whether( you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” One of the major causes of why we fail is due to self-doubt and negative self-talk. The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful. Listen to your self-talk and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Over time, you will change the trajectory of your life.

  •      Quit criticising others.

The negativity you bleed out toward others will gradually cripple your own leadership journey and happiness. When you truly feel comfortable with your own imperfections, you won’t feel threatened or offended by the imperfections you see in other people.

So, stop worrying about the flaws you see in everyone else, and focus on yourself. Let the constant growth and improvement in your own life keep you so busy that you have no time left to criticise others.

  •     Quit trying to control the uncontrollable.

If you try to control everything, and then worry about the things you can’t control, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of frustration and misery which will adversely affect you on your journey to extraordinary leadership.

Some forces are out of your control, but you can control how you react to things. Everyone’s life has positive and negative aspects – whether you’re happy or not depends greatly on which aspects you focus on. The best thing you can do is to let go of what you can’t control, and invest your energy in the things you can – like your attitude.

  •    Quit talking down to yourself.

Nothing will bring you down quicker than berating yourself. The mind is a superb instrument if used right; but when used incorrectly, it becomes very destructive. Be aware of your mental self-talk. We all talk silently to ourselves in our heads, but we aren’t always conscious of what we’re saying or how it’s affecting us.

  •     Quit running from your problems and fears.

Trust me, if everyone threw their problems in a pile for you to see, you would grab yours back. Tackle your problems and fears swiftly; don’t run away from them. The best solution is to face them head-on, no matter how powerful they may seem.

Fears, in particularly, stop you from taking chances and making decisions. They keep you cornered to just the small space where you feel completely comfortable. But your life’s story is simply the culmination of many small, unique experiences, many of which require you to stretch your comfort zone. Letting your fears and worries control you is not ‘living’; it’s merely existing.  Bottom line: Either you own your problems and fears, or they will ultimately own you.

  •      Quit living in another time and place.

Some people spend their entire lives trying to live in another time and place. They lament about what has been, what they could have done, or what they might have become. However, the past is gone, and the future doesn’t exist. No matter how much time we spend thinking and lamenting about either, it doesn’t change anything.

One of life’s sharpest paradoxes is that our brightest future hinges on our ability to pay attention to what we’re doing right now, today. We need to live more in the moment. Living in the moment requires active, open, intentional awareness on the present. Don’t fantasise about being on vacation while at work, and don’t worry about the work piling up on your desk when you’re on vacation. Live for now. Notice the beauty unfolding around you.

  •      Quit trying to be someone you’re not.

One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else. Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, but they will never be you. Don’t change for people to like you. Be yourself and the right people will love you, and you’ll love yourself more too.


  •     Quit being ungrateful

Not all the pieces in the puzzle of life will seem to fit together at first, but in time you’ll realize they do, perfectly. So thank the things that didn’t work out, because they just made room for the things that will. And thank the ones who walked away from you, because they just made room for the ones who won’t.

No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs. Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.



Ugwuanyi, Yakasai, others task pharmacists on professional commitment – As ACPN holds 35th Annual National Conference in Enugu.


Enugu State Governor, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, has led stakeholders in the health care industry, including President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), Pharm. (Alh) Ahmed Yakasai, to call on community pharmacists in the country to remain committed to quality health care delivery in the country.

The governor made the call while speaking at the opening ceremony of the 35th Annual National Conference of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), tagged “Coal City 2016” and held at Nike Lake Resort, Enugu, Enugu State recently.

Ugwuanyi, who was the guest of honour at the event, said he was delighted to host community pharmacists across the country for the first time in the state, adding that he was ready to work with the ACPN in improving the health care delivery system in the state.

35th ACPN Annual Conference
L-R, Pharm. Ahmed Yakasai, president, PSN; His Excellency, Rt. Hon Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, Enugu State Governor; Pharm. (Dr) Ifeanyi Okoye, managing director/CEO, Juhel Nigeria Limited and Pharm. (Dr) Albert Kelong Alkali, national chairman, ACPN at the 35th Annual National Conference of ACPN in Enugu, Enugu State.

Acknowledging the vital role of community pharmacists, especially being the closest health care professionals to the people, the governor said this should spur them to be more dedicated and passionate about their chosen profession.

He further noted that the conference came at a time that the state government was intensifying efforts to rid the state of counterfeit medicines and improve the standard of health care delivery.

“As a government, we have indeed previously expressed our determination to transform Enugu State into a choice destination of medical treatment in Nigeria.  And in pursuit of this vision, we have, among other things, commenced the construction of three new specialist hospitals to be located in the three senatorial zones of the state, while intensifying efforts towards the completion and commissioning of an ultra-modern diagnostic centre.  We are also ensuring the continuous upgrading and strengthening of existing health facilities and institutions in the state,” he disclosed.

In his speech at the conference, PSN President, Pharm. Ahmed Yakasai, who noted that he was impressed with the level of organisation of the conference by the ACPN, said the association had indeed made a number of giant strides in recent years.

Extolling the crucial roles community pharmacists play in every society, Yakasai enjoined them to avail themselves of capacity development programmes in order to enhance their relevance as primary health care providers.

“Pharmacists are the third largest health professionals but community pharmacy is the gateway to health for the majority of care seekers all over the world,” he said.

Assuring ACPN of maximum support from the PSN and other relevant stakeholders, Yakasai said: “To meet the ever-changing needs of the public, the PSN is ready to continue to partner with ACPN and regulatory authorities like the PCN, NAFDAC and others to strengthen pharmacy practice, especially in the community. We are seeking the support of our colleagues to review the pharmacy laws to enable the PCN perform its regulatory function effectively by eradicating charlatans and illegal drug traders.

“We are liaising with the PCN to establish the satellite pharmacy concept with appropriate legal framework to deepen and widen the reach of community pharmacy in the under-served areas. Arrangement is also being worked out to provide four million dollar intervention fund that would be disbursed to aspiring and enterprising pharmacists, young and old, who are intending to establish and operate their own pharmacy.”

Also speaking at the event, the Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, who was represented by Dr Christopher Amah, chief medical director (CMD), University of Enugu Teaching Hospital, said the theme of the conference, “Manpower Development in Community Pharmacy Practice – Adopting Global Best Practices”, was apt, considering the challenge facing the health care sector and the fact that it was coming at a time the country was making efforts to improve the sector.

“I want to assure you of my support towards any policy that you reach at this conference that will favour pharmacy profession in the country, and to also tell you that the ministry of health is ready to work with you and ensure that the environment is more conducive for the practitioners to operate,” Adewole said.

In his own contribution, registrar of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN), Pharm. N.A.E Mohammed, who equally commended the theme of the conference, assured that the PCN was working round the clock to ensure that the various challenges confronting the ACPN would soon come to an end.

“We are here to inform the association that there is never a cloud that the sun cannot shine on; therefore, the ACPN and the pharmacy profession shall definitely shine, no matter the challenges. We also wish to let you know that the drive towards the National Drug Distribution Guidelines (NDDG) is on course and that we have stepped up our game regarding task force activities in all the states of the federation in order to sanitise the drug environment,” Mohammed stated.

Also speaking at the event, chairman of the occasion, Pharm. (Dr) Ifeanyi Okoye, managing director, Juhel Nigeria Limited, noted that the conference was strategic as it came at a time the state government was recording great achievements in restructuring health care infrastructures in the state, adding that the presence of community pharmacists from all states of the federation would further encourage good pharmaceutical practice in the state.

Speaking earlier, National Chairman of ACPN, Dr Albert Kelong Alkali said that the theme of the conference, which had received commendation from all the stakeholders at the conference, was meticulously chosen to educate community pharmacists nationwide on the current best practices globally.

He noted that the conference offered good opportunity for community pharmacists who had been working since the beginning of the year to unwind and learn.

The highlights of the event were the unveiling of the redesigned green cross emblem for community pharmacists, and the presentation of the “Distinguished Public Service Award” to the wife of the governor, Mrs Monica Ugwuanyi, who is the founder of Ugo Touch of Life Foundation (U-TOLF), a pet project aimed at assisting people battling with ailments such as cervical cancer, hypertension, eye problem, type 2 diabetes, heart failure,  among others.

The conference had in attendance several other personages from the health care sector and other walks of life, including Hon. Dennis Oguerinwa Amadi, member representing Udi/Ezeagu Federal Constituency of Enugu State; Dr Samuel Ngwu, Hon. Commissioner for Health, Enugu State; His Royal Highness, Igwe Dr. Julius N. Nnaji, Igwe of Nike, Enugu State; and Pharm. Layi Gobir, managing director, Smart Mark Limited, Lagos and keynote speaker.

Others were Rt. RevDr Emmanuel Chukwuma, Anglican Bishop of Enugu Diocese; Pharm. Azubike Okwor, former president, PSN;  Pharm. Deji Osinoiki, former national chairman, ACPN; Pharm. Olumide Akintayo, immediate past president, PSN; and Pharm. (Alh.) Olufemi Ismail Adebayo, immediate past national chairman, ACPN.



PSN, WAPCP urge pharmacists to invest more in herbal medicine


Pharmacists in the country have been enjoined to take over control of herbal medicine from non-professionals and semi-literate practitioners.

Speaking at a two-day workshop jointly organised by the West Africa Postgraduate College of Pharmacists (WAPCP) and the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) at the college’s secretariat in Yaba on 26 May, Prof. Mbang Femi-Oyewo, dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) said pharmacists cannot afford to have non-professionals dictating the pace when it comes to the issue of herbal medicine.

participants at the two-day workshop organised by PSN and WAPCP
A cross-section of participants at the two-day workshop. Front Row (L-R): Mr Rasaq Olasumbo of Lagos State Traditional Medicine Board; Prof (Mrs) Cecilia Igwilo, chairman, WAPCP’s Faculty of Drug Production and Quality Assurance; Prof. Wilson Erhun, WAPCP secretary general; Pharm Iyiola Gbolagade, national secretary, PSN, and Prof. Udoma Mendie, former dean, UNILAG’s Faculty of Pharmacy

“I am happy that Nigerians are beginning to look towards herbal medicine these days. Unfortunately, those who didn’t go to school are the ones controlling things. This is why we need to take over as professionals and do things the way they are supposed to be done. They must be well formulated, properly labelled, safe for use and quite affordable,” she noted.

When reminded how expensive herbal research and production can be, the dean remarked that while the observation is true, pharmacists know better than to despise the days of humble beginning.

“It has been done in many countries, especially China and India. They have equally discovered that there are some herbal products that are quite nutritional; hence the influx of what we know today as Nutri-ceuticals.

“I think the problem that often arises is that of safety measures and documentation. The truth is that herbs work in a subtle way. Some give instant relief while others take some time. But if it is obvious that you are not getting result, it is time to seek help from physicians,” she said.

Prof. (Mrs) Cecilia Igwilo, chairman, WAPCP’s Faculty of Drug Production and Quality Assurance, also affirmed that Nigeria had been using herbal products for quite a long time.

“It is a known fact that people in the rural and even some urban areas use a lot of herbal medicine. As expected, we have herbs for headache, stomach upset and several ailments.

“For instance, I use ‘efirin’ (basil plant) whenever I have a mild stomach upset. One important thing to note is that there are several benefits attached to the use of medicinal plants like bitter leaf, kola, garlic, ginger and the likes,” she hinted.

On the desired properties of a good herbal formulation, Dr Chuks Azubuike, a senior lecturer in the Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Lagos (UNILAG), stressed that such must be accepted, economical for large scale manufacture, chemically and physically packaged, preserved against microbial contamination, able to provide correct dose of drug and therapeutically correct.

In a related development, Prof. Udoma Mendie, former dean, UNILAG’s Faculty of Pharmacy harped on packaging and safety of herbal products, saying a good herbal product must have anti-counterfeiting features, Mobile Authentication Service (MAS) anti-tampering device and child-resistant packaging.

Congratulating participants at the workshop, Pharm Iyiola Gbolagade, PSN national secretary said he was certain that much knowledge had been received.

“I don’t want to agree with the perception that Nigerians have negative feeling towards herbal medicine. Everything you get from herbs is not necessarily fetish and it has nothing to do with witchcraft.

“I recall that the first thing our people do whenever a woman gives birth is to go and cut roots and leaves to be boiled for her. It has nothing to do with incantation or charms. It is as good as orthodox medicine,” he said.

The PSN secretary however observed that the only challenge that needs to be addressed is ensuring that herbal practitioners are producing and giving people the right formulations.

“That is where I believe we need to work on. For instance, as a community pharmacist, when people approach us with complaints about an ailment, we always want to find out whether they have taken a pain reliever like paracetamol or herbs before coming,” he said.

He berated self-styled herbal practitioners hawking suspicious contents they describe as herbs in little containers and selling especially to the public.

“What we want to ensure is that they are not just concocting all sorts of rubbish and giving to people. We are concerned about safety. That is why PSN is proudly collaborating with WAPCP.

“In Nigeria, the common denominator of what people do is money. That is why we are saying pharmacists, whom herbal medicine is supposed to be in their purview by virtue of our training, should take up the gauntlet and challenge the quacks,” he charged.

Expressing satisfaction with the two-day seminar, Prof. Wilson Erhun, WAPCP secretary general reported that research has shown that the use of herbal products is on the increase.

“People are having increased confidence in the use of herbal products. We seem to have a gap in terms of validation when it comes to safety and good quality. That demands empowerment.

“What the college is doing now is to try and empower pharmacists and herbal practitioners to be able to focus on these products so that they will be safer for consumption,” he emphasised.

Erhun also announced that WAPCP was reaching out to all the countries that are involved (as seen in an earlier presentation on Sierra Leone) which are at a disadvantaged position compared to Nigeria.

“We are trying to equip more of these countries. Herbal production is more of research and development. When you look at the likes of China and India, it is not as if their products are superior to ours,” he said.

The WAPCP secretary however conceded that funding is a challenge, adding that once there is no funding, research becomes a problem.

Also in attendance at the event were Prof Olukemi Odukoya, former dean of UNILAG Faculty of Pharmacy; Pharm. Wilson Ukachi, WAPCP administrative manager; Ibeji Ifeoma, WAPCP account officer; and Dare Kute, WAPCP administrative assistant.


Stevens-Johnson death: ACPN condemns attack on pharmacists


Says drug was sold by quack

The Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN) has condemned the attempt by some medical personnel to blame a pharmacist for the unfortunate incident that resulted in the death of 14-year-old Amina Ibrahim, in Dalla Local Government Council, Kano State, who suffered severe burns after allegedly taking two tablets of Co-trimaxole, a sulfa antibiotic.

ACPN Albert Alkali Kelong
Pharm. (Dr) Albert Kelong Alkali, national chairman, ACPN (right) and Pharm. Adeoye Afuye, national secretary, displaying the new Green Cross Pharmacy Emblem to the press.

The association noted during a press conference held at its national secretariat, Lagos, recently, that the said drug was purchased from an unregistered patent medicine store and was not sold by a pharmacist.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a form of toxic epidermal necrolysis, is a life-threatening skin condition, in which cell death causes the epidermis to separate from the dermis. The syndrome is thought to be a hypersensitivity complex that affects the skin and the mucous membranes. The most well-known causes are certain medications (such as aslamotrigine), but it can also be due to infections, or more rarely, cancers.

According to the national chairman of ACPN, Pharm. (Dr) Albert Kelong Alkali, the late Amina had taken the drug after complaining of catarrh, adding that she had returned to the store the following day with symptoms of a reaction which was perceived by the drug vendor as malaria and this prompted him to give her a sulfa-based anti-malaria which compounded the reaction resulting in the burning of her face and neck, which later degenerated into the Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Alkali, while urging Nigerians to patronise only registered pharmacies for their drug needs, condemned the action of the patent medicine store owner, saying he had no right to have stocked such drugs and should not have handled the reaction as it had gone beyond his scope.

“Patent medicine vendors are only stop-gaps where there is no pharmacy. Therefore, the emphasis now is that government must empower regulatory agencies like the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) and the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to be able to do their work effectively.

“Also, I will advise that any matter relating to drug reactions which are deeply unpredictable should be referred to the appropriate experts on drugs, which are pharmacists. I also need to emphasise that drugs are poisons; when taken appropriately, there will not be problem, but when you take them inappropriately, you can be harmed. So, the case was purely drug mismanagement.”, Alkali said

Asked why it took so long for the association to issue a statement on the incident, the number one community pharmacist in the country said the incident happened at a time all community pharmacists and stakeholders in the industry were in Enugu for the 35th Annual National Conference of the ACPN, making it difficult to react immediately.

He added, however, that following a thorough investigation that revealed that the incident did not happen in a pharmacy and that the culprit was not a pharmacist, the association found it expedient to inform the nation that the allegation was false and that health professionals should be careful in their utterances, especially when it affects other professionals.

Speaking further, Alkali said in order to distinguish licensed pharmacists from charlatans, all registered members of the ACPN across the country must have the original pharmacy emblem with the Rx sign and erect it at their premises.

According to him, the Green Cross pharmacy emblem is a patented professional sign of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission and placed under the ACPN, with the power of attorney to manage since 1976.

He added that the sign is a mark of identifying registered and pharmacist-owned premises since 1976.

Alkali, while emphasising that the association will not recognize any illegal emblem, disclosed that the Green Cross emblem is not new, as it had been in use since 1976.

“We are only trying to rebrand and repackage it and to let people know that the emblem is our symbol and, as such, it is compulsory that every member should have one and erect it at their premises.  The symbol shows members of the public where quality medicines and excellent pharmaceutical care and services are provided.

“It is of paramount importance to inform people that in line with the value of the emblem, the ACPN has restructured it and it is more aesthetically packaged. The emblem carries the serial number of PSN and any emblem different from the one from ACPN is regarded as fake, if mounted in any premises, and it shall be pulled down with a fine.

“The general public should take note that registered pharmacies can only be recognised by the presence of the Green Cross emblem and this should always be a reference for Nigerians when procuring pharmaceutical services and products,” Alkali said.

On the criteria for getting the emblem, the ACPN boss said the emblem is meant for pharmacist-owned premises that are registered with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN), and that it is the responsibility of the association to verify membership before issuing out the emblem to any interested pharmacy.

We have given our members enough time to get this emblem and by the time the period elapses, we will think of the right punishment to be meted out to defaulters,” he said.

While appreciating the pressmen in attendance, the Director of Information Centre (DIC) for the ACPN, Pharm. Bukola Folorunsho urged them to help sensitise the public more on the danger of drug abuse and misuse, as well as the need to source their drugs from the right source.

She also urged them to work with the DIC in the area of information verification, saying only the centre can provide accurate information about the activities of the association to the public.

Other national officers at the press briefing were Pharm. Adeoye Afuye, national secretary, ACPN; and Pharm. Lawrence Ekhator, national assistant secretary, ACPN.

UNILAG Pharmacy Alumni urges pharmacists to assist faculty


– As faculty inducts 92 graduands

Pharmacy Alumni of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) has made a clarion plea to members and well-meaning pharmacists across the country to come to the rescue of students in its faculty.

Addressing a gathering of parents, distinguished pharmacists and guests at the induction/oath-taking ceremony of 92 Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) graduands which held recently at UNILAG main auditorium, Dr Arinola Joda, secretary of the Alumni, announced that the faculty needed all the help it could get.

Dr Arinola Joda
Dr Arinola Joda

“We know that the government cannot do it all alone, hence our continual plea for assistance,” she said. “For the record, UNILAG Faculty of Pharmacy is doing exploits and not lazy. We are always up and doing. We are only sensitising you because we know that one or two pharmacist(s) out there can just decide to donate all to us.”

Among other things, the alumni appealed for extra precision balance, faculty generator and a bus.

Joda also used the occasion to assuage the after-school fear often nurtured by new pharmacy graduates, assuring the new inductees that the Nigeria Academy of Pharmacy (NAPharm.) has set up a platform to mentor young pharmacists like them.

“Let me reiterate, once again, that the role of a mentor is not to give you money or capital to start a venture but to develop you. It is however the mentee’s responsibility to identify who is good for him.

“It is pertinent to also warn that you cannot choose somebody in hospital pharmacy to be your mentor while you are planning to go into community pharmacy,” she said.

While rallying support for the faculty alumni, Pharm Olufunsho Okunowo, chief executive officer of Royal Priesthood Laboratory advised the new graduands to have representation in the alumni.

“This is necessary because a river that forgets its source will always struggle to remain relevant,” he cautioned.

In an apparent show of solidarity to the alumni’s appeal, three pharmaceutical companies indicated interest in meeting some of the faculty’s demands.

While Pharm. Steve Okonkwo, a PSN Fellow and managing director of Altinez Pharmaceuticals pledged N500,000 on behalf of the company, Pharm Olufunsho Okunowo announced that  his firm, Royal Priesthood Laboratory, was willing to donate one analytical balance to the faculty.

The last donor, Pharm Ernest Okafor, chief executive officer of Nemitt Pharmaceuticals Limited also promised the alumni a sum of N100,000.




2nd Law: The more you learn, the more you improve


He who learns but does not think is lost!

He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. – Confucius


John Maxwell said, ‘’if you want to lead, you must learn. If you want to continue to lead, you must continue to learn.’’ You cannot be a good leader in your industry or profession without the attitude of learning or personal development.

We all want to be leaders in our various professions. This is natural. People desire to be at the top in what they do. Athletes in the Olympics want to triumph in their areas. They want the gold medals in order to be celebrated. Students read and stay awake in the night because they want to prepare ahead of their examinations. It is when the student reads and prepares, that he can sail through during appraisals.

Business executives and professionals attend various capacity building training events in order to be awake and up-to-date in the happenings of their industries. It is no longer news that we are in a competitive world and the more you equip yourself, the more you fit into this challenging arena.

Right attitude

My favourite Nigerian writing icon and international award winning author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, gave a remarkable advice to her graduating seniors at Johns Hopkins University on 18 May, 2016, when the institution honoured her with an honorary degree. She said, “…embrace ignorance. Say those words, ‘‘I don’t know’’ because by embracing ignorance, you open up the possibility of knowledge.’’

This is a great mindset for learning. When you accept within you the need to seek knowledge, the environment to develop learning as an attitude is developed. You cannot seek knowledge when you have not developed the attitude to learn. You must first see the need to learn; you must accept that you don’t know before creating an environment for learning. Learning is an attitude of individuals who desire to get better in life’s journey. The more you learn the better you become.

I see learning as an attitude. I see learning as a way of life. The man, who likes learning, will always want to learn, unlearn and relearn. Show me the man who embraces learning and self-development and I will show you the man who is designed to succeed. When you learn, you improve in all you do. Learning develops capacity.

Learning as preparation

The man who fails to learn is a true definition of the man who plans to fail. Failure is almost automatic and inevitable when one fails to learn. Learning is one of the greatest forms of preparation whether in sales profession or any other life endeavour.

The journey to success requires high level of preparation. You must be prepared as a sales professional, as a student, as a business owner or in whatever you do. I am a living witness to this fact. I have mentored a lot of professionals who rose from operatives to managerial positions because they embraced an attitude of learning, as well as personal and career development.

You lose nothing when you learn. In fact, you gain everything. Attitude of learning develops the mind and everything you will become emanates from the mind. Learn something new every day. You cannot perform beyond your capacity. This is not just logical, it is also practical. People give only what they have. No one gives what he doesn’t have. You can take this to the bank!

The salesman’s secret

Today’s competitive and advanced world is waiting for people who are proficient in what they do. A salesman who displays expertise in his job is likely going to be on top of his game. Buyers would naturally flock around the salesman who knows more and speaks more about his product. Buyers buy from smart salesmen!

A salesman’s proficiency in product knowledge and market information is a function of the salesman’s ability in seeking information that will enable him advance in these areas. A salesman who has more market and product information in a given environment and under the same circumstance would have miles of advantages more than his less-informed competitors. Buyers buy from virtuosos. People buy from salesmen who have shown reasonable level of dependability.

Developing capacity is one of the ways that ensures trust in what you do. The more you increase in knowledge and ability, the more you attract people to your side. Build capacity today.

How do you handle criticism?


Criticism can be an encouragement to make one perform better. Each time I write an article, I give it to my editors to go through and point out any areas of improvement. In this way, we obtain a more acceptable version as iron sharpens iron. A crucial aspect of our editorial work in Pharmanews involves searching for errors in manuscripts and correcting them. This process is constructive and aimed at building up.

Criticism is a form of counselling. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.” You must welcome the opinions and advice of people who sincerely wish you well and desire your progress. They are your encouragers.

I vividly remember how I went to Prince Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi (popularly called Juli) when I was about to start Pharmanews in 1979. I presented my vision and plans to him and we shared the ideas concerning the house colour, frequency, target audience, circulation and so on. With that encouragement I boldly started working on the maiden edition, which was published in May.

I believe that someone who wants to venture into any form of business should seek the counsel of the people they trust. Many businesses have failed because the owners obtained wrong advice from untrustworthy people. What advice do you expect from a person without integrity and doing crooked and corrupt business? He can offer only what he has.

Sometimes certain criticisms come with the intention of discouraging and preventing you from moving ahead. This form of criticism can be quite damaging. You need the wisdom of God to identify sources of such negative criticisms. This is because they could come from your close relations and friends who pretend to love you. But their hearts are full of envy, bitterness and wickedness. Ask God for the spirit of discernment.

The workplace is full of colleagues who may be envious of your progress and promotion. Be vigilant. They are waiting for the opportunity to pull you down. Their comments on your performance may be just clandestine destructive criticisms. Their prayer and hope is that you will hit the rocks one day. Therefore, wisdom demands that you dine with them with the proverbial long spoon.

When the maiden edition of Pharmanews eventually got published in May 1979, many colleagues hailed and received it with excitement. But some openly criticised the idea and vehemently opposed it. The attack from some close quarters was so harsh and scathing that I had to withdraw from certain professional activities and just coast along while concentrating on my life purpose.

I literally converted all the ranting and harangue to potential and kinetic energy for my work. I so concentrated on my work that I became deaf to distractions. I was able to classify people around me as friends and unfriendly friends, without bitterness to anyone. I was not bitter because I was convinced that they did not know what they were doing. They were ignorant of what God had asked me to do, and listening to them meant disobeying God.

My friend, count it all joy when you are criticised, even negatively. See negative critics as people kicking you from your back with the intention of making you fall.  Thank God that you are in front and they are behind you.

Thank God that there is cause for criticism. If you don’t want to be criticised, do nothing and be nobody. Aristotle said, “Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” If you are afraid of criticism then you are afraid of accomplishing anything.

Do you know that sticks and stones are only thrown at only fruit-bearing trees? If you see children throwing stones at a mango tree, there must be mangoes on the tree. If you are not trying to accomplish something significant, nobody will criticise you.

Don’t give your precious time to negative opinions. Those who criticise successful people are failures themselves. They are not interested in solving problems and never offer better solutions. Their desire is to cause you distraction and make you fail in your endeavour. Don’t argue with them because you can never win; instead you fall into their trap. It is better to ignore them and concentrate on your assignment. Spend your time and energy on your task. When you eventually succeed they will join you in your time of glory.

Dale Carnegie said, “Any fool can criticise, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.” Critics may frustrate and destroy you if you are not walking with the Spirit, obeying and pleasing God. But as long as you are on the right path, critics may gather in one direction against you but they will scatter in seven directions. The plans they are hatching against you will never succeed because you are fulfilling your purpose and serving God.


NAIP laments declining number of production pharmacists


The Association of Industrial Pharmacists of Nigeria (NAIP) has expressed concern over the dwindling number of production pharmacists in the country.

In a chat with Pharmanews during the recent Purple Tie Luncheon, held by University of Lagos (UNILAG) Pharmacy Alumni, Pharm Gbenga Falabi, chairman of the association, said he was worried that the trend, if not properly checked, could soon cause several local pharmaceutical companies to close down.

“If you look at the number of production pharmacists that we have today, it is not enough to go round the country.

“They can even be counted by just calculating the number of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Mind you, not all these companies have production pharmacists anyway,” he said.

While lamenting that some colleagues had ended up in the banking, telecommunications, and oil sectors, which they perceived as being more lucrative, Falabi encouraged young pharmacists to chart a new course that would make the profession proud, especially in the area of industrial pharmacy.

The NAIP boss further disclosed that, as way of checking the decline in the population of production pharmacists in the country, the association had concluded arrangements to conduct enlightenment tour round pharmacy schools with a view to addressing final year students on benefits associated with industrial pharmacy.

“Of course, we know some pharmacy graduates are not interested in such field. That is why we are taking the campaign to them. It is quite necessary that young pharmacists should begin to pride themselves in the profession,” he stressed.

In a separate interview, Dr Lolu Ojo, immediate past chairman of NAIP, concurred with his successor.

He noted that the industry had indeed suffered a human resource deficit in the past few years, adding that the keynote speaker at the last NAIP national conference alluded to the fact that the best brains in the practice were no longer attracted to the industry.

“This has opened the industry to the near take over by ‘mercenaries’. Industrial pharmacy is the most lucrative aspect of the profession. What is happening now is a cultural shift to the left and it is temporary,” he reassured.

Ojo further stated that he was convinced that, with the right kind of leadership particularly at the regulatory level, industrial pharmacy would get back to the position of quality service and professionalism that had always characterised the profession.

On what could be done to make industrial pharmacy more appealing to young pharmacists, the former NAIP chairman hinted that the solution is multidimensional.

“The industry is too fragmented and we need to have semblance of orderliness before sanity can prevail. The orientation of the young ones needs to change to determine what they want.

“If they are humble and patient enough, they can acquire the necessary skills and competencies that will be required in future if they choose to be industrial pharmacy entrepreneurs,” he said.

When prodded to give the recent statistics of industrial pharmacists presently working in the country, Ojo remarked that the number could be up to 1500 or more.”

Contributing to the discussion, the managing director of Merit Healthcare Limited opined that pharmacy schools were trying their best under a very difficult environment.

“I however think the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) and the regulatory bodies need to do more in terms of control, advocacy, education and funding,” he said.

The Association of Industrial Pharmacists of Nigerian, (NAIP), is a technical arm of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, PSN, and the professional body of all pharmacists in the industrial sector in Nigeria having over 300 companies as corporate members.

NAIP’s uniqueness derives from its technical functions and diverse membership cutting across the manufacturing, marketing, distribution, consulting and publishing segments of the industry.

Capacity to contract: Transactions of lunatics


Clara is a young lady who resides with her family in the same estate as D-Line Pharmacy & Stores in Port Harcourt.  Being a community pharmacy, the members of Clara’s family are regular customers of Pharmacist Donald and his staff.  It is well known that Clara has suffered from a psychiatric condition and has been admitted to a hospital for this cause in the past.

Early one morning, Clara walks into the pharmacy and requests for some antimalarial medication.  She meets Pharmacist Donald on duty and informs him that she has a fever.  She also complains of intense fatigue.  After selecting the antimalarial drug of her choice and two bottles of orange juice, she pays for them.  Pharmacist Donald adds a can of energy drink, as a gift, to help with the fatigue.

Later that afternoon, Clara returns to D-Line Pharmacy with the goods she had purchased in the morning.  This time, she claims that she is not suffering from a fever and proceeds to demand for a refund of the payment she has made.  Pharmacist Donald is shocked at this development and refuses to refund the money paid.  Instead, he insists that she will now have to pay for the energy drink he gave her, which apparently she did not return with.

Considering the subject of capacity to contract, what would be the legal position of these two parties?

As previously stated, a contract is an agreement which is binding at law.  However, even when all the ingredients of a valid contract are present, it may not be enforceable against certain categories of people like infants, lunatics, drunkards and the illiterate.

The issues to be considered in this case are:

  1. The meaning of lunacy or mental disorder.
  2. The legal position of contracts made by lunatics.
  3. The intention of the seller to enter into legal relations.


First of all, it is important to properly define a lunatic or mentally disordered person, according to the law.  In the Mental Health Act, U.K. 1959, the term “mental disorder” is very loosely expressed.  Under the Act, mental disorder is defined as “any disorder or disability of mind.”

The concept of mental disorder, as defined by the Act, does not necessarily correspond to medical categories.  However, mental disorder is thought by most psychiatrists to cover schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, major depression, bipolar disorder and other similar illnesses, learning disability and personality disorders.

Concerning business transactions, contracts involving a lunatic or a person with mental disorder can be divided into two types: contracts for necessaries and contracts for other things.  In the case of contracts for necessaries, the person with mental disorder is bound like everyone else.  Section 2 of the Sale of Goods Act 1893 provides that where necessaries are sold and delivered to a person “who by reason of mental incapacity or drunkenness is incompetent to contract, he must pay a reasonable price therefore.” The case of Chapple v. Cooper has helped to define necessaries as “those without which an individual cannot reasonably exist.”

For cases involving contracts for other things, the guiding rules were laid down in the case of Brown v. Jodrell and further established by Melton v. Camrout.  Where goods are not necessary goods, the mentally disordered person is also bound by his contracts, unless he can show that: 1) owing to his mental condition, he did not understand what he was doing; and 2) the other party was aware of his incapacity.

In the case of Clara and D-Line Pharmacy & Stores, three separate sets of items were received by the buyer proceeding from the transaction.  The first is the antimalarial medication.  The second consists of the bottles of orange juice.  The third is a can of energy drink offered by the seller.

The first set, by definition, would be classified as necessaries, being medication required for the existence of the individual involved.  Going by the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act, necessary goods sold are to be paid for (as long as the price is reasonable) regardless of the incapacitation of the buyer.

The second set of goods, however, would be governed by different rules.  The transaction for the bottles of juice, not being necessaries, would not be as strict.  In this case, the buyer, a mentally disordered person, can be released from her obligation to pay for the goods if she can prove that: 1) she did not know what she was doing at the time of purchase; and 2) the seller was aware of her medical condition.

The third category of goods consists of the energy drink which was freely given by Pharmacist Donald on conclusion of the sales.  This introduces the issue of the intention of the seller to enter into legal relations.  In the Rhodes Case of 1889, it was declared that the obligation of the buyer (mentally incapacitated) would not arise unless it was the intention of the person supplying the goods that he should be repaid.  In other words, he must not have intended to play the role of benefactor but that of creditor.

In the light of the foregoing, Clara is bound by her contract for the purchase of antimalarial drugs (being necessaries).  The contract for the sale of orange juice is valid but voidable at her option, if she can satisfy the required conditions.  And she is under no obligation to pay for the energy drink, being a gift freely received.


Principles and cases are from Sagay: Nigerian Law of Contract.

Learning to be strategic


This article is motivated by the outcome of a recent and deep interaction between me and one of my mentees. He is not a pharmacist and he does not have the grounding of a typical salesman. He is an accountant by training and he spent the whole of his youth working as an auditor.

By providence, however, he found himself as the sole driver of sales in his organisation early this year after some level of training in and exposure to pharmaceutical salesmanship and management. He proved himself almost immediately, surpassing the records of those (supposedly with the right qualification and experience) who had been entrusted with the same assignment in the past.  His major strengths are: commitment, dedication, loyalty, drive and integrity. He goes the proverbial ‘extra mile’ to deliver results and he is extremely passionate about his work.

However, I noticed that he often carried out his tasks all alone; so I continuously advised him to be strategic to get more output per unit of input. At the last meeting, I asked if he knew what it meant to be strategic and the answer provided indicated a gap in knowledge. We searched the internet together and got some materials that provided, in simple language, the definition of being strategic.

I found the product of our simple and unplanned exercise so fascinating that I called a meeting of the managers in my company to discuss the topic: Learning to be Strategic. The lessons learnt went beyond being excellent at delivering results in an organisation, to doing things better at personal, family and relationship levels.


To be strategic means that you do not react immediately and equally to everything. We do not live in a world where 1+1 will always equal 2. In Nigeria, so many things have changed fundamentally in the past 12 months and we are all living witnesses to the consequences of these changes. It is the nature of our world. Nothing is static. The assumptions are changing by the minute and to remain afloat, we have to anticipate the happenings before they occur and have a contingency plan on how to handle each case.

The cause of low sales in one region may be entirely different from that of other regions; therefore, the sales manager’s reaction cannot be the same for all regions. At home, it is important to understand what makes your partner (or children or neighbour) to behave the way they do and then devise a means to handle each person and each situation appropriately, rather than a spontaneous reaction which tends to create further mistrust and division.

To be strategic requires being holistic in your approach. Your emphasis or concern should be on the complete system (that is the overall, big picture) rather than the individual parts. And this comes with a sound knowledge and understanding of the business. This aspect is very important for people in sales who are always thinking about volume without a consideration for cost and the impact of their activities on the image of the company and the brand that they are promoting.

Without business understanding, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to deliver results on a consistent basis. It is, therefore, very important for each individual in an organisation to know how his activities, results (or lack of it) impact on the total company.


To be strategic means consciously deciding how you want to invest your time and doing what you have planned to do. Time is one of the most important resources we have as individuals and organisations. It is always there waiting to be used or, as some do, misused. It waits for no one, being permanently and rigidly on auto-run. It is, therefore, up to you (and the managers of an organisation) to decide on how to use it.

It is better and more purposeful to decide, in advance, how you want to use your time. By so doing, you will be able to eliminate time wasters, get more results per unit of time and live a better life.

The execution ability is also important here. You have to be resolute in your determination to do what you have planned to do and one major tool is to avoid procrastination, distractions and remaining focussed. If anyone fails to do this, such person will be left wondering, all the time: what have I done with my time? It is not enough for the work to be good; it has to be timely.

Anticipating change

To be strategic means conceiving, leading, and implementing necessary changes and transformation. The notion that change is certain appears to be the only thing in the world that never changes.

To remain in ‘good health’ as an individual or as an organisation, it is important to anticipate the change that will, of necessity, occur in the system and the environment of business and personal lives. It means that you do not rest on your oars, as you have to be scanning the environment permanently for scent of the changes that will occur now or later.

We are in serious economic crisis in Nigeria today because our leaders failed to anticipate that a day like this was coming. If they did, they would have saved the money they squandered on frivolities and preserved the real sector for economic growth.

Your children will not and cannot live the life you lived, no matter the length and frequency of your sermons. The entire space has changed. They have access to information in minutes than you ever had in all your years. Good parenting will, therefore, mean that you know about this fundamental shift and have a plan to handle it.

Understanding investments and risks

Being strategic means that you understand investments, impacts, outcomes, costs, risks and consequences. A lot of people rush into things without a deep understanding of what they set out to do. There is nothing like a ‘free lunch’ because there is always a price tag. It is important to think deeply before you commit yourself or your organisation to a venture, agreement or transaction.

Risk-taking is associated with returns but you have to understand the cost, consequences and impact of the risk that you are about to take. In some cases, it is good to prepare risk cushions in advance of your actions.

Being strategic means assessing the need for, and building support systems. As good as you are or your organisation is, you cannot last forever. It is important that you carefully design and build support systems, as this will help in achieving predictable success on long-term projects and goals.

Being strategic means evolving your role to meet the changing business needs and always considering what adds the most value, not just working hard. It is always important to ask the question persistently about what value you are adding to the system. If you have been good before, are you still good now? What will the company miss if you are no longer there?


  1. http://www.leadershipmutt.com/2010/09/that-strategy-thing-part-1-thinking-strategically.html: Accessed on Friday, 17thJune, 2016
  2. http://www.profitguide.com/manage-grow/strategy-operations/what-does-it-really-mean-to-think-strategically-45900: Accessed on Saturday, 18thJune, 2016



Applications of nanotechnology in drug delivery and design – Part 1


Arthur C. Clarke was the first, in 1956, to write on the nanotechnology concept, in a short story called “The Next Tenants”. This is considered to be the first work of fiction broadly describing what is today known as nanotechnology. Today, the application of nanotechnology is gaining prominence in the pharmaceutical and health care industries as it offers some exciting possibilities that were only imagined decades ago. For example, Nanosensors have been developed to monitor inflammatory diseases by checking the level of nitric oxide in the bloodstream, using carbon nanotubes embedded in a gel that can be injected under the skin.

Nanotechnology is the study, design, synthesis, manipulation, and application of functional materials at nanometer scale, where one nanometer equals to a billionth of a meter. Imagine the largest nano base material which has a size of 100nm is about half the size of smallest cellular form in existence – the bacteria called mycoplasma which has a diameter of 200nm. Many functional nanomaterials, also called nanoparticles (NPs), having the size of macromolecules such as DNA and proteins, have been developed.

Source: shayonano.com

Nanoparticles have unique mechanical, optical, magnetic, electrical and biochemical properties, making them suitable in drug delivery systems, diagnostics & monitoring techniques, bio-sensing (biosensors), blood purification, cell repair and tissue engineering. This emerging field of medicine, commonly called nanomedicine, is attracting great interest from researchers as it has opened up new vistas in chemotherapy, providing the possibility of delivering and targeting pharmaceutical, therapeutical and diagnostic agents to cancer cells.

Drug delivery

Nanoparticles have been successfully used as drug delivery materials because of their high drug-carrying capacity and stability in the blood stream. The surface of nanoparticles are usually coated with ligands to enhance their affinity towards specific cells and co-polymers and to protect them from immune cells. The self-controlling system of drug releasing helps to reduce the plasma fluctuation and minimises the side effects.

Nanoparticles used in drug delivery include polymers in drug delivery system (DDS) such as polymeric miscelles, polymeric NPs, polymeric drug conjugates, dendrimers, nano crystals and lipid-based NPs like liposomes and solid lipids nanoparticles. These types of nano particles are organic based, whereas inorganic based nanoparticles include silica base materials such as Xerogels and mesoporous silica NPs, and Metal NPs such as gold, silver, iron, platinum, quantum dots.

Mode of application

Nanoparticles can be incorporated, encapsulated, conjugated, or absorbed with drugs, using different techniques such as electrospinning technique (electrospunnanofibres), nano-precipitation technique, emulsification based methods, layer by layer synthesis, non-covalent complexation and conjugation to polymeric carrier via liable linkers.

The resulting formulation constitutes a drug delivery systems which have the ability to recognise and deliver the active drug to the target cell by receptor mediated endocytosis. The localised therapeutic activity ensures reduced toxic side effects, provide improved therapeutic index, reduced drug dosage, and ultimately reduces the cost of drugs. These merits have led to the more precise and improved treatments of conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes among others.




  1. Wanigasekara J and Witharana C. (2016) “Applications of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery and Design – An Insight” Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy Vol. 10 (1) 78-91
  2. Earl Boysen of Hawk’s Perch Technical Writing, LLC. “Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery” http://www.understandingnano.com/nanotechnology-drug-delivery.html
  3. Wikipedia “Nanomedicine”
  4. https://commonfund.nih.gov/nanomedicine/overview.aspx
  5. http://www.associates-degree-in-nursing.org/nanomedicine/

Poor manpower development killing community pharmacy

Yakubu Layi Gobir
– Yakubu Layi Gobir

For Nigerian pharmacists to be easily distinguished from patent medicine vendors, while operating in accordance with global best practices, more attention must be paid to manpower development, says eminent pharmacist and astute entrepreneur, Pharm. (Alh.) Yakubu Layi Gobir.


Pharm. Gobir, an Havard Business School graduate, said this while delivering a keynote address on the topic, ‘Manpower Development in Community Pharmacy Practice – Adopting Global Best Practices’, at the opening ceremony of the 35th Annual National Conference of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), held recently at Nike Lake Resort, Enugu, Enugu State.

Gobir, who is the managing director of Smart Mark Limited, Lagos, and founder of Invivo Pharmacy, urged community pharmacists to start looking beyond their confines, so as to grow the profession in line with global standards, adding that it is their collective responsibility to ensure an enduring, respectable, professional and impactful delivery of pharmaceutical services in the community setting.

He further stated that manpower development in community pharmacy practice is not limited to pharmacists alone but to all staff involved in the running of a pharmacy.

“Adopting global best practices in community pharmacy practice is the path to promoting the impact of our profession on national health development goals, and in adopting it, mediocre practices will have to be identified and reformed,” Gobir said.

Gobir, a celebrated entrepreneur, who, in 2003 started Forward Stores, which now has over 65 out lets in Nigeria and Ghana, however lamented that there is a huge shortage of pharmacists in the country.

“The United Kingdom, a developed country with a population of 64 million people and a successful national health system has 2,500 Boots Stores alone. There are 47,391 registered pharmacists, with about 38,867 in England. On the other hand, South Africa with a population of 53 million has 13,474 registered pharmacists – 8,134 females and 5,134 males.

“But in Nigeria, as at 2014, there were 2,705 registered pharmacies, with a vast majority of them in Lagos State, and in 2015, the number grew to 3,426 with the majority still in Lagos,” the Smart Mark boss said.

He further noted that manpower development is a process rather than just a passive activity, saying it involves planning, implementation and results.

He added that for manpower to be effective within an organisation, it must be deliberately planned and included in the overall programme for the staff, adding that such plan must be implemented and the results from the human resource training must be measurable.

According to him, the three major ways that training of manpower in an organisation can be implemented are through formal training, which includes skill acquisition programmes, skill development programmes and formal training towards manpower development; on-the-job training, through which manpower skills and competencies can be developed by experience on the job; as well as professional training, in which an organisation encourages and sponsors professional training and continuing education programme for its staff.

Speaking on the challenges of manpower development in community pharmacy, Gobir disclosed that most community pharmacists misplace their priorities by paying the most attention to physical and capital resources rather than investing in the human resources, which according to him, ultimately harness the other factors of business into maximising profit yields.

“Other challenges facing manpower development include: lack of incentives and rewards to personal development; passive competition, or better still, absence of active competition among pharmacists; wrong attitude of being complacent with just offering products and making sales, while leaving out important gaps on community pharmacy services and pharmaceutical care that is impactful to the customers; and lack of vision-driven pharmacies,” he said.

He however expressed delight that major improvements are beginning to manifest in pharmacy practice generally and in the attitudes of pharmacists in the country.

According to him, “there seems to be paradigm shift towards global best practices as a number of community pharmacists are beginning to develop skills and competencies in offering patient care services along with quality product delivery.”

The veteran entrepreneur, who returned to pharmacy practice in 2014, also encouraged community pharmacists to be more service-oriented by investing more in their workforce training in order to increase productivity and quality service delivery.

“In addition, community pharmacy owners should build their businesses with global-standard vision at heart; they should see themselves as mirrors of the profession to the public eye; incentives and rewards, no matter how little, should be introduced to personnel that undergo any form of skill development, while bodies such as the PSN and PCN should intensify discussions towards making policies to regulate and ensure manpower development and continued training within community pharmacy practice in Nigeria,” he concluded.


Your thinking is affecting your health


(By Pharm. Sesan Kareem)

As a man thinketh, so is he. Why are you sad or anxious? What experience in the past makes you feel helpless or worthless? Are you still carrying the burden of the past? Maybe, just maybe, you are troubled because of the troubles you foresee in the future?

This might sound strange, but it is the gospel truth that nothing in this world can make you anxious; there are no circumstances, situations or events that can make you feel helpless. It is your response and, most times, your reaction that determines your outcome. In other words, it is not what happens that really affects us; it is what we think it means. That is the reason two people will experience the same trial of life (which, by the way, is a part and parcel of our existence) and one person may come out of it to become a strong, powerful and refined personality, while the other will become helpless, hopeless and eventually depressed. The difference? Your thinking!

Thoughts mixed with negative emotions of fear, doubts, worry, anger, jealousy, hatred or greed are primarily the building blocks of negative attitude, which (over time) becomes our habit, and which eventually results into our character. This is what later metamorphoses into stress, feelings of helplessness, worthlessness, pessimism and, above all, depression.

Oh yes, emotional pains are real – the death of a family member or a close friend; sudden loss of fortune; traumatic experience, such as loss of some bodily function; or rape. But the reality is, you must learn to separate yourself from any events in your past that you cannot control. Remember, our past doesn’t equal our future, unless we still live in the past. Perhaps, you need to forgive yourself or others, if need be.

Most times, people try to use negative thoughts, sadness, anxiety and depression as a catalyst to turn their life around, but it will only lead to more problems. However, if you change the dominating thoughts in your head to positive thoughts of wellness, you will be relaxed and be in the best position to think about your life and take necessary immediate action to change things for good.

Changing your negative thoughts to positive ones doesn’t actually mean you will turn your disease into health. But with a positive thought and the right mindset, you can recreate health from sickness because positive dominating thoughts in your heart will change how you feel about a situation. And when you have positive emotions of faith, hope and enthusiasm, your perception about your health and life will change and you will be in the best position to live a healthy and good life.

During my days in community practice, one of my distinguished customers shared this remarkable story with me. Her husband had always believed that only Panadol Extra, and not Panadol could treat his headache successfully. This state of mind had persisted for many years. At one time, the husband had a serious headache. Unfortunately, there was no Panadol Extra at home but they had Panadol. The woman begged him to use the Panadol, with the assurance that it would work. However when the husband took the drug, it indeed seemed to be ineffective. Then, the wife harnessed the power of the mind and after four hours, took another two caplets of Panadol and informed her husband that she had got Panadol Extra. She gave it to the husband to use, and in less than two hours the headache had disappeared.

What really happened here? The man believed in his mind that he had finally obtained the only cure to his headache and his body system immediately followed suit.

Researches have shown that the best way to correct a negative thought is to immediately counter it with a positive one. Assuming your subconscious mind says you are powerless, instantly communicate to your conscious mind that you are so powerful beyond measure. The secret behind this strategy is the fact that your mind, as powerful as it is, cannot process inconsistent thoughts simultaneously.

Whenever I have doubts about anything or my mind thinks negatively about something, I immediately counter it with positive thoughts in my subconscious mind through imagination and affirmation. To get the best out of imagination and affirmation in order to strengthen the fibre of your mind and enhance the vibration of your thoughts, repetition is the master key. Say it over and over again until it finally sticks to your subconscious mind. Imagine it repeatedly until it becomes crystal clear in your head. And when it is fixed in your mind, you’ve got it and you will know you’ve got it because then your mind will be dominated by positive thoughts of gratitude, contentment, security, happiness, good health and tranquility. Just like the night automatically follows the day, good health and good life will automatically follow your good thoughts of wellness and abundance.


ACTION PLAN: What are your dominating thoughts? Are you focusing on your problems or the solutions? Are you always thinking about good health or bad health? Think about good health always. Use affirmation and imagination to retrain your thinking. Persist until you have a health conscious mindset.

AFFIRMATION: I will always think positively. I will think good health and abundance. I am committed to a healthy lifestyle.


Encomiums, as Ahmed Yakasai award produces more winners


It was an atmosphere of celebration at the conference hall of Nike Lake Resort, Enugu, venue of the opening ceremony of the 35th Annual National Conference of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), as Pharm. Olanrewaju Jonathan Ofi, from Ekiti State and Pharm. Atiku Abdul from Kano State, were announced winners of the 2015 and 2016 editions of the Ahmed Yakasai Community Pharmacy Practice Support Award.

Pharm.  Ahmed Yakasai, president, PSN (2nd from left) raises the cheque to the admiration of the participants, with Pharm. (Dr) Albert Kelong Alkali, national chairman, ACPN; Pharm. Atiku Abdul and Pharm. Olanrewaju Jonathan Ofi.
Pharm. Ahmed Yakasai, president, PSN (2nd from left) raises the cheque to the admiration of the participants, with Pharm. (Dr) Albert Kelong Alkali, national chairman, ACPN; Pharm. Atiku Abdul and Pharm. Olanrewaju Jonathan Ofi.

Speaking on the presentation of the award, which was inaugurated in 2014 to provide financial assistance to community pharmacists, chairman of the Award Committee, Pharm. Abdulsalam Yinka Aminu reiterated the resolve of the committee to ensure transparency in the selection of beneficiaries of the award.

“We were unable to give out the award in 2015 due to some issues that cropped up, even though a winner emerged, but today, the two recipients have been unveiled,” Aminu said.

Aminu, who was the immediate past chairman of ACPN-Lagos, stated that the award was a timely and significant intervention for community pharmacists, considering the capital-intensive nature of establishing and running a community pharmacy.

He noted that such gestures, like the Ahmed Yakasai award, could go a long way in encouraging more pharmacists to be more committed and dedicated to the profession.

“Pharm. Yakasai, to me, is undoubtedly a man with a large heart, as he singlehandedly decided to start giving out the award without discussing with anybody and without thinking of getting anything in return.

Yakasai has, through the presentation of the of the award in 2014, 2015 and 2016  to three pharmacists outside of his state and tribe, portrayed himself as a truly forthright and detribalised Nigerian.”

Expressing his delight, the 2016 winner, Pharm. Abdul, who practises in Kano, described the award donor, Pharm. Ahmed Yakasai, as a man who truly has the love of Pharmacy at heart.

Abdul, who attributed his selection as a beneficiary of the award to divine intervention, added that he never envisaged winning.

“I am highly delighted because I wasn’t expecting it,” he said. “So I sincerely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I therefore hope that this kind of gesture continues. I also call on other stakeholders in the profession to imbibe this gesture as it will encourage people to continually strive towards the development of the pharmacy profession. I thank the committee for doing a thorough job in the selection.”

In his own remarks, Pharm.  Ahmed Yakasai, who said he had no intention to contest for PSN presidency when he took the decision three years ago to give 300,000 naira every year for the next ten years, further disclosed that he organised the award to give back to the profession that had benefitted him over the years.

“I felt I have to contribute to the development of Pharmacy from the token God has given to me and that is why I decided to give a meagre3 00,000 naira only for the next ten years. And to further prove my love for Pharmacy,” Yakasai said.

Emergence of next pharmacist health minister overdue – Adelusi-Adeluyi


…As Yakasai urges young pharmacists to make a difference

Prince Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi, president of the Nigeria Academy of Pharmacy (NAPharm) has expressed disappointment that no other pharmacist has been able to make it to the status of health minister almost 23 years after he occupied  the same  position.

Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi
L-R: Prince Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi, NAPharm president, in a warm embrace with Pharm Ahmed Yakasai, PSN president at the event.

Addressing participants at a recent mentoring programme organised by NAPharm, in Lagos, Adelusi-Adeluyi, a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) charged the gathering of young pharmacists to learn from the lapses of older colleagues and hit the ground running.

“As young people, I want you to go in pursuit of happiness. Unless you lack confidence, pharmacists can hold their own anywhere in the world. As pharmacists, we need to always be on our guard. There was a time that I was the only black pharmacist attending international Federation of Pharmacists (FIP) meetings.

“Twenty-three years ago, I was made a federal minister of health. However I am not happy that since then no pharmacist has made it to that position again,” he bemoaned.

While acknowledging the fact that pharmacists had been generally marginalised in political appointments, the managing director of Juli Pharmacy disclosed that it was high time pharmacists started giving serious consideration to politics too.

The NAPharm president however singled out the duo of Tolu Ogunlesi, presidential aide on new media and Jimi Agbaje, former Lagos gubernatorial candidate, for making the profession proud.

“Pharmacy is indeed a profession to be proud of. At least, I can say that I am impressed with Tolu Ogunlesi. He is an epitome of pharmacy excellence. Jimi Agbaje is another person I respect so much,” he said.

Buttressing his view, Pharm Ahmed Yakasai, president of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) encouraged young pharmacists to launch out and make the difference.

“Anybody can be successful if they push hard. As young people, the time we spend on social media running ourselves down will do us no good. Don’t join those who sit and keep lamenting that the older pharmacists are not doing enough for them,” he remarked.

While charging young pharmacists to be responsible professionals, the PSN president stressed that they should aim to emulate the online exploits of the likes of HealthPlus and MedPlus.

“Please don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to promote or hold brief for anybody. But it is good to say the truth in whatever form it comes. Let me also say that I am impressed with what Pharm. Seun Omobo and Young Pharmacists Group are doing by sponsoring people to the annual FIP event,” he stated.

Public officials and overseas medical treatment


The simmering debate on the propriety of  public officials travelling out of the country for medical treatment reached a crescendo recently, when President Muhammadu Buhari left Nigeria on a 10-day vacation to London to rest and also see an ear nose and throat (ENT) specialist for a persistent ear infection.

In an attempt to douse the furore generated by the president’s decision, his special adviser on media and publicity, Mr Femi Adesina, explained that the president had been examined and treated by his personal physician and an ENT specialist in Abuja, following which he had been recommended to see an ENT specialist in London for further evaluation. The recommendation, he said, was purely precautionary.

Still, many public commentators flayed the president’s action, describing it not only as an indictment on the country’s health system but also a needless waste of time and resources, especially at a time when the country is enmeshed in economic turmoil and violent agitations, among many other pressing issues. Vice President of the Commonwealth Medical Association, Dr Osahon Enabulele described it as a national shame of immense proportion that the president had to be recommended for foreign medical care, despite the presence of over 250 ENT specialists in the country.

We believe that the outrage trailing the president’s decision is justified, considering that it was this same government of Mr Buhari that banned medical travels for public office holders, except in cases that cannot be handled in Nigeria. There is no substantial evidence that the president’s condition fits into this exempted category. There is also mounting concern over the unacceptable capital flight of billions of naira siphoned yearly from the country’s coffers by public officials for treatment of all sorts of conditions abroad.

The disdain Nigerians had always harboured for medical tourism by public officials was apparently responsible for the elation that greeted the then declaration by President Buhari that he was ending the practice. For this same president, barely one year into his administration, to be seen as breaking his prescribed code of conduct is a sad commentary not just for the new administration, as most of the critics have argued but the state of health care in the country.

It is indeed an open secret that hundreds of Nigerians who have the means, not just government officials, travel out daily to Europe, America and even Asian countries like China and India for medical treatment. According to the 2014 NMA Annual Report, the Indian High Commission confirmed that Indian hospitals received 18,000 Nigerians on medical visa in 2012 alone and they spent about 260 million dollars for their medical trip. There is indeed an urgent need to curtail this anomaly.

The truth however remains that to holistically address the challenge of huge capital flight from Nigeria as a result of medical tourism, drastic steps must be taken to tackle the cankers troubling the nation’s health sector, improve health care delivery, and ensure our hospitals have the capacity to provide quality medical care for Nigerians.

That the health sector has for several decades suffered serious neglect, is overstating the obvious.  It is no news that our teaching hospitals are apex centres of medical excellence in name only. A visit to most of the teaching hospitals clearly shows palpable infrastructural decays. It is thus not surprising that any Nigerian with the means would rather seek alternative institutions abroad to tend to his or her health conditions rather than these hospitals.

We call on the Nigerian government to, as a matter of urgency, come up with, and implement a blueprint that will transform the nation’s health sector. The federal government must demonstrate the required political leadership to positively turn around the nation’s public hospitals by tackling the challenge of infrastructural decay. These facilities must be re-equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment apparatus as it is the case in the countries Nigerians are trooping to for health care. Moreover, adequate attention must be given to the welfare and working conditions of health workers to ensure they are well-motivated to give their best at all times.

Another fundamental issue that must be addressed is transparency in the management of funds for the health sector. It is really disheartening that while there have been repeated complaints that budgetary allocation to the sector is paltry, there are reports that even this meagre allocation is being embezzled and diverted. Only recently, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) commenced investigations into allegations of financial mismanagement by the health ministry. According to a letter recently addressed to Amina Shamakin, permanent secretary, Federal Ministry of Health, “The commission is investigating a case of criminal conspiracy, embezzlement, abuse of office, diversion of public funds and money laundering…”

Additionally, there is a paramount need to audit the nation’s medical care processes to bring them in line with contemporary global best practices. Many Nigerians have lost confidence in the health sector’s capacity to provide the care that they need and deserve and regaining this confidence is crucial.

It is our view that if the challenges confronting the health sector are conscientiously addressed, not only would Nigeria end medical tourism for public officials and citizens, but the nation would be able to attract huge inflow of foreign exchange from patients that would come from outside Nigeria to access our hospitals for treatment. When we achieve this, it is the Nigerian nation, not just the heath sector that will ultimately enjoy the benefits.


Incidence of hearing and speech impairment in children born by caesarian section



(By Matthew Abe, BSc, BPharm.)

Caesarian Section is the procedure by which a surgeon cuts through the abdomen and uterus of a pregnant woman to bring out the baby alive. Here in Nigeria, vaginal birth is regarded as the normal mode of delivery. Whenever a Caesarian Section is required, it is almost always as a result of medical necessity. Such conditions include:

  • Baby’s head is too large for the mother’s pelvis
  • Baby is in a breech position
  • Placenta previa
  • Foetal distress during labor
  • Very low birth weight of baby
  • Mother has diabetes or other chronic conditions that might make vaginal delivery dangerous for her. (1.)

In the United States of America, 30% of births are by elective surgery. (1.) The incidence of hearing and speech impairment in children born by Caesarian Section gives cause for worry. 1 in 20 children born by C-S who had full Audiological investigation at the Nigerian Audiological Centre, Lagos were diagnosed with hearing and/or speech impairment. Screening of the new-born for hearing impairment is not a routine procedure in post-natal healthcare in Nigeria. Late detection of permanent congenital and early-onset hearing loss often has severe effect on linguistic, speech, cognitive and educational development in affected children.(2.) The aim of this article is to draw attention of members of the public to the incidence of hearing and speech impairment in children born by C-S so that the physician/ surgeon, audiologist and speech pathologist may be involved in measures to prevent or treat these unpleasant conditions in children.


The case-notes of 650 pediatric patients were examined for their mode of birth and remarkable illness after birth including audiological impairment. All the babies were below the age of 4 years.


Overall, a cesarean section is an extremely safe operation. Most of the serious complications associated with cesarean sections are not due to the operation itself. Instead, the complications come from the reason for the cesarean section. For example, a woman whose placenta separates too early (placental abruption) may require an emergency cesarean section. In this case, problems arise primarily from the placental abruption—not the actual surgery.(1.) However, some children present with some pathological conditions after C-S birth. Some of these conditions are listed in Table 1.

Tablel. Audiological Conditions presented by patients who were delivered by Caesarian Section.

Name of Patient Pathological condition
O.M. CS birth. Jaundice at birth, treated with phototherapy. Blabs.
O.D. CS birth. Seizure at 6 weeks. Speech not clear. Communicates through signs.
O.F. CS birth. Neonatal Jaundice. Convulsion at 7 months. Also had pneumonia. Delayed developmental milestone. Lack of speech.
O.S. CS birth. Neonatal Jaundice treated with phototherapy. Speech not clear. Has normal twin sister.
O.L. CS birth. Frequent (malaria) fever. Delayed developmental milestone. Lack of speech.
O.C. CS birth. Does not talk although no remarkable illness. Communicates with signs and gestures.
O.I. CS birth. Adenoiditis, tonsillitis treated by antibiotics and surgery respectively. Does not talk.


O.M. CS birth. Cannot talk at 5 years. Communicates via gesture.
A.C. CS birth. Normal development. Fever at 3 years. Hospitalized, then, hearing loss. Communicates with gestures.
A.G. CS birth. Diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Does not hear.
A.M. CS birth. Neonatal jaundice treated with phototherapy. Convulsion at 2/2 years. Blabs. Communicates with gestures.
P.B. CS birth. Did not cry at birth. Convulsion at 6 months. Not sitting at 1 year. Hard of hearing.
P.O.P. CS birth. Inability to hear well Au. Delayed speech and language acquisition.
P.C. CS birth. Frequent cold. Cannot talk clearly.
E.M. CS birth. Inability to talk at 1 year. Poor developmental milestone.
E.K. CS birth. Can’t move right part of the body. Slow developmental milestone. Twin brother a still birth. Does not talk.
E.S. CS birth. Delayed speech and language acquisition.
J.D. CS birth due to prolonged labor. Retracted tympanum. Poor speech and language acquisition.
A.O. CS birth. Infection at 8 days. Hearing loss after blood transfusion.
A.T. Elective CS birth. Delayed speech and language acquisition.
O.O. CS birth. Asphyxia. PDA at 2 months, treated with surgery. Communicates through signs. Could not make a complete sentence.
C.A. CS birth. Meningitis 8 days after delivery. Incubated for one month. Received amikacin. Inability to hear or speak.
P.O. CS birth. Sick after birth. Given antimalarial injection for 5 days. Difficulty in hearing and talking.
V.I. CS birth. Convulsion. Restless. Does not play with other children. Cannot talk.
O.K. CS birth. Low birth weight. Cannot talk nor hear.
Z.O. CS birth. Adenoiditis. Steroid treatment. Inability to hear. Poor language acquisition.
B.O. CS birth. Hole in the heart. Had surgery, then, stopped responding to sound. No speech.
J.A. CS birth Low birth weight Asphyxia. Jaundice treated with phototherapy. Delayed developmental milestone. Lacks speech.
K.K. CS birth. Measles at 4 years, then, hearing loss.



Infants delivered by C-S are three times more likely than babies delivered vaginally to fail their first hearing test. (4) The otoacoustic emissions test ( OAE ) in the new born is affected by fluids which are retained in the middle ear. Vaginal births may help dissipate middle ear fluids.(4)

In an Israeli study, 1,653 new-borns were evaluated. 1,170 were vaginal while the rest 483 were by C-S. 21% of the C-S infants failed the OAE test while only 7% vaginal births failed the test. The tests were conducted within 48 hours of birth.(4)

Viral Infections

Virus present at birth causes more than 10% of hearing loss in children. More than 10% of babies born with an infection of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) will suffer permanent hearing loss. CMV is the most common non-inherited cause of hearing loss in children.(5.) The source of infection is probably nosocomial. Among children who show virus symptoms, 1 in 3 suffers hearing loss, compared to 1 in 10 who show no symptoms. For symptomatic children, hearing loss will affect both ears. Children without symptoms usually suffer hearing loss in one ear. Infection at surgery is more common than at vaginal birth. Hearing loss from CMV is severe to profound. It can develop over time and may vary as it progresses.

Effect of Epidural Anaesthesia

The effects of maternal lidocaine hydrochloride anaesthesia on the brainstem auditory evoked response in neonates born by C-S have been evaluated.(6) Significant delay has been noted in the central neural component of the ABR at 90 dB for the experimental versus the control. In a particular study, the mean wave I­V intervals were prolonged when test was conducted at less than 4 hours when compared to findings at 48 hours or longer. The changes in the serial auditory brainstem-evoked response test occur after maternal lignocaine amount in neonates correlated with blood lignocaine concentrations.(6)


Hearing screening at birth should be incorporated in post-natal healthcare in Nigeria. The traditional birth attendants, faith-based healthcare givers, maternity centers and hospitals should ensure that the new-born gets a hearing test before leaving their facility and every year after until at least 6 years old. Kids with hearing loss need hearing aids. If the hearing loss is profound, then a cochlear implant may be recommended.

An anti-viral vaccine is the ultimate goal of treatment. CMV can also cause brain damage and vision problem. Prevention is of utmost importance. The role of behavioral and educational interventions cannot be over-emphasized.


Hearing loss from birth prevents speech and language acquisition in the affected children. This is a big cause of worry for parents. In the cultural milieu in which we live, it is common to read non-natural meanings to this condition in children. It is pathetic when some parents hide such children in their homes feeling that there is nothing that can be done to remedy the situation. Such children obviously need to go to school and also to acquire some vocational skills. This writer has come across a twenty-four year old male who had no speech and was on hearing aid in both ears. The parents, who are university teachers, prepared him for a career in fashion designing and he made a success of his training. At the time you are reading this article, the young man may be preparing for his wedding. In his sign language and lip-reading, he made it known to his parents it was time to marry.


  1. https://www.nichd.nih.gov./obstetrics
  2. ibid
  3. asha.org/public/hearing/effects of hearing loss on development.
  4. healthday.com
  5. com/PED/topic544.htm
  6. J Pharm Bioallied Sci 2011 Jan-March 3(1) 135-141.

WHO/PAHO and partners set out Zika strategic response plan for the next 18 months


WHO/PAHO and partners have set out their strategic response to Zika which will place a greater focus on preventing and managing medical complications caused by Zika virus infection. To date, US$121.9 million are necessary to effectively implement the Zika Strategic Response Plan, July 2016 to December 2017.
“Much has been learned about Zika virus infection, how it spreads, the consequences of infection and priorities for its control since we developed the initial response framework,” said WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan. “The response now requires a unique and integrated strategy that places support for women and girls of child-bearing age at its core.”

The revised Zika Strategic Response Plan includes a greater focus on preventing and managing medical complications caused by Zika virus infection and expanding health systems’ capacities for that purpose. Risk communication targeting pregnant women, their partners, households and communities will be central to prevention efforts to ensure they have the information they need to protect themselves.

Other elements include integrated vector management, sexual and reproductive health counselling as well as health education and care within the social and legal contexts of each country where Zika virus is being transmitted.

The plan highlights several specific characteristics of the Zika outbreak that require a collaborative, global response and support. These include

  • the potential for further international spread of Zika virus given the wide distribution of Aedes mosquitoes that are capable of transmitting Zika virus,
  • the lack of population immunity in areas where Zika virus is circulating for the first time and which allows the disease to spread quickly,
  • the absence of vaccines, specific treatments and rapid diagnostic tests, and
  • inequalities in access to sanitation, information and health services in affected areas.


More than 60 partners are engaged in the global response to Zika, up from 23 partners in February 2016. To date, WHO, PAHO and 14 partners (out of the more than 60) have expressed funding needs in the combined amount of US$121.9 million to implement the revised plan from now until December 2017.

“Coherent funding mechanisms are essential for successful implementation of this revised Strategic Response Plan,” said Dr Chan. In May 2016, the United Nations Secretary-General established a UN Zika Response Multi-Partner Trust Fund to generate and ensure the effective use of the required funding.

Media contact information

Nyka Alexander: Tel: +4122 791 5029; Mob: +4179 634 0295;
Email: alexandern@who.int

Christian Lindmeier: Tel: +4122 791 1948; Mob: +4179 500 6552;
E-mail: lindmeierch@who.int

Tarik Jasarevic: Tel: +4122 791 5099; Mob: +4179 367 6214;
E-mail: jasarevict@who.int

Pfizer, experts, collaborate on improving healthcare emergency system


The need to advance the national health care emergency system of African countries, in order to forestall a continental epidemic, was the focus of the two-day workshop on emergency health system in Africa.

The seminar, which was organised by the Association Of Good Clinical Practice in Nigeria (AGCPN) in conjunction with Pfizer Plc, was well attended by experts on the subject.pfizer_logo_detail

According to the President of AGCPN and Professor of Radiation  Medicine at the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Prof. Ifeoma Okoye, the need for an effective and efficient health emergency system is indispensable,  to the overall healthcare service delivery.

Okoye argued that continuous neglect of health emergency will have negative effect across broad spectrum in the health sector.

She added that “there is the need for capacity development both human and infrastructural, with clinical trial as a fulcrum towards addressing future public health emergencies in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“There is the need for close collaboration between public and private establishments/sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa towards combating and reducing mortality and morbidity.

Also, Prof. Maurice Iwu harped on the need to enhance modulation in tracking diseases as well as the introduction of microbiota system. He noted that there is an urgent need for concerted efforts in improving healthcare emergency in the sector for optimum results.

The participants also emphasized  on how pertinent it is  for  all tiers of Governments, NGO and private partners to support clinical trials and research generally across Sub-Saharan Africa.




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7th World Congress on Bioavailability & Bioequivalence: BA/BE Studies Summit August 29-31, 2016


 BABE 2016 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to Atlanta, USA. We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the “7th World Congress on Bioavailability & Bioequivalence: BA/BE Studies Summit” (BABE 2016) which is going to be held during August 29-31, 2016 at Atlanta. The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the BABE 2016, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of the BABE 2016 organizing committee look forward to meeting you in Atlanta, USA.

BABE 2016 Conference which is an International Pharma Marketing Industry Conference is a scientific platform to meet fellow key decision makers all-around the Academic Institutions, Healthcare Institutes, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, CROs supply chain, Logistics practitioners making the congress a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaborations through the research talks & presentations to put forward many thought provoking strategies. It’s a perfect stage to brainstorm, discover new ideas, search for new skills and a platform to show your capabilities and discoveries to the world. BABE  2016 will be one of the outstanding Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Conferences.The Bioavailability Bioequivalence Research Center and BA/BE global conferences aims to become a regional center of excellence for assuring the safety and efficacy of generic pharmaceutical products for human use. It plays a key role in the drug development period for both new drug products and their generic equivalents. These studies are also important in the post approval period in the presence of certain manufacturing changes. Information in the overall set of data that ensure the availability of safe and effective medicines to patients and practitioners can be discussed in bioavailability meeting.

Why to attend???

With all the scientific people over the world focused on learning about Pharmaceutical Current and Novel trends and advanced strategies in Pharma Marketing Industry.This is a best globalised opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the Pharma community. We anticipate participants, renowned speakers and eminent delegates across the globe attending the conference to share their valuable presentation and galvanize the scientific community. BABE 2016 is a 3-day event offering the Exhibition at venue to showcase the new and emerging technologies and Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with potential scientists, make a splash with new drug developments, and receive fame and recognition. Our services have always met with great achievement in Business Conferencing. World-renowned speakers, the most recent and advanced techniques, developments, and the newest updates are the prominent features of the conference.

Target Audience:

  • CRO
  • Professors, Associate Professors, Asst Professors
  • PhD Scholars
  • Graduates and Post Graduates
  • Directors, CEO’s of Organizations
  • Association, Association presidents and professionals
  • Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine
  • Bio instruments Professionals
  • Research Institutes and members
  • Supply Chain companies
  • Manufacturing Companies

‘Bioavailability and Bioequivalence’ is an international forum to present and discuss current perspectives in drug research. Bioequivalence Conference provides the scope for opportunities to learn progressed by international scientists and academicians. The Bioavailability Bioequivalence Research Center and BA/BE global conferences aims to become a regional center of excellence for assuring the safety and efficacy of generic pharmaceutical products for human use. It plays a key role in the drug development period for both new drug products and their generic equivalents. These studies are also important in the post approval period in the presence of certain manufacturing changes. Information in the overall set of data that ensure the availability of safe and effective medicines to patients and practitioners can be discussed in bioavailability meeting.

The global generics sector reached $269.8 billion in 2012. This sector is expected to reach $300.9 billion in 2013 and $518.5 billion in 2018, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5%.

  • An overview of the global market for generic  drug including coverage of therapeutic
  • Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2012, estimates for 2013, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2018.The North American market is estimated to reach nearly $73 billion in 2011 and is expected to increase at a 7.9% compound annual growth rate to reach nearly $107 billion in 2016.
  • The United States is currently spending almost $250 billion a year for prescription drugs. If drugs were sold in a competitive market, without government-imposed patent monopolies, this might achieve savings up to $200 billion a year.


Fig 1


Major Associations :

  • Bioanalytical Focus Group and Ligand Binding Assay
  • American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)
  • Royal Netherlands Chemical Society
  • The European Bioanalysis Forum
  • BEBAC Consultancy Services for Bioequivalence and Bioavailability
  • American Thyroid Association
  • Generic Pharmaceutical Association
  • FDA
  • European Generic medicines Association.
  • Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA)
  • European Economic Area
  • Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (CGPA)
  • Bioequivalence and Bioavailability forum
  • FDA Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology
  • Drug Watch
  • ORPHANET Parenteral Drug Association
  • PharmGKB
  • US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)
  • American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)
  • Clinical Trials Information from National Institutes for Health (NIH)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

For more details please visit- http://bioavailability-bioequivalence.pharmaceuticalconferences.com/

76th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016


d4c1e0e9-48ea-4d41-8ea2-ba62e5af2da5(Buenos Aires, Argentina • 28 August – 1 September 2016)

Rising to the challenge: reducing the global burden of disease.

During the 2016 FIP Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists will rise to the challenge to reduce the global disease burden. Are you prepared to take this challenge?

Of the top 10 causes of death around the world, nine are diseases. Heart disease, stroke, HIV/AIDS, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, diabetes and diarrheal diseases are among this list. But the burden of disease is not just about the years of life lost due to death; it is also about years lost due to living in less than full health. As a result, there has been an effort to change from a sickness care model to a health model. Our role in improving the outcomes of treatments is the essence of the pharmacy profession and of pharmaceutical scientists. Creating, preparing and providing medicines is based on this role. Moving from a sickness model to a health model means that pharmacy is also now about disease prevention and health promotion.

 Pharmaceutical scientists, pharmacists and pharmacy educators are dedicated to integrating evidence-based practice to improve the use of medicines. Innovation that creates new treatment options with medicines, collaborative practices (not only within health professionals, but also individuals and communities themselves), practices that improve the use of medicines, prevention (of both diseases and complications from existing disease) and public health programmes all have the potential to reduce the global burden of disease.

 The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and the Confederaçion Farmacéutica Argentina (COFA) invite you to Buenos Aires, the dynamic capital of Argentina and home of the tango. Come and be captivated by the lively atmosphere in this elegant city, the gateway to South America, where plains, vineyards, jungles and great rivers await discovery

International Workshop On Health Care Leadership, Financing And Innovation, Dubai


Dubai traing 16.-3

In every health care delivery system, there is need for pragmatic leadership to ensure the provision of optimum health care service. All over the world, governments and private institutions are developing and implementing unique models for meeting present and emerging challenges in health care delivery. Pharmanews-WhiteTulip Training is equipped to help deliver the requisite capacity development required to champion sustainable models of service delivery among health care and pharmaceutical industry players.


We wish to invite you to participate in our international programme on “Health Care Leadership, Financing and Innovation”, taking place in Dubai, The United Arab Emirates.


Date:             Saturday 20 – Thursday 25 August, 2016

Time            9.00a.m – 5.00p.m (daily)

Venue:          Executive Towers at Bay Avenue,

                       Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

 Target Participants

Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, Medical Laboratory Scientists and other clinical, administrative, management and technical personnel in the public and private health care system.

 Course Content:

  • Essentials of Clinical Leadership
  • Strategic Management and Organisational Communication
  • Quality Management Protocols
  • Health Care Financing Models and Structure
  • Investment Models in Health Care Facility Development
  • Comparative Study of Global Health Care Entrepreneurship Models
  • ICT in Health Care Systems

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Lead effectively, communicate clearly and deliver optimal health care service within the health care delivery system.
  • Understand basic concepts in managing and developing strategies for effective change.
  • Understand globally accepted and sustainable techniques in quality management protocols.
  • Understand global health care financing models, challenges and its opportunities for Innovation in Africa.
  • Comprehend best investment models and current management approaches and strategies for achieving effective facility development.
  • Learn global best-case models for driving health care entrepreneurship ventures.
  • Effectively initiate and supervise ICT integration with operational processes of health care service

 Participants are expected to arrive on Saturday, 20 and depart on Thursday, 25 August.

 Registration Fee

  • $1,850 (or Naira equivalent) per participant on or before 12 August, 20
  • $1,950 (or Naira equivalent) per participant after 12 August, 2016.

 Group discounts: 3 – 5 participants: 5%,    6 – 9 participants: 10%,   10 participants and above: 15%


Registration fee covers: Tour, workshop materials, tea/coffee break, lunch, certificates, and visa processing ONLY.

Participants are to take care of their travel expenses, dinner, and accommodation.


Hotel Accommodation

Participants can get accommodation close to the workshop venue at an average rate of $100 $120 per night. For more options on hotel accommodation, please visit the online booking site: www.agoda.com


For cancellation of registration fee, 70% of the fee will be refunded, if cancelled at least seven (7) days to the workshop and the information communicated to us by sms or email, using: training@pharmanews-whitetulip.com

There will be no refund if cancelled thereafter.

Method of Payment

Participants should pay registration fee into Pharmanews-WhiteTulip training account in GTBank Plc (A/c No. 0179132705) and send their full names and bank deposit slip number by sms or email to training@pharmanews-whitetulip.com. Payments in dollars should be made to Pharmanews Ltd. Domiciliary Accounts: GTB A/c No. 0005082226

Payment Online

Payments can also be made through our payment portal on GTBank SME market hub facility. To make payment online, visit: https://pharmanews.smemarkethub.com

Please note that payment in naira can only be accepted in Nigeria. In Dubai, the dollar equivalent will be paid.

Financial Transactions in Dubai

Your financial transactions in Dubai will be done in the local currency, UAE Dirham. The current rate is 3.7 Dirham to 1 US$.

Arrival and Departure

Participants are expected to arrive on or before Saturday, 20th and depart Thursday, 25th.

 City Tour

For the tour, temperature will be at an average of 37° Celsius. We advise casual wear with shoes suitable for walking. Cameras will also be useful for pictures.

Travel Information

 Intending participants are advised to make reservation for flight ticket to Dubai through these online booking sites: www.wakanow.com or www.opodo.co.uk. Available airlines on the booking sites are Emirates, Kenyan Air, Etihad, Ethiopian Airways, and Qatar Airways, among others.


After registration, participants will be contacted on the procedures for visa procurement. The visa fees are covered in the registration fee.

For further information, please contact:

Cyril Mbata                                –   +234 706 812 9728

Adekola Adediran                        –   +234 703 225 2123

Elizabeth Amuneke                    –   +234 805 723 5128


Novartis expands partnership with Medicines for Malaria Venture to develop next-generation antimalarial treatment

  • Novartis will lead the development of antimalarial compound KAF156 with scientific and financial support from Medicines for Malaria Venture in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • KAF156 belongs to a novel class of antimalarials that act against both the blood and liver stages of the parasite’s lifecycle
  • Antimalarials with new mechanisms of action are urgently needed to tackle emerging parasite resistance to current therapies

Novartis announced today that it will further expand its long-standing partnership with Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV). Novartis will lead the development of antimalarial compound KAF156 with scientific and financial support from MMV in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions for the development of KAF156 and its future availability to patients.

“With a child dying from malaria every two minutes and the threat of drug resistance growing year-on-year, there is a real urgency to step up global efforts to combat this disease,” said Joseph Jimenez, CEO of Novartis. “Partnerships and collaborations like this one with MMV are essential for the development of next generation antimalarials and accelerating efforts to eradicate this deadly disease.”

KAF156 belongs to a novel class of antimalarial molecules and is one of the first antimalarial drug candidates to enter Phase IIb clinical development in more than 20 years. It acts against the two parasites responsible for the majority of malaria deaths (Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax) and against both the blood and liver stages of the parasite’s lifecycle. Further, it has the potential to provide a more convenient dosing regimen and to address the multidrug resistance that has emerged in five countries of the Great Mekong Sub-region (GMS). KAF156 builds on the heritage of Novartis in antimalarial drug development and the launch in 1999 of Coartem®, the first fixed-dose Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT). ACT is the current standard of care in malaria treatment.

“We are delighted to extend our partnership with Novartis in the development of this exciting candidate antimalarial medicine with the potential to tackle drug resistance and improve patient compliance,” said Dr. David Reddy, CEO of MMV. “As such, this agreement marks an important milestone, as MMV continues its mission to discover, develop and deliver new, effective and affordable antimalarials to the patients who need them most.”

The Novartis Malaria Initiative is committed to drive research, development and access to novel drugs to eliminate malaria. It is one of the pharmaceutical industry’s largest access-to-medicine programs. Since 2001, the initiative has delivered more than 750 million treatments without profit, including 300 million dispersible pediatric treatments, developed by Novartis in collaboration with MMV, mostly to the public sector of malaria-endemic countries. Although preventable and treatable, malaria continues to kill a child every two minutes and threatens the lives of many more.(1) It is caused by parasites transmitted to people through the bite of infected mosquitoes. A comprehensive range of interventions is required to eradicate the disease, from bed nets and spraying for prevention to diagnostics and medicines to treat the disease and block its transmission.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Novartis International AG.

Novartis Media Relations
Central media line : +41 61 324 2200

Eric Althoff
Novartis Global Media Relations
+41 61 324 7999 (direct)
+41 79 593 4202 (mobile)

Patrick Barth
Novartis Global Media Relations
+41 61 696 6273 (direct)
+41 79 732 08701 (mobile)

e-mail: media.relations@novartis.com

About the Novartis Malaria Initiative

The Novartis Malaria Initiative is focused on conducting research and development for the next generation of antimalarials, improving access to treatment and helping communities deliver better healthcare. Operated by Sandoz, the Novartis generics and biosimilars division, the Novartis Malaria Initiative is one of the pharmaceutical industry’s largest access-to-medicine programs. Since 2001, the initiative has delivered more than 750 million treatments without profit, including 300 million dispersible pediatric treatments, mostly to the public sector of malaria-endemic countries.

Novartis has a long heritage in antimalarial drug development. Coartem®, the first fixed-dose Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT), was launched in 1999. ACT is the current standard of care in malaria treatment. Currently, there are two potential antimalarial therapies in Phase II clinical trials in the Novartis portfolio, KAE609 (cipargamin)(2) and KAF156. Both are new classes of compounds that treat malaria in different ways from current therapies, and could help combat growing resistance to existing artemisinin-based combination therapies.

About MMV

MMV is a leading product development partnership (PDP) in the field of antimalarial drug research and development. Its mission is to reduce the burden of malaria in disease-endemic countries by discovering, developing and delivering new, effective and affordable antimalarial drugs.

Since its foundation in 1999, MMV and partners have built the largest portfolio of antimalarial R&D and access projects ever assembled, and brought forward six new medicines that are already saving lives. MMV’s success is based on its extensive partnership network of over 400 pharmaceutical, academic and endemic-country partners in more than 55 countries.

MMV’s vision is a world in which innovative medicines will cure and protect the vulnerable and under-served populations at risk of malaria, and ultimately help to eradicate this terrible disease.


About KAF156

KAF156 belongs to a new class of dual-acting compounds known as imidazolepiperazines (IZPs) that target the parasite at both the liver and blood stage of its reproductive cycle. If confirmed in clinical trials, the dual antimalarial activity of the IZP compounds would give this class promise as a potential first-line therapy for the prevention and treatment of malaria(3,4). KAF156, currently in Phase IIb clinical trials, is the result of a Wellcome Trust, Medicines for Malaria Venture and Singapore Economic Development Board supported joint research program with the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases, the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. The research program aimed to discover the next generation of antimalarial drugs. Novartis is developing KAF156 with scientific and financial support from MMV.


  • World Health Organization, World Malaria Report 2015: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/200018/1/9789241565158_eng.pdf?ua=1. Last accessed January 2016.
  • White NJ, Pukrittayakamee S, Phyo AP, Rueangweerayut R, Nosten F, Jittamala P, Jeeyapant A, Jain JP, Lefèvre G, Li R, Magnusson B, Diagana TT, Leong FJ. Spiroindolone KAE609 for falciparum and vivax malaria. New England Journal of Medicine. 2014 July 31;371(5):403-10.
  • Leong FJ, Zhao R, Zeng S, Magnusson B, Diagana TT, Pertel P. A first-in-human randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single- and multiple-ascending oral dose study of novel Imidazolopiperazine KAF156 to assess its safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics in healthy adult volunteers. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2014 Nov; 58(11):6437-43.
  • Kuhen KL, Chatterjee AK, Rottmann M, Gagaring K, Borboa R, Buenviaje J, Chen Z, Francek C, Wu T, Nagle A, Barnes SW, Plouffe D, Lee MC, Fidock DA, Graumans W, van de Vegte-Bolmer M, van Gemert GJ, Wirjanata G, Sebayang B, Marfurt J, Russell B, Suwanarusk R, Price RN, Nosten F, Tungtaeng A, Gettayacamin M, Sattabongkot J, Taylor J, Walker JR, Tully D, Patra KP, Flannery EL, Vinetz JM, Renia L, Sauerwein RW, Winzeler EA, Glynne RJ, Diagana TT. 2014 KAF156 is an antimalarial clinical candidate with potential for use in prophylaxis, treatment, and prevention of disease transmission. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2014 Sep;58(9):5060–7.

Novartis International AG

Voluntary unpaid blood donations must increase rapidly to meet 2020 goal



Voluntary, unpaid blood donations must be increased rapidly in more than half the world’s countries in order to ensure a reliable supply of safe blood for patients whose lives depend on it, WHO said on World Blood Donor Day.

This year, the theme of World Blood Donor Day is “Blood connects us all”, highlighting the common bond that all people share in their blood. The slogan, “Share life, give blood”, draws attention to the role that voluntary donation systems play in encouraging people to care for one another and promoting community cohesion.

“Although we have many external differences, the same vital blood pumps through all our veins,” said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General. “Voluntary, unpaid blood donation is the act of giving life – the greatest gift any person can give or receive.”

About 108 million blood donations are collected globally every year. Nearly 50% of these blood donations are collected in high-income countries, home to less than 20% of the world’s population. The average blood donation rate is more than 9 times greater in high-income countries than in low-income countries.

However, in many countries, demand exceeds supply, and blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available, while also ensuring its quality and safety. An adequate supply can only be assured through regular donations by voluntary, unpaid blood donors.

Regular voluntary unpaid blood donors are the foundation of a safe blood supply because they are associated with low levels of infection that can be transmitted by transfusions, including HIV and hepatitis viruses. Around the world, 25 countries are unable to screen all donated blood for one or more of these infections due to irregular supply of test kits, staff shortages, poor quality test kits, or lack of basic quality in laboratories.

WHO encourages all countries to establish blood services based on full voluntary non-remunerated blood donations. Today, only 62 countries get close to 100% of their national blood supplies from voluntary unpaid blood donations, with 34 countries still dependent on family donors and even paid donors for more than 75% of their blood supply.

Blood can be used whole, or separated into its component parts, such as red blood cells, platelets, plasma, and other “substances” that can be used to treat a wide range of diseases. A single unit of blood can be used to benefit several patients.

Transfusions of blood and blood products helps save millions of lives every year, including during emergencies such as conflicts, natural disasters, and childbirth. It can help patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures.

“Voluntary blood donors come from all walks of life but they have one thing in common: they put others before themselves — people they don’t even know,” said Dr Ed Kelley, Director of the Department of Service Delivery and Safety at WHO. “Each time they donate blood, they commit an act of selfless heroism.”

World Blood Donor Day has been celebrated annually since 2004, with the aim of improving the safety and adequacy of national blood supplies by promoting a substantial increase in the number of safe, voluntary, unpaid donors who give blood regularly.

This year, the host country for World Blood Donor Day is Netherlands, through Sanquin, the national blood supply organization. The global event will take place on 14 June 2016 in Amsterdam, attended by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander.

Media contact
Simeon Bennett
Mobile: +41-79-472-7429
Office: +41-22-791-4621
Email: simeonb@who.int

BASF increases Prices for Ethanolamines in Europe


Ethanolamines are high-class intermediates used in the manufacture of crop protection agents and wood protectants, surfactants for detergents and cleaning products, process chemicals for gas treatment, lubricants and cement additives as well as active pharmaceutical ingredients. BASF produces ethanolamines at its Verbund sites in Ludwigshafen, Germany; Antwerp, Belgium; and Nanjing, China.

With immediate effect, or as existing contracts permit, BASF is increasing its European sales prices for ethanolamines (EOA) as follows:

Monoethanolamine (MEOA)         + 20 EUR/ mt
Diethanolamine      (DEOA)          + 30 EUR/ mt
Triethanolamine      (TEOA)          + 50 EUR/ mt

or by the equivalent amounts in local currency. The price increase will also apply to current supply agreements as soon as and to the extent permitted by their terms and conditions.


About BASF
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. The approximately 112,000 employees in the BASF Group work on contributing to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio is organized into five segments: Chemicals, Performance Products, Functional Materials & Solutions, Agricultural Solutions and Oil & Gas. BASF generated sales of more than €70 billion in 2015. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). Further information at  www.basf.com.

Nursing council lists benefits of nursing educational reforms


… As Healthy Living Communication holds 6th nurse leaders forum

For nursing to remain relevant in the comity of health care professionals in Nigeria, the cooperation of all stakeholders in the implementation of nursing educational reforms is key, Mrs . Bolaji Shode, head, Lagos office, Nursing & Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) has said.

Shode, who was speaking in the capacity of the Registrar, NMCN, at the Health care Industry Interactive Forum for nurse leaders, organised by Healthy Living Communications, held at the NIMR Auditorium, Yaba, gave details on nursing education reforms in Nigeria and why it should be embraced by all and sundry.

Explaining the reason for a restructuring  in nursing education,  she  said the change is imperative for the  profession to achieve the best future possible, for  the educational system  to reflect the changing needs, demands and trends in the society, and the more pragmatic the reforms embarked upon, the better the professional growth and development that follows.


Nurs cou
L-R: Mr Emmanuel Oriakhi, managing director, Healthy Living Communications; Mrs F.O. Animashaun, head, Nursing Department, Lagos State Health Services Commission; and Mrs Bolaji Soyinde, head,Lagos Office, Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria, at the forum in Lagos

The Lagos NMCN Head further revealed the council’s opinion on the ongoing nursing educational reforms, which they wish to be in line with the National Policy on Education. When this is achieved, she said the advantages will be more than the pains for nurses across the nation.

Some of the benefits of the modification she listed are as follows: authorization of institutions by relevant  organ of the Federal Government to award academic certificates to the graduates;  academic progression of the students along existing educational system will be smooth and straight forward; the difficulty of placement of nurses in the labour market will be eliminated.

Aside the advantages for nurses, she said there are cogent justifications for the reforms, which makes the implementation much more imperative. “Changes in patient and disease profiles; advances in medical and information technology; the  shift to evidence-based practice, the need for life-long professional development;  the challenges of working in health care teams, etc. “, are the justifications she listed.

In her own contribution, the Director of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Alausa-Lagos, Mrs Dorcas Shonibare, charged the nurses on the need to imbibe the soft skill of critical thinking, which aides problem solving.

“In this age and time, nurses should be problem solvers, and that is why the skills of critical thinking, innovation, effective communication, leadership, are indispensable for all of us” she stressed. In order to possess these skills, she said nurses have to be apt to learn and open minded, to achieve excellence in their service delivery.

The Malaria Project Officer, Exxon Mobile Nigeria, Mr Akin Fatunke, who was one of the guests at the forum, tasked the nurses on the need to be abreast of trends in the profession. “Starting with the discipline, you are to ensure that you are up to date with the latest technology and research as it affects you. When I mentioned the fact that nurses need to be professional, I mean as a professional, how do you treat yourself, how do you brand yourself because it is after you are the best friend to yourself that you can give your best to others.

“So the ABC of the profession of nursing is the fact that you care, care, and care for others and of course yourself. I tell you, it will come to a point that after you have taken care of so many other people and people are relegating you to the background, either within the medical profession or not, you begin to see people fighting for you because you have done your job so well”.

On the issue of malaria control in the country, Fatunke said they will not relent in the provision of Insect ides Treated Nets to the people, and will also continue to train nurses, doctors, and pregnant mothers on the ABCD of malaria treatment.

Regarding the frequent complaints on the use of treated nets, he said, the Exxon Mobile health care team have gone back to the drawing board and funded the manufacturers of these nets in Sub Saharan Africa, to ensure that the long lasting insecticide treated nets that are been produced now don’t conduct that kind of heat, and I also discovered that it is an attitude thing.

While appreciating the participants and sponsors of this year’s interactive forum, the convener of the program, MD/CEO, Healthy Living Communications, Mr Emmanuel Oriakhi, disclosed that the wellbeing of patients is ultimate goal of the workshop.

He explained that if nurses have the required knowledge and skills to offer the needed care to patients, and if there is mutual inter-professional relations among health care givers, then the rate of mortality will be drastically reduced.


Pfizer unveils its website


As part of its activities to satisfy customers’ information need, Pfizer in Nigeria and East Africa has recently launched its website whose URL is www.pfizernear.com.

According to the press release announcing the launch of the website, it stated that the company has designed the website to provide the ultimate user-friendly experience with improved navigation and functionality. The new website will allow customers to access detailed product information and videos with the option to share information across all major social networking sites. Created with the user experience firmly in mind, the website has also been built to be compatible with today’s browsers and mobile devices.

“We have established this portal as a foundation for credible information. It will be a great platform where stakeholders can explore more into our business, what our business is about and what it can do in the future. We are proud of our website and will continue to improve the site so that it best serves how we communicate to our various stakeholders”,said Ngozi Ushedo, media and public relations manager.

She further asserted that Pfizer is dedicated to making significant contributions on improving global health through innovative initiatives.





About Pfizer Inc.: Working together for a healthier world™

At Pfizer, we apply science and our global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life.  We strive to set the standard for quality, safety and value in the discovery, development and manufacturing of medicines for people and animals.  Our diversified global health care portfolio includes human and animal biologic and small molecule medicines and vaccines, as well as nutritional products and many of the world’s best-known consumer products.

Every day, Pfizer colleagues work across developed and emerging markets to advance wellness, prevention, treatments and cures that challenge the most feared diseases of our time.  Consistent with our responsibility as the world’s leading biopharmaceutical company, we also collaborate with health care providers, governments and local communities to support and expand access to reliable, affordable health care around the world.  For more than 150 years, Pfizer has worked to make a difference for all who rely on us.


To learn more about our commitments, please visit us at www.pfizer.com




Irrational drug use: When we die not of diseases but from medications


Irrational drug use

For some days now, news of a teenage girl, Amina Ibrahim, who died of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, has become the talk of medical parlance, and of national concern. The poor girl ended up a consumed prey of this rare medical condition after being attended to, for cold and cough, by a quack chemist who, shortly after Amina was terribly down with this condition and was no more, disappeared into thin air. This occurrence, albeit very unfortunate, is very didactic for the Nigerian populace as far as rational and irrational drug use is concerned, and points to the very reason why qualified health care practitioners should, under all circumstances, be our first and last point of call for any of our health issues, and more importantly, why it behoves the medical personnel to improve their modus operandi.

Aforementioned rational drug use, which I believe to the medical world rings a bell, is what the generality of Nigerians should understand, and probably be made aware of in the manner of their peculiar pecuniary awareness; because as it is today, drugs still form a major part of medical therapy. Rational use of drugs demands that ” medicines be taken based on patients’ clinical requirements, at doses sufficient for their individual needs, for an appropriate period of time, and at affordable cost for them and community”.
Irrational use of drugs is not a problem peculiar to Nigeria but, in fact, a serious global menace. WHO stipulates that half of all medicines are inappropriately prescribed, wrongly dispensed, insouciantly sold, and half of all patients fail to ensure correct and adequate compliance. Irrational drug use does not leave out overuse, underuse, and misuse of medicines; the use of too many drugs for a patient ( poly-pharmacy ), administration of antimicrobials for non-microbial infections, the use of injection when pharmacotherapy will be achieved with oral, self-medication, the use of medicines for unintended purposes, and general aspect of drug abuse.
In Nigerian context, given the above definition and aspects of rational and irrational drug use, it is quite clear and obvious that irrational use of medicines is commonplace in our society, and which, with little or no attention meted out on it by medical professionals and the government alike , has, pitifully, continued to soar to the detriment of Nigerians.
I, like preponderance of poor Nigerians, have been an indirect victim of irrational use of drugs. I remember about seven years ago, one of my closest relatives received antikoch ( TB drugs) for nothing less than five months before it was later found, using more complex diagnostic measures, that the person in question did not have Tuberculosis. Though before the commencement of the regimen, the sputum test for the condition gave negative result, she was, nonetheless, placed on the said drug. Many people, out of ignorance and inadequate enlightenment, have become addicts, buying and using drugs in a bid to improve their performance at work. Witnessing all this scenario of drug misuse has been one of my experiences during my industrial training as a pharmacy student, and often times, I had to explain to people why depending on drugs to perform maximally at their daily work was not the way to go. Sometimes, we had risible cases of people looking for tramadol to arm themselves before their salacious visit to the brothel.
I would not be amazed if statistical data reveals that Nigeria loses more people yearly to deaths culminated from irrational use of medicines than deaths from traffic accidents, especially if developed nation like U.S., given its technological wizardry and sheer medical advancement , could, according to CDC ( Centers for Disease Control and prevention), record an historical 2.8 – fold increase in total number of deaths from prescription drugs from 2001 to 2014, then probably, it would not be far off to assert that “Pharmageddon” – period when medicine and its use would fetch more ill-health than health- is already, or at best, will soon be upon on us.
Misuse of medicines pervades the nooks and crannies of our society; a common practice among both the illiterate and the gentry. This misuse is exploited for myriad of purposes; boosting sexual performance, for pain relieving, euphoria, improving work strength, for false sense of wellbeing (” to get high”), sedation, for keeping awake, etc, and the vast number of people, from all walks of life, involved, is a pointer to the crystal-clarity of the epidemic nature of this “Plague”. Having said this, some people, however, have partaken in irrational drug use not for the above-listed exploits, but out of ignorance, abject poverty, carefree attitude, etc.
When blaming the goose, gander should not be exempted. The REAL culprits of irrational drug use are not only the quack chemists and patent medicine sellers who parade themselves as medical doctors, but also the qualified health care professionals who, for one reason or the other, perennially fail to conform to their professional ethics. For instance, I know of some health care institutions where patients’ relatives are given undue and unethical access to confidential medical files of the in-patients. When these patients need any drugs, but not available in the hospital pharmacy, the patients’ relatives would be given the file to search for the drugs outside. This practice, as witnessed in the hospital where one of my friends undergoes his 12-month internship programme, always gives room for any drug addition, subtraction, or alteration on the file by the bearers. Also, the out- patients are generally allowed to go home with their prescription papers and get their drugs wherever they may, even if patients are prescribed controlled drugs like narcotic analgesics. As expected, this has never failed to yield detrimental consequences because, henceforth, patients go about using the same prescriptions for subsequent purchase of drugs.
Patients, who, despite their going to the hospital, have had their medical conditions worsened and probably died due to wrong prescription and dispensing of drugs for wrong or yet to be diagnosed indications, are numerous, and major contributors to this great number have partly been occasional non-performance of necessary tests and examinations, professional negligence on the part of medical personnel involved, wrong diagnosis, large patient to doctor ratio which results in hasty prescription, and unhealthy lack of communication between health care practitioners which frustrates team work and puts patients in the danger zone; where two elephants fight, the grass there suffer.
Sometime recently, there was public outcry about some Nigerians who were about to be executed by Indonesian government for illegal drugs trafficking. Before and after this incidence, we had had cases of many Nigerians partaking in hard drugs trafficking, and for the reason known or vague, the trend can only continue to climb, given the widespreadness of irrational use of medicine in our country. When drugs are being handled like foods that you can easily go to the market and get, then we can only expect the attending consequences. Psychiatric cases, reckless driving by commercial drivers and riders, drug traffickings, rapings, social and political thuggery, disturbance and threat to public peace and security, vandalism,and other anti-social activities, are what that can never be found wanting in a society, like ours, where irrational drug use has become a culture.
Health care personnel should endeavour to always be ethical in their professional dispensation. The drug custodians, pharmacists, should let the mere handling of medicines to the patients be a thing of the time of yore. Drugs are chemicals which have potential to benefit or harm the body system; a common knowledge among these ‘men of honour ‘ which I don’t think I need to tell them but feel their patients gravely need to be told. To this end, therefore, comprehensive provision of information on drug side-effects, uses, proper mode and manner of administration, storage, interaction with other co-administered drugs, compliance, etc, will immensely ensure drastic reduction of deaths resulting from medications. Also, performance of necessary tests and examinations, avoidance of hasty prescription, ensuring correct diagnosis, forging healthy rapport through effective communication, inter alia, are matters of utmost saliency which, I’m sure, our doctors know are very crucial in bettering the lot of their patients.
Reduction of patient to health care personnel ratio, provision of world-class medical equipment, availability of funds for the organization of public enlightenment and education on the evil of irrational drug use, proper and implementable policies and legislation against drug abuse and misuse, creation of conducive environment for active and better participation of NGOs and parastatals in the ‘war’ against irrational use of medicines and related crimes, all these, if the government is really interested in saving its people from this ‘boko-haramic’ menace that threatens the size of our country, then, are worth its urgent attention. Our numerical strength, if greatly harnessed, can breed our greatness. So, nothing should be allowed to tamper with it.
People should learn to live naturally without drugs except for the utmost end of need. Swallowing painkillers and antibiotics for slightest body pain is no brainer, and parading ourselves as self-doctor or pharmacist is suicidal. Paracetamol, to many, is peanut, unbeknown to them that it’s hepatotoxic ( has potential to damage liver), while few people know that vitamins from natural sources are way better than vitamins capsules or tablets. Eating balanced diet; staying away from fast and canned foods, regular physical exercise, living in adequately ventilated place, cultivating habit of excellent personal hygiene, reducing stress through sufficient rest and positive thinking, cutting down on alcohol, abstinence from smoking, strict avoidance of refined sugar found in soft drinks (refined sugar contributes to insulin resistance which is highly implicated in diabetes), can keep us away from drugs altogether and save us from their adverse effects.
I will not say creating an El Dorado out of our society is an impractical utopia. Giving this “winged beast” a serious and onerous combative confrontation will in no measure go a long way in fighting this our common “enemy” and creating a perfect or semblance of a perfect society of our own.Not possible? Let’s try first and see how far we get. Like one of my friends would say: “not everyone is infected but surely everyone is affected”. Therefore, the war on irrational drug use is a collective battle of the health care professionals, government, and as well as the generality of Nigerians.

UI Pharmacy Alumni Association donates N2.5 Million to the faculty


Poised to provide an enabling environment for teaching and learning, the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, has donated the sum of Two million, Five hundred thousand naira, to support the procurement of  a bus for the faculty.

The event, which took place at the Faculty of Pharmacy, on May 26, 2016, was attended by the executive members of the Alumni Association of the faculty, Dean of the faculty; Pharm (Prof.) Chinedum P. Babalola, FPSN, heads of departments in the faculty , executive members of the Pharmaceutical Association of Nigeria Students, UI Chapter, representatives of the Director of Public Communication of the University of Ibadan and the Executive Officer of the Alumni Association of the University of Ibadan.

L-R: Pharm (Dr). Dapo Adetunji , sub-dean: Undergraduate, Faculty of Pharmacy, UI and financial secretary, UI Pharmacy Alumni Association; Pharm. Adeyinka Adeyemi , asst. general secretary, UI Pharmacy Alumni Association; Miss Bolutife Adedeji , general secretary, PANS, UI; Pharm. Yombo Agboola, chairman, Fund Raising, UI Pharmacy Alumni Association; Pharm. Lanre Tiamiyu president, UI Pharmacy Alumni Association; Pharm (Professor) Chinedum P. Babalola ,dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, UI;, Pharm. Abiodun Adeyemo, vice-president, UI Pharmacy Alumni Association; and Pharm. Olayinka Kotila , general secretary, UI Pharmacy Alumni Association.

President of the Alumni Association; Pharm Olanrewaju Tiamiyu, while handing over the cheque to the Dean of Pharmacy, re-echoed the focus of the Alumni, which was saddled on helping the faculty and by extension, the University. Pharm. Tiamiyu mentioned that the most pressing need of the faculty was the procurement of a bus, which the faculty has been unable to procure in over 30 years of its existence. Though the Alumni executive was re-inaugurated in 2013, Pharm Tiamiyu mentioned that the collaborative efforts put in by all members of the Alumni, including the Board of Trustees, to ensure the success of the donation was just a tip of the ice berg.

Pharm (Prof.) Chinedum P. Babalola, while receiving the cheque applauded the Alumni for their efforts in assisting to provide an enabling environment for teaching and learning in the faculty. She mentioned that the faculty was able to raise some funds for bus procurement during the 30th Anniversary of the faculty, but needed more funds to actualize the dream of having a bus to convey the students on outside postings and visits to community pharmacies.

Miss Bolutife Adedeji, the General Secretary of PANS, thanked the Alumni for the gesture and was hopeful that when the bus is eventually purchased, it will go a long way in alleviating the sufferings that the students go through in boarding public buses to go for external postings, ward-rounds and internships.

Unbreakable Laws of Sales


1st law: Conmen and salesmen are the same, except for integrity

People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. – John C. Maxwell


In the sales world, integrity is everything. When we talk about successful relationships, whether in business or in our private lives, we talk about integrity. Integrity is not a common commodity. It is a product that lives inside the mind of a great man. It is a character trait that emanates from inside that overcomes the outside.

Integrity is rare, thus upheld by few; don’t expect it from everyone. Integrity is not riches, yet it is greater than wealth! It is an attribute that doesn’t come easily. Integrity is not a skill; it is a consistent character trait that distinguishes an individual. It is for individuals who want to prove a point even if they are standing alone.

Integrity is one thing everyone wants to see in any deal. Businesspeople want integrity. Spouses go for integrity. Students want integrity in their teachers. Followers want to follow a leader they can trust. Everyone is talking about the importance of integrity. Once integrity is missing, everything is gone!

Integrity covers every gap.  It fixes every other weakness. In the scale of leadership, integrity is rated higher than skill. A lot of people have skills but only few can boast of integrity. A man of integrity could be pardoned in other areas of weakness.

Integrity is the starting point in any appraisal. Deficiency in integrity affects other areas negatively. Integrity is one of the foremost qualities of a successful salesman. A salesman who shows a character of integrity will stand out always; he will command a lot of followership. Integrity has its place in the journey of success. No matter what you do or where you see yourself, once integrity is absent, everything is lost!

In sales, buyers buy from the salesman or company they can trust. This is a given. Sales activities happen everywhere and all the time. We close deals daily and on many occasions. Some deals could turn out as expected while some will furnish us with experiences.

The first unbreakable law of sales talks about two words: Conman and salesman. These two words could be grouped together because of the word ‘‘man’;’ but each one has its peculiarities. The salesman is in the business of selling and providing value to his customers, while the conman is in the business of deceit.

Integrity is the outstanding word that makes the difference in the first law of sales. It is the word that separates the salesman from the conman. The conman and salesman have some things in common. They sell products. They send proposals to their targets. They attend business meetings. But there still exists a difference. While the salesman sells truthfulness, the conman sells dishonesty! This is the distinguishing factor that separates the two.

It is important to note that when a salesman loses the essence of true salesmanship which hinges on integrity, then there will be need to redefine who he really is!  Real selling is Integrity. Anything else is deceit!

Conmen have their selling strategies! They are also innovative. They apply ‘‘reasonable level of ingenuity’’ to ensure they convince their victims. The advancement in technology has also expanded conmen’s trade. They now have the ability to send out thousands of ‘‘fake’’ business proposals. Their proposals come with punchy benefits! All these do not change anything. A conman is a conman; his attributes are consistently negative! He loses because he lacks integrity which is the soul of business. Conmen never keep to their words. Their main stock in trade is falsehood. The answer to sales success still dwells on integrity.

A professional salesman is a man of his words. He goes all-out to keep his words. The salesman who demonstrates an attitude of integrity to buyers wins their hearts. Buyers will buy and continue the buying experience from the salesman when integrity is intact.

In the business of selling, the importance of Integrity cannot be overemphasised. The more buyers believe you, the more you succeed. Be believable!



George O. Emetuche is chief executive salesman, The Selling Champion Consulting Limited. He is a Brian Tracy-endorsed bestselling author, sales trainer, motivational speaker, and sales and marketing consultant. www.thesellingchampionconsulting.com


PCN should discontinue patent medicine licence in Ekiti towns – ACPN Chairman


Olanrewaju Jonathan Ofi

In this exclusive interview with Pharmanews, Pharm. Olanrewaju Jonathan Ofi, chairman, Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), Ekiti State Chapter discusses a number of issues relating to community pharmacy practice in Ekiti State. The managing director of Lanre & Lanre Pharmacy and Stores, Ado-Ekiti, also enumerated the multifaceted benefits of the chain pharmacy concept, as well as why he thinks the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) should halt issuing of licences to patent medicine dealers in urban areas of the state. Excerpts:

 Tell us about your pharmacy – how was it at the beginning?

After my internship stints at the State Specialist Hospital, Ondo, Central Medical Stores, Ado Ekiti and Ondo State Ministry of Health, Pharmacy Division, Akure, where I spent four months respectively, I was offered employment at the State Specialist Hospital, Ondo. But I was only able to work there briefly because I got a better offer from a particular community pharmacy called Glory Pharmacy and Stores, Ondo State then. So, I was at Glory Pharmacy and Stores as a superintendent pharmacist for four years before I started my own Pharmacy, Lanre & Lanre Pharmacy & Stores in 1993.

At the beginning, it was interesting because, despite the fact that Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) drugs were available in the hospitals, prescriptions were still coming and people were patronising us because of our location. Patients had confidence  in us. They believed they could always buy genuine and quality drugs from us; so the patronage then was high.

However, in 2008, due to the road dualisation exercise embarked upon by the then state government, part of my pharmacy was demolished; and for good eight months, the pharmaceutical business was paralysed and some of the drugs expired. I was devastated.

Not long after, through the grace of God, I was able to raise some money and I spent so much on renovation with the approval of the state government. Unfortunately, however, another government came in 2011 and demolished the whole complex with the excuse of wanting to plant flowers to beautify Ado Ekiti, the state capital. Sadly, till today the flowers have not been planted.

Really, it is the grace of God that has made us to remain in existence and is still sustaining the pharmacy up till today.

 It’s been a year since you became the chairman of ACPN in Ekiti State, how would you describe the journey so far?

The journey has not been easy, but in the area of achievements, we have been able to bring ACPN into the limelight through our various activities in the state, especially our monthly meetings. We are now visible and we have good working relationship with our parent body, the PSN.

Admittedly, there were some major challenges that I faced when I assumed office, including lack of finance and low turn-out of members at monthly meetings. But I am thankful to God who has been sustaining us and I also appreciate my members for the trust they have in me and their cooperation so far.

It has always been my policy since I assumed this position to ensure that names and contacts of all members are included in the minutes of our monthly meetings, so as to regularly keep in touch with them and constantly furnish them with information about the association from time to time.

In terms of finance, ACPN-Ekiti is presently not owing a dime, as we have cleared all our debts that were outstanding before we came in. Another major issue is that of pharmacists from neighbouring states who wanted to come to Ekiti State to practise dual registration, that is, “register and go”. To prevent this, we now make every pharmacist registering an outlet to sign a printed undertaking that they will attend the monthly meetings and possibly reside in the state. This is to allow them work for the money they earn and to discharge their professional duties as the superintendent pharmacists at their duty posts. To God be the glory we are moving the profession and the association forward in the state.

 What is your assessment of community pharmacy practice in Ekiti?

Community practice in Ekiti is making tremendous progress. We now have pharmacies that are owned and managed by pharmacists in the state and they are doing well – unlike what obtained in the past, when we used to have numerous pharmacies owned by non-pharmacists flourishing at the expense of the professionals. There is a better future for community pharmacy in the state, especially in the rural areas where there are no pharmacy outlets.

 What would you say are the peculiar challenges facing community pharmacy practice in the state?

Access to high quality, efficacious and safe medicines remains a major concern worldwide. In Ekiti State, pharmaceutical premises are concentrated (about 70 per cent) mainly in the capital town, Ado-Ekiti. We are therefore urging and appealing to pharmacists to open pharmacies in the rural areas of the state also, so as to fulfill the global requirements of pharmaceutical care.

More importantly, professional indiscipline and lack of adherence to ethical issues (such as abetting charlatans) remain a big challenge. Also, there is the issue of the Rx sign, which is a symbol for quality products and excellent professional pharmaceutical care and service, but which some outlets are yet to embrace. This is quite worrisome because the symbol is part pf what distinguishes us from charlatans.

I also think community pharmacy outlets should be restricted to pharmacists, so as to prevent the issue of price competition. We have found out that some non-pharmacist-owned retail outlets sell at wholesale prices, thereby attracting more customers to their premises. I would equally advise existing community pharmacies to work on improving the facilities in their premises, so as to make their premises befit a standard pharmacy outlet and not a patent medicine shop.

 How lucrative is community pharmacy business in the state?

Community pharmacy business is very lucrative in Ekiti. As community pharmacists, we have many areas to cover in the sub-urban centres, as the capital city is saturated with patent and proprietary medicine vendors who outnumber community pharmacists.

Let me also quickly say that the PCN must stop issuing patent medicine licences in urban areas and the capital town. Also, the distance between two patent medicine shops should be increased to 800 metres in radius and 1000 metres to a pharmacy.

The chain pharmacy idea is becoming increasingly popular, how do you see the development?

It is a good development in the country because this is a system where a corporate organisation owns more than two stores with pharmacists in charge. It is a good development since pharmacists will always be on duty to attend to patients and to be in personal control of the premises. More pharmacists will be employed and this will reduce unemployment in Nigeria. Also, patients and the general public will be willing to patronise pharmacies where experts are available to provide safe medicine and pharmaceutical care.

In addition, there will be no room for any pharmacist to condone or assist in the manufacture, importation, distribution, sales or dispensing of drugs which are not of good quality. The ‘register and go’ syndrome will also be discouraged.

Furthermore, the concept will stimulate healthy competition among pharmacists. It will motivate existing community pharmacies to improve their facilities and the quality of their services, thereby enhancing community pharmacy practice in Nigeria. Very importantly, though, government should allow only indigenous pharmacists to establish chain pharmacies for now.

 You must have set some objectives for yourself at the beginning of your tenure, how far have you achieved them?

I took over as chairman a year ago and, while some of our objectives are still in the pipeline, others are presently being implemented. Our objectives include a programme called ‘Access to Pharmacists is Access to Health’. It is a programme in which access to medicine in the sub-urban and rural areas will be encouraged. This is to uphold pharmacy best practices by spreading the tenets to the rural areas to influence access to good medicine and pharmaceutical care.

Also, to avoid this profession being hijacked by charlatans, the regulatory authorities will be supported to carry out their functions effectively and efficiently. We are ready to partner effectively with regulatory bodies like NAFDAC, NDLEA, PCN, PIC and others in their anti-counterfeiting efforts.

Community pharmacists will also try all possible areas to invest through partnership. This is to help saturate distribution channels with professionals in the rural areas through personal cash savings, cooperative loans, supplier credits, loans from financial institutions with little interest.

Community pharmacists will equally be encouraged to participate in public health programmes such as the National Programme on immunisation and the Roll Back Malaria initiatives, as well as in policy formulation and implementation in the state.

 What is your assessment of the health care sector in Ekiti?

Health care delivery should be a teamwork because every professional has his or her role to play, and this role should be patient-focused. Unfortunately, the pattern in the state is the same as at the federal level.

A major challenge facing pharmacy profession in Nigeria is the problem of drug counterfeiting, how can this challenge be surmounted?

The National Drug Distribution Guidelines (NDDG) is one programme that if well implemented, will solve the problem of fake and counterfeit drugs in the country. All pharmacists should support it and ensure it is well implemented so that it will benefit the professionals, as well as the general populace.

Also the state government should fund the State Task Force on fake and unwholesome products, while the regulatory authorities should carry out their functions effectively and efficiently.


Pharmacy interns should not make money their priority – Pharm. Kareem



In this exclusive interview with Pharmanews, Pharm. Sesan Kareem, prolific author and personal assistant to the PSN President, Pharm. Ahmed Yakasai, speaks on several pertinent issues in pharmacy education and practice – especially as it relates to young pharmacists in Nigeria. He also expresses his delight as PA to the PSN president. Excerpts:

What prompted your decision to study Pharmacy?  

I have a rich background in natural medicine. My great grandma and my mum were vast in using herbs, leaves, vegetables and other natural medicines to help people live healthy. I saw an opportunity in pharmacy profession to leverage my lineage’s rich experience to provide efficacious and safe natural remedies for various ailments. That was why I decided to study Pharmacy.

Pharmacy has always been my dream course and I’m very proud to be a pharmacist, although, my parents – especially my mum – wanted me to study Medicine, because one of my distant uncles, Dr Sunny Kuku is a very successful doctor. He is one of the owners of the EKO Hospital. The truth of the matter is if I were to go back to university again as an undergraduate I would still have studied Pharmacy.

 What has been your experience since you graduated from pharmacy school?

My experience since I graduated from pharmacy school has been diverse and rich. I worked for three years in community practice – JMK pharmaceutical limited, Magodo, as a locum pharmacist. I had my internship at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH). I served as a youth corps member in Imo State. Presently, I’m in administrative practice, working for the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) as personal assistant to the President of PSN, Pharm.  Ahmed Yakasai.

I’m also an entrepreneur, author, trainer and youth advocate. I registered my company, Mareek Image Concepts (MIC) with the Corporate Affairs Commission in July, 2013. Our focus includes publishing, training and coaching. I’ve authored some books. I’m a wellness and healthy living facilitator for the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), an expert freelance trainer of the London Professional Training Centre (LPTC), as well being the convener, Motivating the Nigerian Youth, a movement that has trained over 3,000 young Nigerians on leadership and self-development for free.

 What is your motivation for book writing as a pharmacist?

What really motivates me as a person is to help people grow, learn, develop and become better. I’ve authored and published five books – “Maximise Your life”, “Grab Your Destiny”, “Life Is Short, But It’s Really Worth It”, “With Patience You Are A Winner”, and “The Secrets Of A Fulfilled Life.”

I’ve just finished the writing processes of my sixth book – and my first health book – “The Secrets of a Great Health”. My third book, “Life Is Short, But It’s Really Worth It” was published by United PC., United Kingdom, and the book is available across the world. Others were published here in Nigeria. My purpose is to equip and educate people to discover, develop and deploy their inherent greatness in order to achieve their full potentials and make a difference. My values are service, sincerity, simplicity, ingenuity, constant growth, continuing development and team work. I hold on to the philosophy that man should beware of what lies before him, and what lies behind him, but, above all, he should beware of what lies with him.

 You were appointed personal assistant to the PSN President, Pharm. Ahmed Yakasai, last year; how would you describe your experience so far working with him?

Honestly, it is a great honour to be appointed by my mentor, Pharm. Ahmed Yakasai, as his personal assistant. Pharm. Yakasai is an astute leader, a business tycoon, a man of the people with vast experience and incredible achievements; but above all, he is a perfect gentleman.

You know it takes only great leaders to attract emerging leaders (smile). I was informed by another mentor of mine, Pharm. Ifeanyi Atueyi, that I would be the first pharmacist to be appointed as personal assistant to the PSN president in the 89 long years history of the Society. That shows you that Pharm. Yakasai is a trailblazer.

My experience so far working with him has been exciting and challenging. I have learnt a lot and I am learning immensely from him. His managerial and leadership skills, boardroom presence and administrative prowess have helped me to become a better leader, manager, administrator and thinker. I also believe I will continue to contribute my own quota to make sure the vision of Pharm. Yakasai of taking PSN to the next level is sustained.

Furthermore, I believe with every fibre of my being that by the time Pharm. Yakasai will end his administration as President of the PSN, I would have become better in all ramifications..

 What would you say are the challenges facing young pharmacists in Nigeria and how can these challenges be surmounted?

The number one challenge facing many young pharmacists in Nigeria is internship placement. Last year, I wrote a series of articles in Pharmanews on this and I proffered solutions. Let me paraphrase briefly some of my recommendations. One, exponential increase in the number of centres of internship placements; two, geometrical increase in the number of interns employed by tertiary and secondary health institutions; three, careful planning by the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) on the population of young pharmacists expected to graduate each year with corresponding internship placements/opportunities, using the Law School as a model; and four, willingness of newly inducted pharmacy graduates to go outside their comfort zone for internship experience, stop putting money first when looking for placement and start as soon as they see any opportunity.  My other recommendations can be read online.

The second challenge is the issue of “register and go” syndrome and the only solution to that is to encourage “register and stay” among pharmacists.

Thirdly, I believe as young pharmacists, we should put our resources, talents and expertise together. It is high time we started thinking of collaboration and partnership in order to achieve something substantial and tangible in the pharmaceutical sector – just as Fola Adeola, Femi Pedro and others did in the banking sector in the late ‘80s with Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB).

As a trained pharmacist, what is your preferred area of practice and why?

I’m currently practising as a pharmacist (smiles). However, going forward, my long-term goal is manufacturing of natural remedies of world class standard for local consumption and export across the globe. The reason is that the world is going green and the best cure to major ailments is in nature.

Natural remedies are safe and efficacious with fewer side-effects. Large scale manufacturing is also a very rewarding business, though it requires a lot of investment. In the medium term, I will look at importation of natural supplements and exportation of natural pharmaceutical active ingredients and excipients. In the short term, a world class community pharmacy.

However, I will still continue to write books, teach, train and inspire people because that connects me to the core of my existence.


New vista on hypertension management


Hypertension, in Medilexicon’s medical dictionary, means “High blood pressure; transitory or sustained elevation of systemic arterial blood pressure to a level likely to induce cardiovascular damage or other adverse consequences.” According to the Pan African Medical Journal (2012), in addition to the direct costs in form of treatment related costs, there are also indirect costs related to lost man hours and savings among workers due to catastrophic health care expenditures.

In limited resource settings where chronic disease control is yet to be prioritised and access to health care is limited, cost effective and affordable approaches are needed to meet this challenge. Unfortunately, the number of studies that report these costs is quite small, as few economic analyses relating to management of chronic diseases have been conducted in Nigeria.

As noted earlier hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is chronically elevated. With every heart beat, the heart pumps blood through the arteries to the rest of the body. Blood pressure is the force of blood that is pushing up against the walls of the blood vessels. If the pressure is too high, the heart has to work harder to pump, and this could lead to organ damage and several illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, aneurysm, or renal failure.

Hypertension is said to be the commonest non-communicable in Nigeria. Medical expert, Dr Pamela Ajayi, managing director of Pathcare Nigeria described hypertension as a disease of the African race, as statistics has shown that Africans are more genetically predisposed to developing high blood pressure.

She, however, stated that in spite of its prevalence among Africans, more Nigerians are dying of the disease because of ignorance, poor socio-cultural beliefs and poor health-seeking behaviours. According to her, though there is no cure, high blood pressure can be effectively managed for life when the patient is diagnosed earlier.

Ajayi stated that to quickly address this challenge of undetected cases of hypertension to save lives, every Nigerian must know their high blood pressure status.

Research has shown that the normal level for blood pressure is below 120/80, where 120 represent the systolic measurement (peak pressure in the arteries) and 80 represents the diastolic measurement (minimum pressure in the arteries). Blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called prehypertension (to denote increased risk of hypertension), and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered hypertension.

Hypertension may be classified as essential or secondary. Essential hypertension is the term for high blood pressure with unknown cause. It accounts for about 95 per cent of cases. Secondary hypertension is the term for high blood pressure with a known direct cause, such as kidney disease, tumours, or birth control pills.

 What causes hypertension?

Though the exact causes of hypertension are usually unknown, there are several factors that have been highly associated with the condition. These include:

  • Smoking
  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Diabetes
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of physical activity
  • High levels of salt intake (sodium sensitivity)
  • Insufficient calcium, potassium, and magnesium consumption
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • High levels of alcohol consumption
  • Stress
  • Ageing
  • Medicines such as birth control pills
  • Genetics and a family history of hypertension
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Adrenal and thyroid problems or tumours

What are symptoms of hypertension?

There is no guarantee that a person with hypertension will present any symptoms of the condition. About 33 per cent of people actually do not know that they have high blood pressure, and this ignorance can last for years. For this reason, it is advisable to undergo periodic blood pressure screenings even when no symptoms are present.

Extremely high blood pressure may lead to some symptoms, however, and these include:

  • Severe headaches
  • Fatigue or confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Problems with vision
  • Chest pains
  • Breathing problems
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Blood in the urine

How is hypertension diagnosed?

Hypertension may be diagnosed by a health professional who measures blood pressure with a device called a sphygmomanometer – the device with the arm cuff, dial, pump, and valve. The systolic and diastolic numbers will be recorded and compared to a chart of values. If the pressure is greater than 140/90, you will be considered to have hypertension.

A high blood pressure measurement, however, may be spurious or the result of stress at the time of the exam. In order to perform a more thorough diagnosis, physicians usually conduct a physical exam and ask for the medical history of you and your family. Doctors will need to know if you have any of the risk factors for hypertension, such as smoking, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

If hypertension seems reasonable, tests such as electrocardiograms (ECG) and echocardiograms will be used in order to measure electrical activity of the heart and to assess the physical structure of the heart. Additional blood tests will also be required to identify possible causes of secondary hypertension and to measure renal function, electrolyte levels, sugar levels, and cholesterol levels.

 How is hypertension treated?

The main goal of treatment for hypertension is to lower blood pressure to less than 140/90 – or even lower in some groups such as people with diabetes, and people with chronic kidney diseases. Treating hypertension is important for reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack, and heart failure.

High blood pressure may be treated medically, by changing lifestyle factors, or a combination of the two. Important lifestyle changes include losing weight, quitting smoking, eating a healthful diet, reducing sodium intake, exercising regularly, and limiting alcohol consumption.

Medical options to treat hypertension include several classes of drugs. ACE inhibitors, ARB drugs, beta-blockers, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, alpha-blockers, and peripheral vasodilators are the primary drugs used in treatment. These medications may be used alone or in combination, and some are only used in combination. In addition, some of these drugs are preferred to others depending on the characteristics of the patient (diabetic, pregnant, etc.).

If blood pressure is successfully lowered, it is wise to have frequent checkups and to take preventive measures to avoid a relapse of hypertension.

How can hypertension be prevented?

Hypertension can best be prevented by adjusting your lifestyle so that proper diet and exercise are key components. It is important to maintain a healthy weight, reduce salt intake, reduce alcohol intake, and reduce stress.

In order to prevent damage to critical organs and conditions such as stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure that may be caused by high blood pressure, it is important to screen, diagnose, treat, and control hypertension in its earliest stages. This can also be accomplished by increasing public awareness and increasing the frequency of screenings for the condition.

 Exams and tests

Your health care provider will check your blood pressure several times before diagnosing you with high blood pressure. It is normal for your blood pressure to be different depending on the time of day.

Blood pressure readings taken at home may be a better measure of your current blood pressure than those taken at your doctor’s office. Make sure you get a good quality, well-fitting home device. It should have the proper sized cuff and a digital readout.

Practice with your health care provider or nurse to make sure you are taking your blood pressure correctly.

Your doctor will perform a physical exam to look for signs of heart disease, damage to the eyes, and other changes in your body.

Tests may be done to look for:

  • High cholesterol levels
  • Heart disease, such as an echocardiogram or electrocardiogram
  • Kidney disease, such as a basic metabolic panel and urinalysis or ultrasound of the kidneys


The goal of treatment is to reduce blood pressure so that you have a lower risk of complications. You and your health care provider should set a blood pressure goal for you.

If you have pre-hypertension, your health care provider will recommend lifestyle changes to bring your blood pressure down to a normal range. Medicines are rarely used for pre-hypertension.

You can do many things to help control your blood pressure, including:

  • Eat a heart-healthy diet, including potassium and fiber, and drink plenty of water. See: High blood pressure and diet
  • Exercise regularly – at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day.
  • If you smoke, quit – find a programme that will help you stop.
  • Limit how much alcohol you drink – one drink a day for women, two a day for men.
  • Limit the amount of sodium (salt) you eat – aim for less than 1,500 mg per day.
  • Reduce stress – try to avoid things that cause you stress. You can also try meditation or yoga.
  • Stay at a healthy body weight – find a weight-loss programme to help you, if you need it.

Your health care provider can help you find programmes for losing weight, stopping smoking, and exercising. You can also get a referral from your doctor to a dietician, who can help you plan a diet that is healthy for you.

There are many different medicines that can be used to treat high blood pressure. See: High blood pressure medicines

Often, a single blood pressure drug may not be enough to control your blood pressure, and you may need to take two or more drugs. It is very important that you take the medications prescribed to you. If you have side effects, your health care provider can substitute a different medication.

 Possible complications

When blood pressure is not well controlled, you are at risk for:

  • Bleeding from the aorta, the large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis, and legs
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Heart attack and heart failure
  • Poor blood supply to the legs
  • Stroke
  • Problems with your vision.

 When to contact a medical professional

If you have high blood pressure, you will have regular appointments with your doctor.

Even if you have not been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it is important to have your blood pressure checked during your yearly check-up, especially if someone in your family has or had high blood pressure.

Call your health care provider right away if home monitoring shows that your blood pressure is still high.


Adults over 18 should have their blood pressure checked regularly.

Lifestyle changes may help control your blood pressure.

Follow your health care provider’s recommendations to modify, treat, or control possible causes of high blood pressure.


Compiled by Adebayo Folorunsho-Francis with additional reports from Pan African Medical Journal, Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension In Nigeria, American Heart Association/American Stroke Association and Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine

My battles as UNN’s unwilling vice chancellor – Prof. Udeala


Prof Udeala

In this insightful interview with Adebayo Folorusho-Francis, former vice chancellor of University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), Prof. Oleka Kelechi Udeala, speaks on the intrigues surrounding his tenure as an “unwilling” vice chancellor, as well as his other memorable experiences as a veteran pharmacist. Excerpts:

Tell us about your early years

I was the youngest child of my mother’s five children and I received a lot of attention. I think I might have been a precocious child. I was fond of telling a cousin of mine about the possibility that while we had our night, some people somewhere would have their day. I was not yet of school age and never heard of geography. My cousin was intrigued and based on this wanted me to pay him a visit so that I could tell him things he did not know. Each time I did, he gave me a penny.

Art runs in my family and I started drawing and painting with pencil and crayons. By the time I was a freshman in USA I had started painting with oil and got into abstract painting, which was becoming the trend in the 1960s. Maybe it was what I saw at the Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York City that inspired me. I was also good in drama so much so that in Secondary School, Reverend P.J. Collingwood said that if I were an English boy, he would have recommended that I study Theatre.

I like to create or make things. Whether it was in knitting a cloth or handkerchief – as the females were supposed to in their handwork at primary school – I easily copied and surpassed them, so much so that a boyhood friend of mine dubbed me omuru oka, which means one who surpasses his teacher.

 What was your family like?

There were about 17 children in the family. My father showed no interest in Western education. So, it was an uncle I never knew that sent his first child, my mother’s eldest son, to school (Methodist College, Uzuakoli). I had a stepbrother, Joseph, who was also sent to school but died early in primary school under tragic circumstances.

The other male children were probably sent to Aba as apprentice in a trade or specifically tailoring under a relation or family friend. My eldest brother was the exception. When his guardian died, he could not continue with his secondary school education. He left school and got a job as an account or sales clerk with Paterson & Zochonis in Aba. The female children were married off or sent to serve in a home to learn how to keep a home. With two brothers and two elder sisters, I was soon left alone with my mother.

The fact that there existed names like Joseph and Abraham suggests that although my father was not a Christian, there was missionary influence in my family.

 How did you manage to go to school?

I was made to live with my eldest brother in Aba to reduce the burden on my mother. This must have been around 1945 or 1946 because there were soldiers who had just returned from some war (World War II) regions. With his experience in secondary education and the effect that working for white people had had on him, my brother decided that I should go back to the village to start school in 1947.

Incidentally, at that time, my community was giving scholarship to all children who were qualified to begin school. The initial qualification was the ability to reach over one’s head with one’s right hand and touch the left ear with the middle finger. The final qualification was determined by lot. Wraps of a special leaf that contained gravel and others containing nothing were placed in a basket and passed around. Each child was made to pick a wrap out of the basket. Those whose wraps contained something won the community scholarship. Mine was empty, so my brother had to see me through my primary (1947–1953) and secondary education (1954–1958).

I obtained Grade One from Cambridge University in association with the West African Examination Council. From 1959 to 1960, I worked and studied for Higher School Certificate (Advanced Level). This qualified me for my first job as a science teacher in the Secondary School I attended. The Principal, Rev. E. B. Hall, encouraged me to sit for a competitive public overseas scholarship examination under the auspices of African Scholarship Programme by American Universities (ASPAU). I was successful and by August 1961, I was in USA to begin a baccalaureate degree programme at Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, Long Island University, Brooklyn N.Y. (1961–1965).

The fact that I had a Student J Visa did not permit any further academic activities after my graduation. The philosophy was that one should go back and serve one’s community. I came home some months later in 1966 in the midst of political crisis.

What circumstances led you to study Pharmacy?

What led me to study Pharmacy was an aggregation of circumstances. My Biology teacher, Mrs B. Hay, made us to take interest in professions like Medicine and Pharmacy in her teaching, which also was a sort of career guidance especially in our Advanced Level classes. Also, while my father was neither a traditional healer nor a herbalist, he knew about herbs and used them in treating people. This was apparently imprinted in my memory.

In addition, there was a time I was obliged to leave the village and stay with my eldest brother’s bosom friend, a newly qualified headmaster of a primary school. There was this ex-service man who probably was trained as a dispenser during World War II. He happened to have come from a village next to mine and bore the same surname as mine. Since the dispensary he headed was in the same locality, I was invariably sent to him for every childhood affliction such as intestinal worm infestations, constipation, chicken pox and wounds incurred during play. The large bottles containing “evil smell” and tasting mixtures or solutions such as Epsom Salt, Acriflavine, Iodoform or Tincture of iodine written in strange language intrigued me. The dexterity with which Dispenser Udeala with a shiny steel ‘knife’ burst abscesses, soaked a piece of gauze in a yellow liquid and inserted it in the abscess to get the pus out intrigued me no less.

What choice of study one made for ASPAU scholarship depended on what slot the participating American University had for Africans. I suppose I made the choice of Pharmacy over Medicine in the form I filled. The message came to the principal that a college of pharmacy would like to have me.

In retrospect, would you say studying Pharmacy was a good decision?

Yes! Looking back now, I think my choice of Pharmacy has been a very good one. Many people don’t realise that pharmacy degree curriculum exposes one to several disciplines of the applied sciences. This makes it a composite degree. Depending on which area of Pharmacy one is in, one may be confronted with problem or research akin to engineering (mechanical, design or structure), polymer, particle (nano particle), synthesis, formulation, bio-technology, powder technology and paper science technology.

If you had not studied Pharmacy, what other profession would you have chosen?

I might have chosen Medicine. By the time I graduated in Pharmacy, my American (adoptive) parents encouraged me to go into medicine at Columbia University. They indeed offered to speak on my behalf to someone they knew. I did not accept – ASPAU would not have allowed me because of my visa status. Besides I was already homesick.

However, I doubt if Medicine, in our part of the world, would have been as challenging as Pharmacy has been to me. Maybe Biomedical Engineering might have satisfied me

Tell us some of your memorable experiences in the course of obtaining your degrees.

I was a member of The Rho Chi Society and got Gold Pin for my academic performance. Outside Pharmacy, my memorable experiences encompass people I met, places I visited, how I got to the places, how I waded through racially divided America of the early 60s and how I lived in a society made up of people with strong views on their own side of the divide.

On arriving at the LaGuardia Airport, my first experience was to travel to New York City in a train under the Hudson River. During my summer vacation I had the fun of being at the top floor of Empire State Building, the highest skyscraper in the world then. Due to the fact that a project called Experiment in International Living was fitted into our arrival, I was just like other Nigerians sent to stay with an American family before our different universities re-opened. For me, the chemistry between this family and me was just right. The McKennas became my parents throughout my stay in USA.

Through these Irish-American parents, I met two persons whose names are in the history books. One was Dr Heinrich Bruning, Chancellor of Germany just before Hitler took over.  He fled to America in 1934 having been a strong critic of Hitler who was in ascendency then. He loved seeing me as an opportunity to reminisce about World politics and German colonies in Africa. The other man was Professor Arthur Burns. Little did I know he was a professor of Economics at Colombia University and at the time I knew the family, he was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank.

My American family came all the way from Norwich Vermont where I spent my vacations to take me to theatres in Broadway. Hence, I had the privilege of seeing live, The Sound of Music; West Side Story; My Fair Lady and other great musicals. ASPAU made life worth living by making sure I got free tickets to events in Broadway.

On the dark side was my experience in 1961 when I travelled with my adoptive family from Norwich Vermont to Washington DC and then to West Virginia. We stopped at Silverline Restaurant Route 40 Baltimore Maryland to have some snacks.  As we walked through the door, we heard a roar: “We don’t serve them folks here!” You can trust Americans in making their feelings known. The majority of those seated got up and replied in unison: “If you don’t serve them folks here, we ain’t gonna eat here!” We all walked out. I got instant malaria fever for this was entirely new for a Nigerian.

In my college, made up of almost 95 per cent Jewish immigrants from Europe, I had a great time. Some invited me to their homes. During our class trip to Washington DC, my mates who knew what they wanted took me to a burlesque (performances in a variety show format, which featured bawdy comedy and female striptease). This was too much for my puritan upbringing.

Generally, the north of USA was fine. I made friends with students, African and White Americans. When I still had time, I even painted a picture in oil, Sunset over Brooklyn Bridge for Linda Rush and celebrated Passover in their home. Mr Newman, the Registrar of the College of Pharmacy took me to Reformed Synagogue for worship where I witnessed the reading of the Torah.


(To be continued).

Thou shalt not steal


Early in 1961, I looked forward to entering a university by September. My options were University College Ibadan, University of Ife or University of Nigeria Nsukka. Eventually, I got admission into the three universities but destiny took me to the University of Ife to study Pharmacy.

As part of my preparations for university life, I decided to relate with those who had already passed through the ivory tower. Fortunately, I came across a young graduate. At that time, only Ibadan had produced graduates. Ife, Nsukka and ABU Zaria were just taking off.  I admired this handsome graduate of History, teaching in a secondary school, and decided to come close to him in order to obtain information about life in the university.

Luckily, the day I visited him, he was just about to have his dinner. He invited me to the table and insisted that I enjoy the rice and fried plantain with him. Although I was not hungry, I had to join him out of courtesy. He dashed into the kitchen and brought a serving plate, tumbler and a set of cutlery for me and then blessed the meal. As I picked up the fork and knife, I noticed that ‘UCI’ was engraved on them.  They were most likely   stolen from the UCI refectory. Instantly, I lost my appetite for the food and my respect for him. From my family upbringing and the Christian school, Dennis Memorial Grammar School, Onitsha, which I attended, stealing in any form was an anathema. I didn’t visit him again because I did not want to associate with a thief.

Like this teacher, some of us do certain things without realising the spiritual implications. But the Word of God is clear on this issue. “Thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:13). Stealing simply means taking something that does not belong to you in a way that is wrong or illegal. It could be a tangible substance like money, pen, drugs; or intangible ones like an idea or an intellectual property.

In the workplace, various types of stealing are commonly practised by employees. Some steal their employers’ money, time, property, customers, goods and so on. Where these practices go on, the business does not prosper. The business owners suffer losses of their investments. As a matter of fact, any business that is free from any form of stealing by the staff will keep on thriving, even in hard times. And even in the best of times, businesses can collapse as a result of stealing by the employees.

On the other hand, employers also steal from their employees. An employer that keeps staff working beyond the official closing time without overtime allowance is stealing from the employee. You are stealing his time, his money, his peace of mind, his joy and his life. And do you consider the opportunity costs of doing so? For example, the time this staff should be using to take care of his family, undertake some private development courses, enjoy hobbies or rest, is usurped by the employer without proper compensation.

Some employers are guilty of defrauding their employees by paying starvation wages. Deuteronomy 24:14 says, “Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy, whether he be of thy brethren, or of thy strangers that are in thy land within thy gates:” As an employer, you must be honest with your employees and pay them when due. Do not say there is no money and deliberately withhold or divert what is due to them. Their cries may reach the ears of God. “Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabbath” (James 5:4).

Many businesses also steal from their customers in their ambition to make money. This is why there are fake and counterfeit products everywhere. From 1993, when the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), was established with Prof. Gabriel Osuide, as the Director General, it has been engaging in war with drug fakers and counterfeiters. This war came to a climax during the tenure of the Late Prof. Dora Akunyili (2001- 2009).

When Dr Joseph Ikem Odumodu  was appointed the Director General of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria in 2011, we became more aware  that a lot imported goods – electrical and electronic items, tyres etc. – were fake. The main motive for the faking and adulteration of these products is to cheat the consumers and take their money. For drugs, in particular, it is not only their money that is stolen. The producers and sellers of fake and counterfeit medicines also steal people’s health and sometimes their lives, resulting in death.

Are you guilty of adulterating what you sell? Are you using a false balance?  Do you substitute high quality goods with inferior ones? Are your advertisements deceptive in order to catch gullible buyers? Are your cheap prices made possible by defrauding your customers, either in quantity or quality? Does your paracetamol tablet contain 100  instead of 250 grammes of paracetamol powder?

If your business is dishonest, your religion is a sham.



Onyechi, Lawal task community pharmacists on business sustainability


As part of its commitment to improving the ethical and entrepreneurial acumen of its members, the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), Ipaja-Dopemu-Egbeda-Akowonjo (IDEA) Zone, recently held its 8th Annual Pharmaceutical Business Growth Seminar.

ACPN 8th National Conference
L-R, Pharm. (Mrs) Folashade Lawal; Pharm. (Mrs) Abiola Paul-Ozieh; Pharm. Olateju Olakiigbe; Pharm. Deji Osinoiki; Pharm. Oyekunle Babayemi and Pharm. (Sir) Ike Onyechi at the 8th annual business seminar of ACPN, IDEA Zone

The seminar, themed “Growing Trans-Generational Pharmacy”, was held at Jjag Hall, Shasha, Lagos  and had in attendance eminent personalities and stakeholders in the pharmacy profession.

Dignitaries at the event included Pharm. Deji Oshinoiki, father of the day; Pharm. Olateju Olakiigbe, managing director, Egbeda Pharmacy and chairman of the occasion; Pharm. (Mrs) Folashade Lawal, MD/CEO, Victory Drugs Limited; Pharm. Ike Onyechi, (FPSN), chairman, Alpha Pharmacy and Stores Limited; Pharm. Gbenga Olubowale, Lagos PSN chairman, represented by Pharm. Oyekunle Babayemi; Pharm. Abiola Paul-Ozieh, chairman, ACPN, Lagos State; and Pharm. Madehin Olanrewaju Gafar, among others.

In his lecture which had the same title as the theme of the event, Pharm. Ike Onyechi, who described trans-generational pharmacy as a process of running a pharmacy business that outlives the owner noted that certain factors are essential to making a pharmacy business trans-generational.

“The pharmacy business should be structured in a way that when the owner dies, the business continues thriving, while the family keeps the business going in such a way that the vision and aspirations of the owner is well sustained,” he said, adding that it’s quite unfortunate that only 30 per cent of businesses in Nigeria survive the second generation, with 10 per cent surviving the third generation, and only three per cent surviving the fourth generation.

Using the example of Alpha Pharmacy Limited, the former chairman, West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacists (WAPCP), Nigeria Chapter, said a business must be built on the right foundation and according to God’s dictate.

He added that pharmacists must have sound knowledge of management, planning and marketing in order to run a successful trans-generational business.

“Community pharmacists must be readily available to give sound, professional advice and to help their clients deal with everyday health concerns and problems facing them,” he advised.

The doyen of retail pharmacy further told participants how Alpha Pharmacy Limited was doing all within its power not to become old-fashioned, saying that he had to rebuild the company’s Enugu Branch, furnished it to taste and moved it to a permanent site.

“Alpha Pharmacy and Stores Limited was founded in 1985 as a small outlet on Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, but today, the retail outfit has grown into a large community pharmacy store and a respected wholesaler and distributor of rare ethical products, and presently, it has eight branches strategically located in the north (Abuja), east (Enugu), west (three branches in Lagos) and south (two branches in Port Harcourt) of Nigeria for ease of distribution to numerous customers,” he stated.

Citing companies like Novartis, Samsung, Dangote Group, Deyo Pharmacy and Pharmanews Limited as some of the companies that have positioned themselves to become trans-generational, Onyechi advised community pharmacists to sharpen their skills and knowledge by attending short-time certificate courses as approved by international bodies and government, adding that the role of the pharmacist has evolved from provision of drugs and information to patient care and that pharmacy as a profession has come a long way and must continue to advance.

In his remarks, Pharm. Deji Oshinoiki urged all community pharmacists in the zone to collectively tackle the challenges facing quality health care delivery in the country and ensure they gain back the trust which the public once reposed in them.

Speaking in the same vein, chairman of the occasion, Pharm. Olateju Olakiigbe, said he was delighted that pharmacists in the zone are benefiting what others were not benefiting, adding that the annual business is apt as it affords pharmacists in the zone opportunity to learn from the experiences shared by the personalities who come to the seminar every year.

“The theme of this year business seminar focuses on growth and succession and for me, it is germane because it answers two questions on how we grow our businesses and what happen to our businesses after our death. Many of us are already planning towards this, but we need to be tutored by the experts on how best to go about it, so I am happy that we are now wiser and better informed,” he said.

In her own address at the seminar, Pharm. (Mrs) Mfon Nsese Ufot, zonal coordinator, ACPN, IDEA Zone, explained that the theme for the seminar was very important to pharmacists who always wish that their businesses continue to thrive after their death, considering the rate at which so many businesses crumble after the demise of their owner.

“The annual seminar has become a platform where experienced and seasoned pharmacists are brought to impact members of the zone and the public with knowledge on current startegies and skills required for profitable operations in today’s environment that is becoming rougher by the day. We need not over-emphasize the fact that pharmacists in the zone, as well as the public have always been positively impacted by these semianrs, and this in turn culminates in a better health care delivery system for the general public,” she said.

Also speaking at the event, Pharm. Folashade Lawal who presented the address, “Satellite Pharmacy: Opportunities and Challenges”, disclosed that satellites pharmacy are not common in Nigeria, despite their significance in meeting the needs of certain sets of people.

Speaking further, the Victory Drugs boss reiterated that the roles of pharmacists in the modern world has evolved into full-time patient care, as they now perform roles which medical doctors often neglect.

“We now have a suitable place for discussing confidential information with our customers and patients; we maintain and improve professional performance; we manage patients’ medication therapy; and we comply with national professional obligations, guidelines and legislation, among others,” she said.

She also emphasised that more community pharmacists show interest in establishing outlets in rural areas, noting that provision of drugs and health care in underserved areas is crucial.

“The reason why we should we endeavour to be in the rural areas is that we are needed more there as all Nigerians, irrespective of where they are located have the right to be served by us and these people in the underserved areas are dying unjustly.”

Speaking further, she explained that unlike the urban areas, rural areas are full of opportunities for community pharmacists.

“The opportunities in the underserved areas for we community pharmacists are numerous, as we are going to have access to enough space to locate our pharmacy, easy access to goodwill from people of the community, minimal running cost, less competition, highly profitable and possibly easy access to loan interest,” she noted.

Maydon sales managers undergo specialised training


–        As expert enumerates reasons salespersons underachieve

On 11 April 2016, staff of Maydon Pharmaceuticals Limited gathered at the conference centre of D’Palms Hotel, Airport Road, Ikeja for a two-day workshop, tagged ‘Leading and Managing Maydon Pharmaceuticals Sales Team for Result.’

In attendance at the workshop, conducted by Pharmanews-White Tulip Consulting, were sales managers, regional managers and the national sales manager.

Speaking on ‘Sales Management,’ Pharm. Tunde Oyeniran, chief operating officer of Pharmanews-White Tulip Consulting, disclosed that quite a number of sales representatives don’t like admitting that they find the job challenging.

“It is something we all know. Even Google, the almighty search engine,  confirms that sales management is not fun. Otherwise how come we have zero matches any time we search for words like ‘I love being a sales manager ‘, ‘I like being a sales manager’, ‘I love sales management’ or ‘I want to be a sales manager?

“By contrast, search for the following topics and you’ll be surprised at the number of results: ‘I love Paris Hilton (25,400 matches), ‘I want to be rich’ (102,000 matches) and ‘I hate my boss’ (59,200 matches),” he observed.

Maydon Pharma specialised sales training
Group photograph of participants and facilitators at the training programme for Maydon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. themed ‘Leading and Managing Maydon Pharma Sales Team for Result’, held from 11 – 12 April, 2016, at D’Palms Hotels, Ajao Estate, Lagos. (Front row, L-R); Mr Gbenga Adeniyi, HR/admin manager, Maydon Pharma; Mr Adekola Adediran, business development manager, Pharmanews-WhiteTulip training; Pharm. Tunde Oyeniran, chief operating officer and facilitator, Pharmanews-WhiteTulip training; Barr. (Pharm.) Layi Abidoye, a facilitator; Mrs Sochi Vivian Dunu, managing director, Maydon Pharma; Mr Uche Udozorh, director, business, Maydon Pharma, and; Pharm. Adebayo Gbadamosi, chief sales officer, Maydon Pharma.

The training expert praised the sales managers of Maydon Pharmaceuticals for setting a good example through their open-door policy towards their sales representatives.

“Being a sales manager is not about you anymore. The day you become a manager, it becomes about them. Your job is to walk around with a can of water in one hand and some fertilizer in the other. When the reps are not making the numbers, the responsibility for ensuring that every member of the sales team is successful and performing at optimum levels lies entirely with management,” he stressed.

Oyeniran further explained that when a salesperson is underachieving, sales managers certainly have reasons to be worried.

“Cases like this tend to throw up questions like: Are they visiting and talking to enough prospects? Are they talking to the right people within the organisations? Are they able to penetrate the formal DMU (Decision Making Unit) and get to the MAN?” he noted

The pharmacist-cum-trainer enumerated eight reasons why sales people fail. According to him, the first mistake sales managers make is picking the wrong person for the position though a wrong or no selection process.

“Two, it is possible the sales people had little or no training at all. Three, the representatives were probably expected to do all of their own planning. Again, there is this mistake of leaving them without competent supervision.”

Continuing, Oyeniran said, “Let us look away from the usual administrative error. We need to also find out if sales people are properly motivated to meet objectives. It is possible too that they are inadequately supported by a competent manager, not stimulated by appropriate incentives and not regularly appraised against a set of agreed objectives.”

As a lasting solution to ensuring pro-active attention from sales people in various regions, Oyeniran counselled that managers must continue to meet with each person on the sales team to gather some “emotional intelligence (EI).”

The trainer further suggested that sales managers should also go on sales calls with members of their team and with a view to constructively critiquing their sales pitch later.

Oyeniran also stressed the importance of being sensitive to the personal and professional needs of salespersons as this is the most effective way to motivate and get the best out of them.

“Treat the people below you like kings and queens because they are doing the hard work. Be the person they want to come to with questions and problems. Realize that a salesperson’s problem is your problem.

“Train your team constantly and review team goals regularly. Always maintain your personal integrity. As a manager, teach self-sufficiency, resourcefulness and be ready to take bullets for the team,” he urged.

Quoting the popular maxim of Socrates, the pharmacist said, “A group of donkeys led by a lion can certainly defeat a group of lions led by a donkey.”

Maydon is a forefront pharmaceutical company in Nigeria. Incorporated in 1994, its main operations started in June 2006 shortly after registering with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN). Since then, the company has continued to meet the health care needs of the people through its several NAFDAC-registered, commerce-and-industry-mediated and WHO-certified pharmaceutical products.

Currently, Maydon Pharma has over 74 registered products as well as over 40 staff across Nigeria.


Capacity to contract: Transactions of infants


Tamara is a 16-year-old student of Government Secondary School, Port Harcourt.  Quite frequently, he patronises D-Line Pharmacy & Stores on the same street as his family home.  All the members of his family are well known to Pharmacist Donald and the staff of the pharmacy.

To get some relief from a recurring headache, Tamara goes to the pharmacy to buy some painkillers.  Unfortunately, he does not have money on him at the time; so he takes the medication on credit with a promise to pay later.  He also collects a bottle of perfume and adds to his bill.

The following day, on his way back from school, Tamara stops at D-Line Pharmacy & Stores to pick up five more bottles of perfume.  He explains that they are required as Christmas gifts for his friends at school.  He is given the additional bottles of perfume on the condition that his entire bill will be settled by the end of the week.

Two weeks after, Tamara is yet to return to the pharmacy to pay his bill.  Incidentally, his mother comes to purchase anti-malaria drugs and is informed of her son’s outstanding debt.  Pharmacist Donald demands that Mama Tamara settle the bill for the unpaid painkillers and perfumes.  Mama Tamara refuses to pay, claiming that the sale of goods to her son is unenforceable because Tamara is still a minor.  In view of this, what is the legal consequence of the transaction?

As previously stated, a contract is an agreement which is binding at law.  However, even when all the ingredients of a valid contract are present, it may not be enforceable against certain categories of people like infants, lunatics, drunkards and the illiterate.  The general rule at common law was that contracts made by an infant were voidable at his option, i.e. not binding on the infant but binding on the other party.

The issues to be considered in this case are:

  1. The meaning of infant.
  2. The legal position of contracts made by infants.
  3. The meaning of necessaries.

The position of contracts made by infants has been modified at common law by the Infants Relief Act of 1874 as follows:

(a) The Act specifically declares that three particular types of contracts with infants are absolutely void:

(1) contracts of loan, i.e., lending money to an infant;

(2) contracts for goods (other than necessary goods); and

(3) accounts stated.

(b)            Secondly, the Act stipulated that it would no longer be possible for an infant to ratify at majority, those contracts which were formerly not binding on an infant unless ratified by him after the attainment of majority.  In other words, if he now ratifies such contracts, such “ratification” has no legal effect.

The first issue to be determined is who is an infant?  The age of twenty-one has been fixed at common law as that at which absolute and unlimited legal capacity to contract shall commence.  Persons below that age are, therefore, infants for the purpose of contractual transactions.

In the case of Labinjoh v. Abake, a Nigerian adult sued to recover from the defendant, a Nigerian girl, the balance due to the plaintiff for the goods sold and delivered to the defendant.  On appeal to the Full Court, the court confirmed that the Infants Relief Act was a statute of general application in force in Lagos.  It therefore follows that, for matters governed by English law, the correct age of majority is twenty-one.

The second issue to be addressed is the legal consequence of contracts made by infants.  The summary of the Infants Relief Act of 1874 is as follows:

(a) All contracts of loan for non-necessary goods and accounts are absolutely void.

(b)            Contracts for necessary goods and beneficial contracts of service remain absolutely binding on the infant.

(c) Contracts which are binding on the infant, unless repudiated by him either during infancy or within a reasonable period after the attainment of majority, remain unchanged and unaffected by the Act.  These are contracts in which the infant acquires an interest in property, with continuing obligations, such as the purchase of land, leases, renting of an apartment, purchase of shares in a company, partnership agreements, etc.

(d)            Contracts which were not binding on an infant, unless ratified by him after the attainment of majority, were no longer ratifiable by him after majority.  In other words, such contracts become void.

In the matter of Tamara and D-Line Pharmacy, there was a purchase of painkillers and perfumes.  These two sets of items would be treated differently.  As it can be proven that the painkillers were necessary for use by the buyer (who was a minor); the perfumes, on the other hand, would be seen to be luxury goods.

Section 2 of the Sale of Goods Act provides that, “where necessaries are sold and delivered to an infant, or minor or to a person, who by reason of mental incapability or drunkenness is incompetent to contract, he must pay a reasonable price, thereof.” By this provision, Tamara would be liable to pay for the medication he bought, since those items were necessary.

The Sale of Goods Act defines necessary goods as “goods suitable to the condition in life of such an infant or minor or other person, and to his actual requirements at the time of sale and delivery.”  In the case of Chapple v. Cooper, Judge Alderson stated that “things necessary are those without which an individual cannot reasonably exist… thus, articles of mere luxury are always excluded, though luxurious articles of utility are in some cases allowed.”

In conclusion, the sale of painkillers to Tamara was a valid transaction for which he is liable.  However, the perfumes are luxury items, the sale of which would not be binding on Tamara, being that he is a minor (below the contractual age of twenty-one).


Principles and cases are from Sagay: Nigerian Law of Contract

We need more people like him


You would like Ola a lot. Most people do. He was the kind of guy who listened when you talked, who smiled often, and who said things that made the people around him smile. He was intelligent, but in a way that made others feel comfortable. It’s the way he expressed himself in simple terms that you can understand – almost like he’s articulating the thoughts you already had in your head, but hadn’t yet found the right words to say aloud.

It doesn’t matter who you are either. Ola always had a way of relating to you. Because, in a way, he’d been there with you all along. He could think like you, so he understood you.

So many of us have limitations in our perceptions. We understand the soldiers but not the politics governing the war. We understand the people who go to the movies but not the ones who attend auto-races. But somehow Ola understood all of us. It’s his gift.  If he hadn’t actually been to the auto-race you’re talking about, he’d be honest about it – but he’d make you feel as if he was right there with you. And once you returned home after spending a good time with Ola, you’d catch yourself smiling and thinking that there needed to be more people like him in the world. Because if there were, there would be far less to worry about.

Ola passed away today. I don’t really want to discuss the details, because honestly they aren’t relevant. It could have been a car accident. It could have been old age. We are often far too concerned with how people died, rather than how they lived. And I want you to know how he lived. He told stories – lots of stories that contained subtle insights and wisdom about our lives and the world around us. And today, I want to share with you the last story he told me before he died:

 His last story

One Sunday morning when I was a little boy my father surprised me and took me to the fishing docks. But instead of fishing, as all the other little boys and girls were doing with their fathers, we sat down on the end of one of the docks and watched all the other children fishing. For hours, we sat there and watched until we left without ever casting a single fishing line into the water.

I was simultaneously sad and angry. On the drive home I told my father that I’d never forgive him for being so cruel to me. He looked at me, smiled and said, “I love you, Ola.” When I didn’t respond, he asked, “Did you notice how happy all the other little boys and girls were? Did you see their smiles? Could you feel the happiness in their hearts?” After a moment of silence I quickly snapped, “I don’t really care! I just want to go fishing like everyone else!” My father sighed and kept driving.

We went back to the fishing docks dozens of Sunday mornings throughout my childhood. And each time we saw hundreds of other little boys and girls jumping and laughing and celebrating as they reeled in fishing. But we still never cast a single fishing line into the water. We just sat there on the end of that same dock and watched. And my father never explained why. But he didn’t need to. Because years later, as I entered adulthood, I suddenly realised that it was those mornings we spent sitting on that dock that taught me how to be patient and to love. 3

Character is not the only component of leadership. There are also: approaches to thinking (Shakespeare’s Hamlet tells us that “Nothing is good or bad as thinking makes it so.”), learned skills in concentration, fundamental beliefs, personal values and specific actions that detract from or add to contentment and well-being. But character is still the essential component.

 Why character matters

Who we are makes a difference. The way we treat others matters. The decency or indecency that fills our hearts and minds matters. Our values as expressions of what we believe and how we live our lives really does make a difference to our leadership. The traits we’ve developed over time are of no little consequence to how we feel about who we are. Happiness increases our ability to demonstrate extra ordinary leadership.

When we look in the mirror, it’s often our character (or lack thereof) that speaks the loudest. But not all character traits are created equal, at least, not insofar as leadership is concerned. The following, then, are those traits I’m convinced will have the greatest impact on your leadership and indeed your happiness:

1. Courage

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.– Mark Twain

Fear is the great thief of leadership and happiness according to the works of Marc and Angel. It is parent to surrender. It sneaks in closed doors and robs us of resolve and the commitment and ability to endure to the end.

Courage, on the other hand, is fear’s great nemesis. It challenges fear, pushes it back, and keeps it in check by taking steps toward its objection. Courage thereby shatters the shackles of fear, sending it into the insignificant margins of obscurity.

Courage allows us to challenge our comfort zones, approach people and situations, embrace life and accept the pain that’s inevitable in all of life’s changes and challenges. Without courage, leadership is a little more than an illusion, a temporary mirage, a puff of smoke that dissipates into thin air at its first challenge.

2. Patience

Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow – that is patience.

How happy are impatient people? This is a rhetorical question, of course. The answer is obviously “not very.” At least not for very long. Impatience is another major bully to happiness and indeed to extraordinary leadership. It pushes happiness out of the neighbourhood almost as soon as it shows up. Let life happen, at least a little. You’ll find it that much more beautiful and happy when you do.

But learning to accept and allow, to go with the flow and relax a bit is critical to living a happy life and demonstrating extra ordinary leadership. Impatience is often the irritation we feel at the loss of control. But life bubbles and gurgles in ever-changing streams and flows of unpredictable activity. It simply is not 100 per cent controllable. And the more we try to control and manipulate the outcome of life and the events that boil up around us with any kind of precision, the more frustrated we’ll be at the effort.

So breathe. Relax. Take it in. Be patient. Learn to accept the uncertainties of life.

3. Gratitude

Gratitude changes the pangs of memory into a tranquil joy. – D. Bonhoeffer

To be grateful is to notice the good amidst the bad, the colour against the backdrop of grey, the lovely even if it’s surrounded by the ugly. It’s to count your blessings and recognise how beautiful life is even when life isn’t quite going as planned.

Learning to be grateful requires the desire to see what’s sometimes hard to locate for those who are not accustomed to seeing it. It requires retraining your mind to think about the silver linings in life. But for gratitude to affect your leadership and happiness in the deepest way, it must permeate your soul, encompassing attitude and thought, and becoming the general way you perceive life.

Gratitude doesn’t ignore the difficulty of challenges. But it focuses on benefits and opportunities of challenges. The Chinese characters for the word “crisis” literally mean “danger” and “opportunity”. All challenges and crises bring along with them greater opportunities.

When we’re grateful, our problems don’t disappear, they simply occupy less space in our hearts, minds and lives. The reason is that grateful people are focused on that for which they are grateful. By definition, that means the difficult, disappointing and painful commands less of our attention.

As a matter of fact, I don’t believe there is a single more important character trait to your extra ordinary leadership and happiness than developing the persistent, even automatic grateful response to life.

4. Love

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.( Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.-Martin Luther King Jr

Love conquers all, as they say. And while perhaps not always technically true (I don’t think any person’s love of murder would make this act of violence any less evil, for instance), love certainly goes a long way to being nearly true.

To recognise the centrality of love to living a happy life and showing extraordinary leadership, just imagine a life lived without it. Imagine a hateful, loveless life of happiness and extraordinary leadership (I know. That’s the point. It’s not possible).

The more love that beats in your heart, the happier and more buoyant your heart will be and the more you can demonstrate extraordinary leadership. The more you love life, the more life will love you back. The more your followers will be inspired by your extraordinary leadership.

Love overlooks weakness and closes its eyes to idiosyncrasies. It accepts, seeks, and empowers what’s best in others. This is the road to travel.

 5. Forgiveness

To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness. – Robert Muller

There’s nothing much more conducive to happiness and indeed extraordinary leadership than the ability to forgive quickly, spontaneously and freely. People who hold on to pain, who nurse their wounds, who call out the troops to seek vengeance for the wrongs done to them, may win battles here and there. But the war against unhappiness will largely be lost before it’s even started. An unhappy person cannot provide extraordinary leadership.

Refusal to forgive with exaggerated and lingering resentments lead to a self-imposed imprisonment that inhibits leadership. It’s the very bars that keep others imprisoned in our hearts that keeps happiness far away, at a distance, peering in at best. It’s time we free ourselves by letting old pain dissipate into the darkness, so new opportunities can take us to greater heights of joy.

So, have you forgiven your parents for their weaknesses as parents? Have you forgiven the playground bully or abusive ex-spouse, or your neglectful children( or inconsiderate neighbour or insensitive leader?

If you haven’t, you’re picking at the open wounds that can only irritate, infect and fester. Such open wounds often turn cancerous, metastasising, entering the bloodstream of other relationships, infecting them with its mortal disease as well. Instead, open your heart to forgiveness. Then your heart will finally be open enough to catch its share of happiness as well and your journey to extra ordinary leadership will be smooth.

Lagos ALPs takes health awareness, screening to Ikeja community


– Conducts free HIV, blood sugar, BP, cholesterol tests

Keeping to the popular saying that prevention is better than cure, the Association of Lady Pharmacists (ALPs), Lagos State Chapter, recently held a health awareness campaign and free screening programme for residents of Ikeja and its environs.

Proudly supported by LiveWell Initiative (LWI), a self-sustaining health-promotion and empowerment organisation and the Ikeja Local Government  Council, the two-day programme was organised to mark the commencement of the 12th Biennial National Conference of ALPs.

L-R: Pharm. (Mrs) Abiola Paul-Ozieh, Pharm. (Mrs) Modupe Ologunagba and Dr (Mrs) Moyosore Adejumo at the event.
L-R: Pharm. (Mrs) Abiola Paul-Ozieh, Pharm. (Mrs) Modupe Ologunagba and Dr (Mrs) Moyosore Adejumo at the event.

The event, which featured a health awareness walk beginning at the main gate of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), and ending at the main hall of the Ikeja Local Government Secretariat, offered opportunity for  many people to access free health counselling and screening on HIV, blood sugar, blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol, among others

According to Pharm. Modupe Ologunagba, chairperson, ALPs-Lagos, the programme was organised as a part of the association’s contribution to improvement in public health.

“Health screening is important because Nigeria is undergoing epidemiological disease transition and we found out that a lot of people are coming down with chronic disease conditions and health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes and other silent killer diseases…this awareness is very important and we are happy we have done it,” Ologunagba said.

Explaining further, the ALPs boss noted that regular health exams and tests can help detect health problems before they become complicated and sometimes untreatable.

“By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life. Your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices, what you eat, how active you are, whether you smoke, and other important factors impact what and how often you need health care,” she advised

While addressing the people of Ikeja community in the course of the screening exercise, Dr (Mrs) Moyosore Adejumo, director of pharmaceutical services (DPS), Lagos State Ministry of Health, urged the people to consider their health first in everything they do, adding that looking healthy is not always an indication that one is free from diseases.

Speaking further, the Lagos DPS who declared the screening session open, commended the Lagos State Governor, Akinwumi Ambode for his laudable role in prioritising security of lives and properties, as well as ensuring that there is conducive business environment for people of the state to operate in.

In his goodwill message, chairman of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), Lagos State, Pharm. Gbenga Olubowale, who was represented by Pharm. (Mrs) Abiola Paul-Ozieh, chairman, Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), Lagos State, expressed the delight of Lagos PSN at the activities of ALPs in the state, noting that regular health screening is essential to good health and health care.

“Health screening incorporates several tests, including preventative screenings and physical examinations to check patients’ current health and risks, and if any problems are found, the health care provider will provide information on treatment plans and ways that you can prevent health issues in the future,” she said.

While thanking ALPs for the beneficial initiave, one of the participants, Mr Gbenga Akemoloju, a staff of Ikeja Local Government Council, said he was delighted that an association like ALPs could come to their community with such a laudable programme.

He also expressed his relief at finally knowing his health status, while promising that he was going to inform as many people as possible to come for their health screening as well.

Another participant, Mr Awolesi Muyiwa, from Onigbongbo LCDA, thanked the organisers of the programme for giving him the opportunity to know his health status and the need for him to remain healthy.

Other dignitaries at the event were Pharm. (Mrs) Margret Obono; Pharm. (Mrs) Yetunde Morohundiya, former national chairperson, ALPs; Pharm. (Mrs) Bisi Bright, vice-president, LWI; Pharm. Hafsat Adeshina, CPC chairman, Eko 2016; Assistant Corp Commander Olawale Odekunle, FRSC, Ikeja Area Command; and Executive Secretary, Ikeja Local Government Council, Hon. Dally Adeokun, among others.

Internet of Things: Opportunities for the pharma and health care industries


“More objects are becoming embedded with sensors and gaining the ability to communicate. The resulting information networks promise to create new business models, improve business processes, and reduce costs and risks” Mckinsey – Internet of Things (2010)

IOT Shrivastava (Wipro Ltd 2015)
Source: Shrivastava A. (Wipro Ltd 2015)

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the networking of physical objects through the use of embedded sensors, actuators, and other devices that can collect or transmit information about the objects. Advances in wireless networking technology have made it possible to collect data from these sensors almost anywhere at any time. The information collected from these smart devices can then be analysed to optimise products, services, and operations.

In recent years, we see an increasing use of IoT in the pharmaceutical and health care industries. Pill-shaped microcameras – “chip in a pill”, a special ingestible pill – have been developed to traverse  the human digestive tract, capturing the health status, as well as drug effects on key organs, and transmit the data to a wearable device. This data is then sent as a report over cloud to health care personnel (HCP) for diagnosis. The information obtained can enable HCPs to prescribe personalised medicines that will improve drug efficacy considerably and reduce treatment period.

The Internet of Things is also applied in helping people keep track of their medications at home through smart devices used as personal medication assistant. An example is Amiko which aims to inform, alert and remind people with asthma (patient) to take the right dosage of medication and alerts them should the medication run low.

Shrivastava A (Wipro Ltd 2015)

IoT is transforming the Healthcare industry. Use of smart devices in clinical development and supply chain has helped in many aspects such as manufacturing and supply chain management, higher R & D productivity, improved pharmacovigilance and regulatory compliance adherence.

Scope of application

  •  Research and development

IoT applications such as “’Organ in a Chip” can drastically improve R&D productivity through rapid trials running multi-stage diagnostics as noted by Akash Shrivastava, a lead consultant with life sciences. During drug development and clinical trials, smart reporting and advance analytical tools will help generate vital diagnostics, enabling real-time reporting as there will be no need for continual feedback by subjects. This will reduce data reporting cost.

  • Reduce time-to-market for new drugs

IoT application can enable pharma companies to plan better with faster decision making using real-time information obtained from smart systems integrated across the pharmaceutical value chain components. The insights acquired during drug research, efficacy, adoption, patient outcomes will be valuable to leadership and marketing teams especially during drug launch, drug pricing, and drug marketing and related strategy development.

  • Regulatory compliance adherence

IoT application will enable real-time data reporting to central systems through the use of  smart devices. This will help improve pharmacovigilance and adverse effect rate can be minimised using the vital diagnostics collected from patients, thereby improving drug quality in terms of safety.

IOT Shrivastava A (Wipro Ltd 2015)
Source: Shrivastava A. (Wipro Ltd 2015)


  • Shrivastava A. (2015) “NextGen Pharma takes smart strides with Internet of Things” Wipro Ltd, Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore – 560 035, India. http://www.wipro.com/documents/nextgen-pharma-takes-smart-strides-with-internet-of-things.pdf
  • Chui M., Löffler M., and Roberts R. (2010) “The Internet of Things”. McKinsey Quarterly.
  • Christopher Colucci (2015) “Internet of Things in Pharma & Healthcare” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-things-pharma-healthcare-industry-christopher-colucci.

Increasing the life expectancy of Nigerians


The recently published 2016 World Health Statistics report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) lumping Nigeria among countries with the lowest life expectancy figures calls for serious concern. According to the report, despite worldwide increase in life expectancy, Nigeria, with an average score of 54.5 years for both men and women, is still among the seven countries with the lowest scores. The other six countries in descending order are Lesotho (53.7 years), Cote D’Ivoire (53.3), Chad (53.1), Central Africa Republic (52.5) years, Angola (52.5) years and Sierra Leone (50.1 years).

The World Health Statistics 2016 contains data from 194 countries on mortality, disease and health system indicators, including life expectancy, illness and death from key diseases, health services and treatments, financial investment in health, as well as risk factors and behaviours that affect health.

While the report shows that there is an improvement of five years in the life expectancy for Nigeria and across Africa – the biggest ever leap since WHO started publishing the health statistics in 2005 – the fact that Nigeria is still ranked with indigent and war-ravaged African countries is a serious indictment on Nigeria as a nation.

Life expectancy at birth, it must be understood, is the average number of years a newborn infant would be expected to live if health and living conditions at the time of its birth remained the same throughout its life. It reflects the health of a country’s people and the quality of care they receive when they are sick.

Actually, the WHO’s dismal verdict on Nigeria could not have come as a surprise to any careful observer. The statistics showing that life expectancy is low in Nigeria is simply a confirmation of the obvious. In recent times, the number of obituaries in the dailies announcing the untimely demise of young people has been on the increase – a proof that many Nigerians are dying in their prime.

The reasons life expectancy is abysmally low in Nigeria are multifarious and thus require a multifaceted approach to tackle. The first and perhaps  most glaring reason Nigerians are dying young is the appalling standard of living in the country. Majority of the citizens are groaning under the weight of hardship, even as the economy continues to nosedive and inflation rates continue to skyrocket, making it hard for many to meet the basic requirements for healthy living. This endless struggle for survival invariably increases the stress level for many individuals which in turn leads to diverse health issues that are often ignored until  it is too late.

Another major reason is inadequacy of quality health care delivery in the country. This is not unconnected to the nearly apathetic attitude of the government to the country’s health sector. For instance, despite the WHO recommendation and repeated calls from concerned stakeholders, budgetary allocation to the health care sector in the country remains hugely disproportionate. Correspondingly, most hospitals in the country are clearly lacking in required infrastructure to provide quality care. Many sick Nigerians who could have been nursed back to health have suffered avoidable complications and in some cases died due to poor care in our hospitals.

It must also be added that this poor health care delivery, especially at the grassroots level, contributes significantly to the high incidence of maternal and neo-natal mortality in the country. While records show that the situation has improved in recent years and helped contribute to the five-year increase in life expectancy, it must be stated that Nigeria is still on the unenviable list of nations where maternal and neo-natal mortality is still high.

But, perhaps, the worrisome state of the nation’s health care sector and the attendant fallouts might have been significantly mitigated, had the sector itself not been so prone to the canker of corruption that continues to ravage every aspect of our national life. There have been allegations that the bulk of the financial aid given by donor countries and agencies is often siphoned to individual accounts, rather than being spent on building hospitals, upgrading hospital equipment and facilities, and investing in life-saving research and development.

Only recently, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) said it was suspending disbursement of funds to Nigeria following discovery of large scale fraud to the tune of millions of dollars. The organisation, which is the highest donor to Nigeria in terms of HIV and malaria, said it had disbursed more than $1.4 billion to the country since 2003. Mark Dybul, an executive director at Global Fund, said an audit report exposed “challenges of grants not achieving impact targets, poor quality of health services, treatment disruptions and fraud, corruption and misuse of funds”. This, indeed, constitutes part of the cogent issues to be addressed by stakeholders in any attempt to improve life expectancy in the country.

However, beyond the economic and health care delivery challenges, we must emphasise that Nigerians must be enlightened to begin to individually take measures to ensure they do not die needlessly and prematurely.  Nigerians must adopt lifestyle that enhances long life and refrain from behaviours that shorten life. Such lifestyle modification includes eating the right food in the right quantity and at the right time, shunning sedentary lifestyle, getting adequate sleep and above all cultivating the habit of regular medical examinations to ensure early detection of health conditions.

We believe that with pragmatic and proactive measures by the Nigerian government, backed by the commitment of the citizenry to staying healthy by embracing healthy lifestyle habits, the life expectancy rate of Nigerians will soon experience substantial and consistent improvement.



How I became first pharmacy student to emerge OOU-SUG president – Shofoyeke


Adedapo Shofoyeke

Adedapo Adeniyi Shofoyeke, a 400-level pharmacy student of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State recently emerged the 31st Students’ Union president of the institution. He is the first pharmacy student  to ever hold such a position in the history of the institution. In this interview with Adebayo Folorunsho-Francis, Shofoyeke who is the first of five children, bares his mind on how he grew up loving Pharmacy and the battle he fought to become the first pharmacy student to attain his current status. Excerpts:

What was growing up like?

Growing up was fun and quite eventful. I attended Mayflower Junior School (1999-2005) and Mayflower Senior School (2005-2011), Ikenne-Remo for both Primary and Secondary education. My father, the late Pharm. (Prince) Kehinde Shofoyeke, managing director of Prince Eagles Pharmacy, was a pharmacist of repute in Ogun State and beyond, even in death; while my mother is a teacher. I actually had a usual childhood – played, read, was scolded and every other thing a Nigerian child from an average family went through, and would have ever gone through. Good old days! I still have fond memories of them.

 Why choose Pharmacy ahead of other science courses?

Well, after my first JAMB in 2011 where I scored 184…I wished to study Medicine and Surgery at University of Lagos (UNILAG). Unfortunately I didn’t meet up with the target and was instead admitted to study Mathematics and Statistics in Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Ile-Ife (2011-2012).  However, a number of events came up and I had a re-think. It was there and then that the idea of Pharmacy surfaced and my late father played a crucial role in enlightening me on the prospects of the profession.  I resisted initially but then the flare sprung and that was the beginning of my odyssey in Pharmacy. I eventually gained admission into Olabisi Onabanjo University in 2012

So, do you think you took the right decision in choosing   Pharmacy?

Sure! I know that I took the best option for me and I am proud to be an undergraduate in the Faculty of Pharmacy.

What makes you think you took the right decision?

Pharmacy remains a very good profession because of the high level of integrity attached to it. Besides, it blends with my spirit and perspective of helping humanity.

 Assuming there was no profession like Pharmacy, what other profession would you have chosen?

I would have invented Pharmacy.

 Tell us some of the memorable experiences you’ve had so far

Well, I wouldn’t say I’ve had much experience. One thing is sure, though. I have been bent and moulded to become a corporate person, with high confidence in myself and my abilities.  Thanks to the dean of my faculty, Prof. Mbang Femi-Oyewo. She is such a mother who would take time to ensure that, aside academics, we learn and imbibe the culture of self-esteem and good communication skills.  This has been the foundation.

 What circumstances led to your election as SUG president. What was the  contest like?

It was a thing of chance, calculation and opportunity. They say opportunity comes but once; however, one must be ever prepared to take up challenges and handle such opportunity when it presents itself.  The terrain of OOU is quite amusing.  We run a multi-campus system – you have the main campus in Ago-Iwoye, the College of Engineering in Ibogun, the College of Agriculture in Ayetoro and the College of Health Sciences/Faculty of Pharmacy in Sagamu.  According to the records, OOU-SUG has had 30 presidents. I am the 31st.  Interestingly, the 30 ex-presidents were all from the Ago-Iwoye Campus. However, in 2014, a student from Ibogun Campus (Ayannuga Olugbenga) contested for presidency but lost due to the fact that he was not from the main campus. The following year, he re-contested but the election didn’t hold due to issues with the university calendar.  It was from there that I took the inspiration and baton.  We launched a concerted campaign and, today, God has crowned our little effort with victory, an unprecedented one. The election took place on 27 January, 2016 and we were sworn-in on 5 February, 2016.

Where do you see yourself after school?

I see myself in the corporate world as a business tycoon and, later, in the business of governance.

How did the students take the news of having a pharmacy student being their new leader?

Of course, there will always be politics. While some were happy, some were infuriated. But now we are all united

Since OOU runs a multi-campus system, how do you hope to extend your administration to all?

Well, the Union allows for a vice-president and an assistant general secretary in each campus. These take correspondence in each campus.  Just yesterday, we started distribution and installation in all campuses. The good work has commenced.  Today, we presented a projector, a projector-screen and the accompanying gadgets to Prof. Kayode Oyesiku, Provost of OOU College of Engineering, Ibogun. This is part of the Students’ Union efforts in upgrading the standard of education in OOU – and also, in preparation for a series of accreditations coming up across our various colleges and faculties.

You dropped a hint earlier about moving into business and politics after school. Are you shunning the idea of practising pharmacy?

We have thousands of pharmacists all around the country searching for internship placements – which means that something is amiss. This wasn’t the case in the last two decades. And it sends a signal that entrepreneurship and innovation are key to survival in our evolving and somehow volatile economy. Perhaps within the next few years, Pharmacy might have overcome its present employment gridlock. But as a well-tutored person,  my goals are clearly set.  I will rather start a venture and promote it, alongside my late father’s production venture. However, I have not absolutely ruled out the idea of practising.

Funding is essential to the survival of any organisation. How does your administration source for fund?

We often explore our personal connections. However, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Adejimi Adesanya, has been very supportive.

How do you balance academic work with the stress of running the Students’ Union office?

It has been God thus far.  It is very challenging.

What is your advice to pharmacy students seeking to follow your footsteps by vying for SUG presidency?

They need to start believing that anything and everything is possible. I will be glad to see such new development.


ACPN canvasses pharmacist DG for NAFDAC


The Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN) has lent its voice to the call on the federal government to appoint a pharmacist as the next director general of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) for greater efficiency.

ACPN national chairman, Dr Albert Kelong Alkali made this position known at a press briefing in preparation for the annual conference of the association, tagged: “Coal City 2016” which holds in Enugu, Enugu State from 29 May to 3 June 2016.

The ACPN boss expressed concern that recent happenings in the Nigerian pharmaceutical indicates that an important agency like NAFDAC needs to be more efficient.

According to him, challenges confronting the sector include the numerous illegal pharmaceutical premises and patient medicine stores scattered all over the country, as well as the increasing proliferation of fake and substandard pharmaceutical products, which is fuelled by the activities of open drug markets that are left to operate freely.

L-R: Pharm Adeoye Afuye, national secretary; Pharm (Dr) Albert Kelong Alkali, national chairman; and Pharm (Mrs) Bridget Okocha, chairman, conference planning committee (CPC), Enugu ACPN national conference at the press briefing.
L-R: Pharm Adeoye Afuye, national secretary; Pharm (Dr) Albert Kelong Alkali, national chairman; and Pharm (Mrs) Bridget Okocha, chairman, conference planning committee (CPC), Enugu ACPN national conference at the press briefing.

Alkali argued that even though he had nothing personal against the immediate past DG of NAFDAC, Dr Paul Orhii, his appointment had been in error, as someone like him could never provide the required leadership insight for the various teams of inspectors at NAFDAC since he was not trained in the area of drug and food administration.

Alkali said only a registered pharmacist and practitioner can demonstrate adequate knowledge of the various dimensions of pharmaceutical practice, noting that Dr Orhii, for example, was an expert in pharmacology which is only one of the eight specialty areas in the pharmacy profession.

“This logically cannot make anybody have a good knowledge of Pharmacy,” Alkali said. “And let me also point out that expertise in drug and food matters is also exclusive to a registered pharmacist by virtue of his training. This is why pharmacists, in tandem with global best practice, are described as experts in drugs.”

The ACPN helmsman said it is therefore apt to emphasise that in terms of the regulatory processes in a core regulatory agency like NAFDAC, only a pharmacist has a jurisdiction as a regulatory officer in all the core mandate areas of pharmacy, food and drugs.

Alkali also revealed ACPN’s stance on the operation and implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), describing it as faulty and fraudulent.

“The National Health Insurance Scheme was established by the federal government to make health more affordable and accessible by the majority of Nigerians, but unfortunately the Nigeria factor has crept into the implementation of the laudable programme and made it difficult for the government to realise its laudable goals and objectives,” Alkali stated.

Bemoaning the mode of payment on the NHIS in particular, the ACPN boss lamented that the global capitation mode of payment (instead of the fee-for-service for secondary providers) has compromised the standard, efficiency and quality of services rendered by primary providers of the scheme.

Alkali also observed that pharmacists, physiotherapists, laboratory technicians and other relevant health care personnel have been sidelined in the operation of the NHIS.

“A situation where consultations, prescription, laboratory investigations, physiotherapy and dispensing of drugs are carried out by the same person is not in the best interest of the patient. It is unethical and exploitative; therefore, Nigerians who are enrollees of the NHIS should rise and ask questions on the functionality of the NHIS as we pharmacists, say no to global capitation,” Alkali said.

On the way forward for the scheme, Alkali urged the government to ensure that the enabling act of parliament setting up the NHIS is strictly followed so that Nigerians can benefit immensely from the scheme.



Baale explains why Pharmacy is tougher than other courses


Leadership expert, Lere Baale, has revealed the reason Pharmacy is tougher than any other course in the world, noting that while it is impossible to score less than zero (0) in all other courses, a student of pharmacy can score less than zero.

Addressing academic staff and past pharmacy students of Olabisi Onabanjo Univeristy’s (OOU) at the launch of the institution’s Pharmacy Alumni which took place at Westown Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos on 1 May, 2016, Baale who was the keynote speaker reiterated that Pharmacy is the greatest of all professions.

“Even if your aggregate falls in the range of First Class, you will still repeat that course. That is why we tend to have some course mates with whom we started together still in one or two sets below us. It is one interesting feature of pharmacy practice,” he said.


L-R: Pharm Adetutu Afolabi, chairman, OOU Faculty of Pharmacy Alumni planning committee and Prof. Saburi Adesanya, vice chancellor of Olabisi Onabanjo University presenting an award to Pharm (Pastor) Kayode Yusuf, managing director of L’Pacemaker Pharmaceuticals Limited
L-R: Pharm Adetutu Afolabi, chairman, OOU Faculty of Pharmacy Alumni planning committee and Prof. Saburi Adesanya, vice chancellor of Olabisi Onabanjo University presenting an award to Pharm (Pastor) Kayode Yusuf, managing director of L’Pacemaker Pharmaceuticals Limited
L-R: Prof.  Mbang Femi-Oyewo, dean, OOU Faculty of Pharmacy; Pharm Segun Taiwo, newly inducted pharmacy alumni president and Prof Saburi Adesanya, vice chancellor of Olabisi Onabanjo University, during the official launch of the institution’s Pharmacy Alumni, held at Westown Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos recently.
L-R: Prof. Mbang Femi-Oyewo, dean, OOU Faculty of Pharmacy; Pharm Segun Taiwo, newly inducted pharmacy alumni president and Prof Saburi Adesanya, vice chancellor of Olabisi Onabanjo University, during the official launch of the institution’s Pharmacy Alumni, held at Westown Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos recently.

The director of BusinessSchool Netherlands Nigeria who is also a regional partner of Howes Consulting Group further emphasised on the theme of the gathering, “Role of Professional Alumni in Nation Building,” saying it should not be underestimated.

“Although I know you held this launch here (Lagos) because of the dignitaries you invited, I suggest that you host subsequent ones in your faculty back in OOU. If you find the heat too much there, let some of you donate air conditioners to create comfort.

“If the buildings are not conducive, build new ones for the school. That is how it starts. Just as my alma mater alumni, you need to start donating toward the development of your faculty. I know it is an expensive project but you can do it and God will help you,” he enthused. .

While eulogising Prof. Saburi Adesanya, Baale said he had deep respect for the vice chancellor being a veteran pharmacognosist.

He added that while pharmacognosy is indeed a very difficult course, it is not as boring as many people claim.

The pharmacist also applauded the effort of Prof Mbang Femi-Oyewo, dean, OOU Faculty of Pharmacy, adding that without her support, his last years at Pfizer where he worked would have turned out to be a nightmare.

Thanking the keynote speaker for his gesture, Prof. Femi-Oyewo remarked that the launch of OOU Pharmacy Alumni was a dream come true.

“Since inception, we have a total of about 122,000 pharmacists. Anywhere you go, pharmacists from OOU are the best in their chosen fields. However, a school cannot do without alumni, which is why we need to have a formidable one on ground.

“The first and sixth pharmacy sets had come to donate things to the school. I was also amazed to receive a delegation of past students who trooped out to honour me on my birthday. This is the first time any former student is coming to honour a dean in the school. We expect other past students of the faculty to see how they can contribute to the development of the institution,” she urged.

Buttressing her view, Prof. Saburi Adesanya, vice chancellor of Olabisi Onabanjo University said he was elated that something as big as alumni commissioning was happening in the Faculty of Pharmacy.

“Many of you must have been wondering why Prof. Femi-Oyewo and I are so close. She was actually my coursemate at the University of Ife. But I am happy today that since its creation, OOU Faculty of Pharmacy has grown in leaps and bounds.

“For those who have recently visited, you will agree with me that the buildings were not the same as the ones you used during your time. Your new pharmacy facility is one of the best in any Nigerian school today. We are not there yet, but we believe that we can be the best in the world,” he said.

Charging the new members of the alumni, Afolabi Sorunke, national president of OOU Alumni Association, stressed that there were numerous benefits attached to being members.

According to him, joining prestigious clubs like Ikoyi or Ikeja club costs about N2 million per year.

“But let me reassure you that both don’t even have huge lists of members that match those of OOU. We have members in United Kingdom, The Netherlands, United States, and some other African countries. OOU is reaching far greater heights, let us be part of that success story,” he charged.

The mission of the pharmacy alumni, according to Pharm Adetutu Afolabi, chairman of the inaugural committee, is to bring together successful pharmacists, network and also see to the betterment of present pharmacy students of the institution.

The event featured activities such as constitution of inaugural executive members for the alumni, as well as presentation of awards to the trio of Pastor Kayode Yusuf, managing director of L’Pacemaker Pharmaceuticals Limited; Prof. Saburi Adesanya; and Prof. Mbang Femi-Oyewo, in recognition of their support for the inauguration of the alumni.

In attendance were Dr Timothy Fajemirokun, senior lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy; Dr Lateef Kassim, OOU senior lecturer; Dr Olushola Aremu, head of department, Pharmaceutics; Mr Niyi Oduwole, deputy registrar, Corporate Affairs Commission; Pharm. Tosin Ishola, executive director of Bentos Pharmacy; and Pharm. Sesan Kareem, personal assistant to president of Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN).

Others were Pharm Segun Taiwo, newly inducted pharmacy alumni president; Pharm Olaide Soetan, managing director of NHC Pharmaceuticals Limited; Pharm Abolaji Noibi, manager, Globacom Limited; Pharm. Ayodimeji Badejoko, managing director of Agenda Pharmacare Limited; Pharm Akinyele Aje, sales manager, Seagreen Pharmaceuticals Limited and Pharm Abimbola Olanrewaju, brand manager, Novartis Nigeria Limited.



Pfizer Academy trains community pharmacists on patients’ management


Towards the need for continuous capacity building and empowerment in the pharmacy profession, Pfizer Plc has organised a one-day Pfizer Pharmacy Academy, the objective of which was to deploy an impactful, world class integrated medical education/soft skills training to a minimum of 500 class A & B retail pharmacists in Lagos.

The training was aimed at empowering pharmacists with the principles of patient management with medications and to enhance their knowledge, as well as to equip them with tools, in order to have a reorientation towards new medicines.

L-R: Consultant Urologist, Dr. Funmilade Omisanjo; Managing Director, Victory Drugs, Pharm. Folasade Lawal; Chairman of the occasion, Lere Baale; Consultant Family Physician, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Dr. Nebe Nwamaka; Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr. Alimi Mustapha; Marketing Director, Pfizer Nigeria and East Africa Region, Winston Ailemoh; Consultant Cardiologist, Dr. Adanijo Monisola; at the Pfizer Pharmacy Academy held at the Four points by Sheraton Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos

Speaking at the event, Chairman of the occassion, Lere baale emphasized the importance of new medication in patient management, saying that every time you come up with a new medication, for every dollar you spend on new innovation, you will save as much as eight dollars on hospitalization. Typically this is costing the US economy 300 billion on both hospitalization and associated costs of manning for those people.

He further stated that the training will enhance their knowledge base on medication on the group of medication for that therapy area, while disabusing their minds from the practice of recommending cheaper brands in place of expensive brands, stating that this has led to complication of cases.

“That you think a medicine is cheap does not mean the pharmacological profile and the biopharmaceutical profile are the same with another, in fact, its creates more problem when the patient would need to go back to the hospital, because the patient is going to be hospitalized, and when the patient is taking a bed space that he shouldn’t have taken in the first instance, in a country like ours where we do not have enough bed space, then the compounding effects will be more than imagined.

“If somebody needs to be given a particular brand, you cannot use pricing alone to determine which brand is the best to be picked. A number of people that will use pricing alone without a means of protecting quality, such practice will lead them to become victims of substandard drugs, because many have been blinded on medications that they should have been able to use to manage Glaucoma”, he explained.

A Consultant Urologist, Dr. Funmilade Omisanjo, during an exclusive interview with Pharmanews at the Academy, spoke on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction among Nigerian men, saying that at least 30% to 40%  of men, who are above the age of 40 will have some degree of erectile dysfunction,  be it the mild form of dysfunction or severe form.

Omisanjo, who is also a senior lecturer with the Lagos State College, identified the causes of erectile dysfunction to include: age, lifestyle, obesity, smoking, alcohol, secondary factors- diabetes, hypodermia, and high blood pressure.

“Age is a very important factor; also lifestyle is a very important. Obesity is necessitated with that, lack of exercise people who do sedentary work or people who don’t do my physical activity. That kind of lifestyle will also predisposed people to erectile dysfunction. Things like smoking, taking a lot of alcohol. Most of these recreational drugs that people take actually have side effects of affecting erection negatively. Then of course you have various co-morbidity other diseases thing like diabetes mellitus, hypodermia, people who have problems with high level of cholesterol in their system, high blood pressure, people who have problems with their nerves, then of course there are medications people take various medical conditions that have various erectile dysfunction as a side effects. These are some of the function that predisposed men to erectile dysfunction”, he asserted.

On whether herbal drugs are effective in treating the condition or not, he acknowledged that the local things that patients take actually do work sometimes, though they work at the expense of some other things. “I will give you an example; most of the local things that people take are invariably things that have been soaked in alcohol. Alcohol in itself can be a risk factor for erectile dysfunction besides, the chronic intake of alcohol can have other side effects on the liver and all that. You can never tell what the concentrations of these things are. So in as much some of these do work, there are not the things we prescribe routinely”.

The urologist, who discouraged the intake of herbal remedies for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, advised men to always endeavour to seek expert opinion and treatment because they have well proven medications that do work.

He however, urged pharmacists to be discerning in dealing with patients, saying that they sometimes come under the pretence of the need for an energy booster or some herbal supplements. “I think health care givers should be sensitive to patients need. When people come with all these kind of loose complaints as it were, I think the pharmacists should take out time and have a discussion with the patients and when you see there is some degree of erectile dysfunction,  I think you need to encourage the patient to see an expert.